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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Little Sparrow

Little sparrow,  may I join with you today
As you sing to greet the brand new day
Your song, so beautiful, touches everything
With the love and purity with which you sing

Little sparrow, may I stay with you today
And see the world as it passes by your way
What joy it is  to be   simple and  free
Today I wish to share your  simplicity

Little sparrow how beautifully you fly
With grace and skill you navigate the sky
How truly awesome to see things from so high
One can see how  many blessings pass us by.

Little sparrow may I join you when you   sing
Your song for the evening which blesses everything
Thank you little sparrow for being  such a friend
May our friendship last forever, may it never end.


  1. Hi!

    I'm wondering how you keep coming up with such wonderful writing!

    One question: would you mind changing my link in your blogroll to (so remove the '.wordpress'-part)

    Thank you so much.


    - Prozacblogger

  2. HI ..

    I thought I did...but maybe a gremlin changed it back or blogger failed me .. I will change it immediately to htt://

    I write twice a day . as part of my healing and i hear things in my heart like a song . in verse. .I don't have the most perfect grammar but I write what's in me :)

    Thank you Prozacblogger!



Thank you for your comment.. you are dear to me.. I will reply to this comment