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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The frailness of humanity

We are all imperfect beings trying our very best
Sometimes we fail to do right this we can all attest
Yet oftentimes we forget the frailness of humanity
And whenever we are slighted its difficult as can be

First we think it over; then we roll it around inside
Then we  phone our friends who take it then outside
Before you know it, the problem that once was very small
Becomes a mountain of confusion seen by one and all.

So it would be so much better when people disagree
To keep the problem inside and not let everybody see
IF there's need for  intervention then find it quietly
Because so often our problems   increase with publicity

Behind the clouds

Behind the clouds that are darkening our morning sky
Is a sun that continues to shine: warming both you and I
Though the thunder claps and frightens us deep within
The storms are passing and soon  it will be sunny again

The rain pours down, the skies are an ominous gray
There's not  much to do but watch things from inside today
Lightning strikes,  winds are blowing things here and there
The universe is hosting  this marvellous display with care

Storms are difficult but they  will not be a forever thing
They come and go just as does almost  everything
We need to remember that behind every rainy day
Is a beautiful rainbow with its glowig colors on display

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

For just a little while

Soon I will go away for just a little while
I'll think of all of you and it'll  help me smile
Things that must be done will finally  be done
Memories come to  mind like an old fashion rerun

Taking measured breaths for it scares me deep inside
Can't chase away the fears; though I've truly tried
So I'm letting out my  feelings without    delay
Hoping as I go forward they'll slowly fade away

If there was a reason that I should have to go
God has not yet told me; though I want to know
Because I'm not able to  understand  mystery
I surrender to  God's will though  difficult it be.

Like Flowers in the Field

Like flowers in the field we bloom for all to see
We come in different colors and are unique as we can be
Everyone displaying  beauty from within
Like flowers in the field we reach out to Heaven.

Like flowers in the field we can bring forth a smile
We can awaken feelings of  hope in such a little while
Without a single word flowers permeate  the air
Like flowers in the field we can show we really care.

Like the flowers in the field: as quiet as can be:
We can accomplish good without much publicity
We don't need  applause for good deeds to be done
Like flowers in the field we blossom beneath the Sun.

Monday, November 28, 2011

To my abuser

To my abuser

Because I was weak you overpowered me with you hatefulness
You took advantage of me and broke me inside my littleness
You got to know me only so you could abuse me in my weakness
You confused me with your language so i fell for all your foolishness.

You wouldnt attack another who was a stranger to brokenness
But rather  you chose a broken one to subject to your untruthfulness
Your lured me with promises and I believed  all that false  kindness
You claimed your victory because I was a victim of my own blindness

You took control of me because i trusted you with  my confidence
And then you  threatened me if I didnt surrender to you in obedience
Now I am trembling because I must face once more your evilness
But I'm no longer your victim but a little light before  your darkness

Everything as God Wills

The night disappears  as morning starts to rise
A beautiful golden sun illuminates the skies
White fluffy clouds are quietly floating  by
The universe awakens and lets out a sigh.

Little winter birds sing with the break of day
A cool winter breeze whispers along the way
All creation rouses and  invites you and me
To ponder all the wonders everyone can see

Not a moment passes   that God doesnt give
Everything is ordered so we can fully live
All the good and the bad, the sunshine and the rain
Everything happens so God's Will can  remain.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Winter beauty

Tiny glimpses of winter has started to gently show
Leaves have already fallen, frost makes the trees  glow
Beautiful shavings of ice are sprinkled here and there
Winter wind is whispering  chilling the  atmosphere

Gloves and hats are pulled out and winter coats too
Children struggle with their boots getting ready for school
Whitened roads seem forever; while  all are on their way
To the place of their employment, to school or to play

Watch the snowflakes falling how peaceful they appear
They all unite together: leaving a pure white blanket here
How refreshing it is  to gaze upon the snow covered land
It paints images in the mind that only the spirit can understand

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Opening to the Light

When you feel you have reached the end of the road
And you are trying to decide which is the better way to go
Give faith one more chance, let the light inside you direct
So you and the answers you need can finally connect.

Sometimes the way's burdensome and you feel its too much
You question inside you  "why must i go through such"
Trust in  your inner  being and know that deep  inside
Is a haven full of answers and a place for you to  hide.

It's much easier  to present  to all a face that is not ours
Then to admit to someone that were hiding some scars
Thats okay as long as we plan to confront them some day
And rid ourselves of our secrets that keep demons at bay.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Little Sparrow in the tree

Little sparrow peacefully singing from a tree outside
Your song is so very soothing, and it touches me deep inside
While the Autumn wind is cold,  and chilling me deep within;
Your beautiful melody is helping me  to warm up once again

Little sparrow doesnt the cold winds blowing ever frighten you
You sing so peacefully even though bitter winds are passing through
So much beauty is coming out in that tune so pure and clear
I cannot help but want to stay and spend my time right here.

Little sparrow sweet innocent one I love hearing you every  day
Your song carries me to my deepest self  and chases my cares away
 I wish everyone could know this peace that comes from hearing you
Your song is like the angels song : heavenly through and  through

Everything else keeps us needy

My humanity cries out from every single pore
I simply want some peace: this and nothing more
Am not running after riches or any worldly fame
I'm not seeking some new title or important name

This may not seem so normal for the worldly mind
But the trail of worldly riches is NOT  what I want to find
Leave that for someone else; for  it will never satisfy
The soul's inner most longing: which governs you and I

Stop a moment to  question why is it we buy and buy
If anything of this world could ever prove to satisfy
Nothing we're running after has ever filled that need
We continue to seek more  and more:  driven by our greed

The only thing that'll complete us, keep us from that store
Is that which quenches the spirit:  that and nothing more
Everything else keeps  us needy and fails to satisfy
That which will is really important dwells within  you and I

Thursday, November 24, 2011

In the darkness of night

The darkness of night takes over as the day fades away
Sparkling stars are busy creating quite a beautiful display
Creatures of the night are crawling about the barren groud
Autumn winds whisper softly touching all around.

Softly glowing in the sky the moon mirrors the solar light
While nocturnal animals sing about the silence of the night
Quiet moments calm the mind that is readying for nightly sleep
Angelic beings hover around with songs that touch so deep


Autumns lullaby

There's a silence lingering aroud today
The clouds that gather all wear gray
Somber notes are rising from the trees
Cold winds send out the remaining bees

The sun that shines does not appear
A chilly cool invades the atmosphere
Winter is knocking at the doors of Fall
Soon a white blanket will cover it all.

Autumn is singing her long lullabye
While earth is silenced beneath her sky
Everything slumbers, all life is still
Time to hush beneath   God's will

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Good night

Good night my dearest  friends sleep well on this night
May angels watch over you untill the morning light
When you close your eyes may you quickly sleep
And may your dreams carry you to a peace you can keep.

From darkness to light

Because the night has been too long God gave us this new day
The darkness has now vanished  and clouds have passed away
Theres so much beauty arising  from the seed   so crushed  below
The storms  have given it a strength that'll help the plant to grow.

Pushing forth its little self  from the  darkness  below the ground
The seedling rejoices in the sunlight and the  new hope that's found
It doesn't call back those memories of the dark and dreary hour
When coldness and uncertainty robbed it of any hope or power.

Now the seedling is blooming bright and the stems are firm and strong
From looking at its beautiful glow one cannot know it had suffered long
For the flower that was  a broken seed crushed below the  ground
Shows nothing of it's pitiful state now that the  Light is around

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am only human

If you can't say words to help me don't say anything at all
If you don't have  words to uplift me please don't let me fall
I am  fragile and  I'm broken and needing some gentle care
If you haven't come to help me why are you standing there.

Today was quite the stormy one thunder was all around
My soul was so very jumpy and frightened by every sound
Everything seem to startle me it was truly a flashback day
Like the rains that kept on falling, my tears wouldn't go away

So now I'm in here rambling  and not making any sense
My nerve are completely frazzled and I'm feeling kinda tense.
How  did I end up so  tangled and became such a  mess
I don't think that I will tell you; but you are certainly free to guess.

Raindrops Falling

Raindrops falling softly calling whispering secrets from above
They are telling and foretelling coming graces filled with love
Pitter patter hear them splatter beautiful sounding drops of rain
Like the teardrops that keep falling they release the inner pain.

Listen deeply to that melody falling from those skies so gray
Hope is echoing from those droplets healing waters come today
Sweet the feeling deep inside me when the rain sounds all around
Oh how soothing and how moving the soul is lost in mytic sound

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Weeping Willow Whispers

Rest here beneath my branches, for just a little while
Let me see for a short moment the beauty of your smile
I will let you stay here resting as long as you're needing to
You can listen to the wind whispering as it's passing through

You're weeping and you're shaking your tears are like the rain
The universe is gently catching all those droplets full of pain
Close your eyes and try forgetting them;  all those painful things
All creation will quietly sing to you;  inhale the beauty that all this brings.

Finding the beauty of winter

The cold winds are blowing and whispering to my mind
Icy weather has beauty: "seek and you shall find".
There are some crystal blankets covering the infant day
They telll me winter's coming; the fall will pass away.

Geese are flying southward and honking out good-bye's
Heavy winter clouds   invade the morning skies
Everything  around me sparkles with  icy  chill
Yes winter has it's beauty you can find it if you will..

The leaves no longer fall and the earth is calm and still
Icy air sneaks in and touches   heart and will
Silence becomes more friendly and invites us all to see
The beauty that is  hidden inside  winter's tapestry

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why are there some who feel this way?

Have you ever had the heartache of  being quickly pushed aside
After having been invited somewhere, have you ever been kept outside
Do you know what its like to live as one marginalized from the rest
Tell me how it feels being ridiculed despite doing your very best?

There are people who know these feelings;  who suffer them every day
They are accused of  being different and not living the acceptable way
But really they're not so different but only live differently then some would
How wonderful this world would be if everyone loved everyone as they should


 I want to be much stronger and not demonstrate any fear
But that would not be me then; but someone else acting here
I can't pretend to be something that  I'm not deep down inside
The  fact that I'm  going back there makes me want to run and hide.

There are some who'll tell me: "no worries,  its not like it was before"
But in my memory bank, the reruns playing,  hurt me even more
 I'm trying to replace these memories each time that they arise
But I can't succeed in doing so  before tears have filled my eyes.

They call it  post traumatic stress disorder or simply ptsd
Memories become like real actions occurring deep down inside of me
There are ways to fight these flashbacks each time they come back
But denying they simply arent there is like embracing fiction over fact.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Going where I rather not go...

The anticipation of "the trip" is weighing heavily on me
And am reliving again and again that painful memory
I wish it would disappear without  having to go  back there
Help me dearest angels   flashbacks are  everywhere

Why must i go back there. to that place so challenging
Go back where i was hurt and  lost almost everything
WHat good will be accomplished. what will my presence do
Ah the terrible nightmares it has caused me to go through

If by going there things can finally come to some conclusion
Then I must accept what must be and hope for a good solution
I don't want to relive again all that trauma that happened there
But I will  do so one more time then leave all in God's loving care.


 There's beauty in this brokenness there is so much  hope everywhere
I may be struggling and may be hurting but I wont give into  despair
I know that beyond  this nonsense beyond what I can ever see
Is  a new life gently forming'and it's becoming part of me.

I have a teacher and a guardian: a therapist helping me
She's kindly and gentle but also firm when she needs to be.
What a  wonderful blessing having someone help me to see
I must be humble and open as the spirit works between her and me

If you're struggling or worried and can't see hope anywhere
Take tirme to search out someone who can help  with gentle care
It's not  a bad thing to reach out for some help in therapy
If you're willing and open you'll find someone, watch and see.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Just because you can doesn't mean you should

Just because you can do something doesn't mean it should be done
Hurting another's feelings should never be seen as  fun
Yet there are those who are heartless in what they chose to do
"Anything goes" is their motto; even if it means stepping on you.

Sometimes we forget another's feelings, when  pursuing what is ours
We forget that our words can be hurtful, and even cause someone scars
We need to consider one another, as we go throughout the day
And ask ourselves if something we're doing is hurtful in any way

We talk about  rights and feelings but everyone should have these
It's not just about our own little world but what everyone together sees.
We cannot keep on going like we are the only ones on this earth
We are all children of the universe: brothers and sisters since our birth

When words fail

I'm trying  to find the words for my feelings deep inside
But the attempt has proven futile; every effort is denied
So I must be humbly  silent and accept this emptiness
As an invitation to silence and some peaceful rest.

When my words are failing and I cannot form a rhyme
I must silence my attempts and take some quiet time
Immersed inside  the providence of this empty space
I await the quiet wisdom that the unverse has in place.

Sometimes when I am silenced;  I must allow it to be
I mustn't try to find out what wisdom won't have me see
So I  surrender  to the moment of complete helplessness
While the soul contents itself inside the universal silence

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Too Afraid to Cry

The tears are falling slowly from her little face
She's holding onto secrets she can't ever erase
A sorrowful litte child too afraid to cry
Is standing by herself and no one questions why

Her arms tell the stories that will make you weep
Her bruises reveal the hurt that she's forced to keep
So use to being abused, she's silent and so still
What a poor little child with bruised and broken will

How many other chidren are victims of such a fate
And carry little secrets that are discovered too late
Little ones who are innocent and beautiful as can be
Why is it they must  suffer so much inhumane cruelty

To the Compass inside you take heed

When the darkness surrounds you and you don't know where to go
When the sunlight is hidden and your day is going  slow
Turn to the Light that's inside you and you'll find the strength  you need
To go forward, even if crawling;  to the Compass inside you take heed.'

When your friends are all leaving and it seems there's no one to care
When the troubles are mounting and disappointement is every where
Turn to the Light that's inside you and you'll find the strength  you need
To go  forward, even if crawling;  to the Compass inside you take heed.

When the daylight is ending and you cannot seem to  rest
When your efforts go unnoticed and you fail while  doing your best
Turn to the LIght that's inside you  and you'll find the strength  you need
To go  forward, even if crawling; to the Compass inside you take heed.

When you life is at its ending and you are readying for your death
When you breathing is labored and you nearing your last breath
Turn to the Light that's inside you and you'll find the strength  you need
To go forward, even if crawling; to the Compass inside you take heed.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Struggle

Have you ever just wanted to back away and  let yourself be still
Let the world keep on turning and everyone do what they will
Have you ever just wanted to listen and appreciate the sound
Of every creature and every plant,  every living thing around?

What do you do with such moments, when you soul is seeking rest?
Do you go out seeking  solitude and make silence your only guest?
How do you handle the struggle that is taking place inside,
When part of you is wanting quiet and the other the world outside?

Truly each  of us has  this experience, at one time or another:
Being invited by two different spirits, each one opposing the other.
Would be so wonderful to give equal  time:  to doing and being still
For then we could  have perfect peace of mind and serenity of will.

Making room for

Everything is quiet aroud me and nothing is making noise
Even deep down inside me; there's  not even a  tiny voice
Perhaps its one of those moments , when silence is truly free
It's a time for self discovery and  time for discovering me

Usually when things are noisy and I am  busy all around
I'm not able  to hear my  soul whisper or any other sound
It's good to take some moments and accept the  quiet time
If I'm  to notice what's broken  or hear the poetic rhyme.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Therapy Homework

I'm working on some homework as part of therapy
Digging down inside my heart  to see what I can see.
There's lots of things to sort through; its getting pretty deep
I trust my T will be helping me decide what I should keep

Its quite a task to be plowing through the stuff from yesterday
It sure would be a whole lot easier to keep it packed away
But in therapy we come to know the reasons for what we do
And so we're  pulling  out everything  we hadnt paid attention to

As I'm pulling out more kleenex and trying to dry my tears
I am answering  alot of questions about the earlier years
And seems the more i'm thinking the more the tears they fall
 By time i finish my homework I won't have any kleenex at all.

Hushing us all...

The Morning awakens quietly  and brings with it so much beauty
The Golden rays of sunshine are nowhere  around to warm me
But  I will content myself with the sound of the soothing rain that's falling
Quieting all my senses so I can hear every raindrop that's calling

The Autumn season splashes in with colors of red and gold
And leaves fall from their parenting trees whenever they are told
Somber tones of the winter hum in the background of the Fall
The earth is entering a  quiet sleep  the  universe hushes us all

Today as we are buzzing around and waiting for the day to begin
Perhaps we can quiet ourselves enough to let the universe in
And as we're quieting ourselves inside perhaps we can try  to hear
Every sound and whisper that's coming from the universe so dear.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A quiet place to hide

Taking time to wind down and rest my weary mind
I'm going to my quiet place to see what I can find
Flowers and meadows and butterflies, all for me to see
Resting in such memories, helps   create tranquility

I ponder in my special place, so  very deep inside
All the secret mysteries which can't be seen  outside
There inside my being I contemplate the ways
The universe creates for us all our nights and days.

When we find  we are weary and broken up inside
We always have awaiting us a quiet place to hide
There we'll find a resting place and experience peace
There the spirit will speak to us making worries cease

Secrets come out like the stars

The night has passed,  morning wakes.
Gentle nudges, the universe makes.
There's so much beauty in the atmosphere;
All creation is inviting us to come near.

Quiet melodies and gentle rains
Echo within us and humbly remains
A part of our memory throughout the day
Reminding us of beauty along the way

There is before us a grand display
It leaves us searchig for words to say
Infinitely wonderful this world of ours
Secrets come out like all the stars.

Without  need for words the mystery
Speaks to you and speaks to me
Whenever we venture quietly
Into the silence of  eternity

Sunday, November 13, 2011

take time

some days you want to cry and cry
you want the rain to fall from the sky
no matter  how much you try and try
tears keep falling from your eye

.slow your pace and breathe in slow
count to three and let it go
repeat until you feel release
fill your soul with gentle peace.

close your eyes quiet your mind
quiet visions you will find
think only what is good for you
do ony that which is good to do.

A Voice for the little ones

Our dearest little ones with bright eyes and trusting heart
Should never  be abused or ever be broken apart
Nor should these little ones in whom angels take delight
Know the pain and suffering that so often is their plight

Yet in this world of campaigning;  protesting this or that
I wonder about the little ones;  where are their voices at?
Who will hold their signs up and protest what is wrongly done
Child abuse is never ending and the battle is never won.

We're  in need of a revolution, one that will stir the world inside
Making us more attentive to every child that has ever cried.
This world is run by people who speak boastfully of what they've done
But how many can say they've protected the rights of the little one?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Years are passing.

I'm coming to the end of the day doused in my own tears
I have passed my day in quiet, thinking over the passing years
My life is passing so  quickly and the days are slipping away
I don't ever want to waste a single moment  of any single day.

I was calling to mind my childhood and the other years
And also recalling how long it took to finally let out  tears
So many things were before me today and so am writing late
Now am preparing within my heart to quietly meditate.

I'm So Human ( for anyone who has felt this way)

I am so human please excuse me if I ever err
I still need your compassion and your loving care
Perhaps I'm failing and don't do things perfectly
Does that give  license for others to  ostricize me

I am so human I failed in what I should do today
Does that mean I deserve some mistreatment in any way
I didn't want to do what was so imperfectly done
Yet I am being condemned now by almost everyone

I am so human perhaps you can overlook this in me
I know I don't do things as others think they should be
But I'm trying with all the imperfections that you see
Doesn't that merit some sort of care and sympathy?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Doing what's right

Oh what a day it has been there's so much to be thinking of
I'm wondering, as so many have,  where in the world is love
Why is it so  hard to be senstive when we're  talking to one another
Why must our way be the only way when arguing with the other

 If we would be more loving and kind we must learn to compromise
Everyone giving up a bit of themselves to make the conversation nice.
And if  we would do all that we could be doing  in  every situation
We would never have need to excuse ourselves when faced with accusation

The world is full of crazy ways : creating rules  that never make sense
But we don't  have to follow the crowd into those  moments most tense
Sometimes we must be couragesous enough to  say I'm not taking part
And then let others think whatever they may while maintaining our peace of heart.

I'm just me

I'm not looking for a million bucks or a brand new car
I'm not seeking for sympathy or to become a star
I'm simply wanting to live my life being what I should be
Doing all that is mine to do and avoiding duplicity

Some may run after pots of gold and others after fame
Some may want their fancy cars and  a glowing name
I'm only seeking a simple life where love is all around
My happiness doesn't depend on the bank book's sound

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Here for others

I cannot look on pain and not feel it my heart
I cannot watch you weep and not be torn apart
Every broken person that comes in front of me
Becomes the special guest of my empathy

I'm not a stone that's unable to feel any pain
If I become  saddened my tears will fall like rain
I'm completely human and want for you to see
I cannot stay silent before another's misery..

If you find you're hurting, if your heart is sore.
You only have to reach out to  find an open door
I'm only an email away and I'll respond to you
I'll be your friend wrirting when you need me to

Business as usual?

The cool air of autumn is slowly settling in
While the new day is starting and challenges begin
The sun is shining brightly the sky is bright and blue
What a wonderful work of art is looking out at you

We're so very busy, we never stop and pause
We run here and there and  hurry  without cause
Trying to keep a pace that the world seems to set
The important thing of life we overlook and forget.

If for  just one day we could stop and rearrange
The schedule that we keep and make a little change
Allowing for some moments of gentle calming peace
Perhaps we would find our production would increase.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Trying to Understand

Tears are falling from my eyes
Like gentle rain from darkened skies
Sometimes love  is not understood
There's a price to pay for doing good

The road less travelled is the one for me
But  it wont win me   popularity
Crowded  the road that many will take
 Walking alone is not  a mistake.

Taking a deep breath, I quietly cry
Trying to reason I  question why
Love is not meant to be just for sum
but love is meant   for everyone.


There are times when you'll feel alone, like no one understands you
You'll be surrounded by so many people, yet feel alone in what you must do
This is when you must dig deep and hold on to what really defines you
Remembering that you can never be anything but what is really true

Sometimes you will have to take a stand which no one else will take
Sometimes you will have to speak the words that make the comfortable shake
Whatever the moment you find yourself in,  remember that deep inside
You will always  have what ever you need to confront the world outside.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Night In The Desert

You're in the middle of a desert and it’s so dark outside
You're finding it hard  to see and it’s also hard to hide
Unfamiliar creatures are romping and jumping all around
The desert leaves you lonely; no one familiar can be  found

You call out for someone to hear you but there’s no one to hear
You’re alone with all your emotions and overtaken by your fear
The desert calls your name out; but you don’t know where to go
You follow the light within you but you’re crawling very  slow.

You’re bumping into things that you didn’t know were there
You feeling around the darkness; the unknown is everywhere
You’re longing for the daylight: the darkness blinds your will
You’re enveloped by the nothingness that keeps your spirit still.

The storm has passed

The storm has passed and now I'm free
To look at all that has happened to me
Sorting through  the inner debris
I'm left to ponder this  mystery

Last night  was rough as it could be
I was held captive by my memory
There was nothing I could do or say
To make the storm clouds go  away

So  my pillow was soaked with tears
That sought release over the  years
I could only whisper "let it be"
Tears poured out and covered me.

Now the morning  has brought the sun
And I  see clearly what the storm has done
I gained courage while drenched in rain
Saw the victory emmerge from  pain.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Needing an angel

Tonight is one of those nights, when my nerves are very raw.
My insides are   shaken up and  memories return to gnaw.
I'm  trying to free myself from these feelings deep inside;
The closer I come to that  date the more I want to  hide.

I know I must change my focus to turn my thoughts around;
But the fears are so overpowering no quiet place can be found
I'm feeling so very helpless, like an earthquake is underway:
Everything I want to  hold on to is slowly slipping away.

My heart is racing inside me, pain joins the panic inside.
I'm finding it hard to breathe with worries from every side.
I know I will make it through this; but this is surely a night
When the elements will have their way I wont put up a fight

Freedom to choose

There is always a reason to celebrate a reason to rejoice
No matter what your circumstance you always have a choice
You can choose to look for the gold or be content to keep the dud
You can stand up against   the odds  or crawl around in the mud.

The choice is always yours; you will  always have the right
You can choose to walk in the darkness or opt to walk in the light
No matter what others may say;  no matter what they may do:
What you choose to do with your life is  totally  up to you.

So what direction will you be taking,  where will you choose to go?
Will you continue following  the crowd or opt to go solo?
This is your  time for victory  a time to conquer your fear
That you can make a decision  is why we're  celebrating here.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

By the lakeside

 I am going to the lakeside, the waters they are clear
THe stars outside are shining, some crickets I can hear
Peaceful waves are rolling in there is a gentle breeze
How beautiful the moonlight when  shining through the trees

A splash of water hits me a bullfrog takes a swim
Fish are jumping playfully while seagulls dive and skim
What a wonderful setting for a meditation to begin
There's so much grace and  beauty; I'm taking it all in.

Can you hear inside you some peaceful  memory
Are there times and places you'd much rather be
Meditation can lead you to those times most dear
Let your spirit guide you; step beyond the here.

We are all part of the one Spirit

Every living creature deserves our kind respect
Whether it's a human being or the tiniest   insect
We are all so  interconnected bonded to one another
We all come from the earth who is our common mother.

Even the plants and trees that move with gentle care
Depend upon our Source to provide them needed air
Everyone has something in them from  the world outside
And we contribute to the world something from us inside.

Life is  an infinite mystery of which we are all apart
It  unites us all so uniquely and moves within our heart
We are all part of the one Spirit of which we breathe inside
We all must work together to maintain the this unity outside.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

You do not have to weep alone

I have here a kleenex so that you may dry your tears
I also have  two open arms to calm you in your fears
You do not have to weep alone I will be here for you
Go ahead and cry dear one it's alright to do.

When your heart is heavy and you feel you are alone
You can always count on me you only have to phone
I will listen to your words and let you freely weep
Every secret that you share   in my heart  I'll keep

That is what a friend is for: being able to  share
The heartaches and the joys whichever one is there.
I will always be a friend  you can depend on me
Friendship is the most perfect gift there can ever be.

PTSD and me

 I refuse to accept the verdict passed upon my soul
Ptsd will not always be with me as I pursue my goal
It is a passing condition imposed by the hands of fate
Someday I will overcome it;  my freedom wont come too late.

The memories that spark the symptoms of my ptsd
Can be replaced by convictions of greater intensity
Time will conquer this burden and then I will be free
I won't always be the victim of this hurtful memory .

Nothing stays the same

The dawn is being heralded by a  gentle breeze
While the wind is whistling tunes through the barren trees.
Autumn sounds are  rising up and  filling up the air.
The universe is readying for the day with gentle care

The sun is slowy rising up and coloring the sky
The moon is sending messages, telling us goodbye
The creatures of the night are running from the light
The dawn is rising triumphant over the passing night.

Shades of oranges and yellows are appearing everywhere
Splashes of autumn colors paint  the earth with care
Everything around us cries out the Season's name
The entire universe reminds us : nothing stays the same

Friday, November 4, 2011

Do tell me your reply...

 Listen to the sound of the day that's disappearing
Ponder over the view of the moon that's reappearing
What are the sounds you're hearing,  as you begin to try
To capture all the universe? Do  tell me your reply...

Beauty's  gently whispering deep inside your heart
The sun is slowly waning as  the day begins to part
So much of the universe is shouting  to you and me
We have only to be attentive to be in their mystery

Write down in a journal if you're willing to  tonight
Everything that's beautiful and lovely in your sight
Count the many blessings surrounding you today
Write  them out completely; don't let them slip away

After you have finihed pencilling in your   book
Allow yourself one more moment  take another look
What is there around you, still inviting you to   see
Speaking to you of the Infinite and echoing Eternity?

Quiet companions ever by our side

Quiet companions ever by our side
Whispering, prodding talking to us inside
Protecting and guiding us all along the way
Our angels are with us every moment of the day

Whenever there's danger, they are ever so near
Whenever we're lonely they shout out "I'm here"
Whenever we are crying and tears fill our eyes
Our angels will bring back the sun to our skies.

Our angels are around us they will never leave
Even if we doubt them and say we don't believe
They've always been with us through both day and night
And will continue until we reach Heaven's light

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Must I apologize for being human?

Do I need to apologize for shedding human tears
For feeling human pain resulting from hurtful years
Do I need to say I'm sorry for what I can't understand
For not being able to move on as fast as you think I can

Do I need to explain whenever you're judging  me
Though I'm so deeply scarred and broken as can be.
Do I even need your permission to open my heart to cry
While you stand in judgement and continue to ask me why?

Do you think that you're better than me because you weep inside
While every tear  I release tells   all the  sorrow I hide?
Do you think it's really fair to look down on the  very weak
While you applaud yourself by the very words you speak ?

Today, just for today

Today just for  today resolve to slow your pace
Do not allow yourself to be pulled into the race
The world is spinning around  without calm or rest
Can you break the pattern? This is  my  request?

Today, just for today , in every thing you do
Can you stop to  appreciate the world around you
How many seconds go by before you come to  see
You are so surrounded by earth's endless beauty?

Today just for today stop and say hello
To everyone you pass by:  woman or fellow
Appreciate every second every moment of this day
Savor everything around you, today just for today.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mystic Nights

Softly and gently falls the darkness of the night
Slowly and subtly disappears the golden sun light
Oh how the silence is taking over the passing day
The soul is being transported to places  far away

Listen oh so carefully to the wisdom deep inside
Run ever so quickly from the foolishness outside
Allow ever so deeply the eternal light  to shine
Within you hold forever the infinite Love Divine.

When in the later hours  you're falling off to sleep
Ask all the angel guardians your  weary soul to keep
Be not ashamed of  company coming  from above
For such visits always leave you steeped in God's love

Icy Splinters

A frost has travelled the  lawn today
Leaving in its path a beautiful display
Of icy splinters that mystically  shine
Pulling some verse from this heart of mine.

And Though I'm not well, the beauty outside
Makes me to feel warm and wonderful  inside
Touching me deeply with heavenly   bliss
I'm  moved by the universe's selflessness

Everywhere I look there's a frosty glow
Reflecting Eternity's brilliance below
Overwhelmed with awe and quiet sighs
Heaven has sprinkled dust from the skys.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

In the Desert

I want to put some words down but am feeling mighty ill
Trying to find a quiet space..where things are calm and still
But all my being is aflame with fever through and through
So am going to do my best to write some words for  you

While one is in a desert there is little comfort around
One must learn to live without the familiar noise or sound
The desert is the place where you will  come to truly know
Who you are and who you are not and what will help you grow

Everyone should know and feel the desert deep   within
And allow enough space for that true   metanoia to begin
There can't ever  be real happiness without first going through
The emptiness of not having everything handed over to you

Living through the desert will give you something   inside
That you will be able to take to the rest of the world outside
Don't ever  pass up the journey that leads to the desert in you
For through it you will come to  know what is yours to  do

Always awaiting you and me

 The air is crisp and cold but approaching is the day
The sunshine and the warmness will soon be on their way
While we await the morning the best thing we can do
Is savor every moment of the night before its through

Looking up at the heavens we see the stars so  bright
They illuminate the darkness giving beauty to the night
The nocturnal creatures are busy running here and there
Gathering up their nourishment with the greatest care.

So much beauty all around us so much for us to see
Night and day, both enamored, with the greatest mystery
Its for us to discover while we pass through life so free
The secrets of the universe always awaiting you and me.