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Monday, August 29, 2011

The Green Eyed Monster...

I have just learned about a phrase I heard so many times before
But because I didn't know  the meaning  thought of it no more
It's  the phrase green eyed monster that I learned about today
Jealousy is  that ugly monster: sure  hope it stays away

I have known it in my past before, but didn't know its    name
I experienced it from those who were bent on seeking    fame
But the only thing they didnt know was I'm not after any gold
And  could care less about their honors if I can be so bold.

Seems like we're  taught from early age: its a must to  compete
And That the other is our rival : we fight for what we eat.
It would be a  rare thing to hear someone teach  on sharing
Or put emphasis on the other and the value of really caring.

Yet when all is said and done and we finally close our eyes
Where will all our belongings go? For what did we sacrifice?
We cannot take anything with us:  when all is said and done
Wouldn't it be so much  better then, to better everyone??

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