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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Unpaid teachers

Hear all the birds, how they wake the morning

With songs of happiness without a warning

Breaking through sadness with all  their melody

Singing out  their gladness and creating a synchrony

See all the clouds how they  join together

creating figures and some sort of weather

The white and gray ones and all the stormy ones:

Each one contributing to how our day runs

Oh, feel the breezes how they are, all,  blowing

Through trees and branches.. and in rivers flowing

They are all speaking and whispering around us

Joining the universe, they complete the chorus

Will you not venture  now, into the wild

And see how the earth can help us all smile

Through all  the elements and all  of the creatures

Each one of them, becoming  our unpaid teachers

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Real treasures

Birds are singing peacefully

Songs for you and songs for me

If you close your eyes you'll see

What inspires such melody

There's nothing big ,,, nothing small

That can  captivate us all 

Like the  song that morning brings

When birds and creatures rise to sing

Will you venture out today

And hear the elements along the way

Hear the wind ..the plantlets too

Hear the earth say "I love you"

Many things can sparkle bright

But nothing like  Eternal light

Shining out for you and me

IN everyone;  in all we see

Take some time each day each night

To ponder everything aright

What is valuable... what is not

What exists that can't be bought

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Come with me to the Ukraine...

A guided tour through the soul of Ukraine

I am broken, I can feel the pain of every broken, suffering Ukranian soul

Victims of a madman who has spun their world and lives out of control

How can we,just,  look on and be  content with seeing so much tragedy?

So many lives lost because we are "afraid of entering into a world war 3" ?

I am weeping, my heart is oozing with a sadness flowing from my eyes

Without being there, I can see the bombs falling from the darkened skies

People homeless, lifeless and full of so much hopelessness and despair

How can we do content with simply sending weapons over there

I am dying with the breathlessness of every man and woman and innocent child

Dust fills up my airways as I spend some priceless connections with them awhile

I can truly feel it everything that is theirs inside that country of that precious Ukraine

And wonder how much they can endure before giving into the one inflicting pain

Would you not join me....for a few moments out of your very busy and hectic day.?

Close your eyes,now,  and travel over the miles towards that city on display...

Can you not see it.. all the death, the sorrow , the emptiness created by tragedy

Yet there is so much greatness inside of each Ukranian heart that we can see..

What are you thinking as you contemplate the war torn city  that is so far away

Do you continue indifferent after you pass some time with them in some mystic way

How much is it costing you to transport your heart and soul to be with them a while

Would you rather not do it so that you cannot feel what has become their lifestyle?

THank you for reading for considering deeply what has become a very public affair

For taking some moments to pass some time with the Ukrainian people over there

Yes I know that you are still here and can't really know completely all their pain

But inner travels can take you places that you would never go by car or plane..

Thursday, March 10, 2022

No one wins in war

No one wins in a war... there's so much loss on every side;

Yet, time and time, again; we see it:  fueled on by great pride

The powerfully hungry leaders, with so much disregard for peace

Send out their clueless soldiers to be instruments of tragedy

Oh no one wins in war.... how long will it take to  see

That this  awful tool of hatred is a ticket to tragedy

Must we forget it all too quickly  those pains of yesterday

When  soldiers, once sent to battle, came back in a lifeless way

Day after day we  see it:  the news across the screen

Each side is blaming the other: for the outrage that is seen

Innocent peoples and children  being carried away by death

Countless bombs   exploding... it's so hard to catch our breath

Oh no one wins in war.... how long will it take to  see

That this  awful tool of hatred is a ticket to tragedy

Must we forget it all too quickly  those pains of yesterday

When  soldiers, once sent to battle, came back in a lifeless way

The endless lines of homeless,  fleeing across the land

The aged and the barely crawling ...can we fully understand?

That what we're  seeing is heartbreak and helplessness so great

Will they reach their destination or will their fleeing be too late?

Oh no one wins in war.... how long will it take to  see

That this  awful tool of hatred is a ticket to tragedy

Must we forget it all too quickly  those pains of yesterday

When  soldiers, once sent to battle, came back in a lifeless way

It isn't the tiny foot soldier, who's  responsible for  this war

But these are the broken ones returning lifeless in the morgue

Instead of being the noble and heroic and putting their ego aside

Leaders, of  warring countries, keep on fuelling the fight with pride

Oh no one wins in war.... how long will it take to  see

That this  awful tool of hatred is a ticket to tragedy

Must we forget it all too quickly  those pains of yesterday

When  soldiers, once sent to battle, came back in a lifeless way

Let's pray for this world so broken, so full of hate and greed:

That  we cannot set aside our differences and tend to the other's need;

That we cannot slow down enough to hear  the opposite party's plea?

It isn't so hard to crush it: our own egos..Let's try and see...

Oh no one wins in war.... how long will it take to  see

That this  awful tool of hatred is a ticket to tragedy

Must we forget it all too quickly  those pains of yesterday

When  soldiers, once sent to battle, came back in a lifeless way

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Will you be my true friend?

Will you be that one who will always care

Who'll listen and hear and not compare

Will you be there always and at the end

Stand right beside me ... my truest friend?

Will you let me speak and not make fun

When words come out like a job undone?

Will you see me broken and never seek

To embarrass me more with words you preach

Sometimes we're needing that special one

Who'll accept us..imperfect and still undone

Like a friend so special oh will you not be

That person that friend that'll let me be me?

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Sounding through the silence

It's 5:45 in the morning and the start of another  day

A cardinal is singing a melody of the  loveliest array

The darkness still is lingering and sun is out of sight

But songs so pure and eloquent are creating their own exquisite light

As the minutes turn into hours and daylight slowly breaks

An ensemble of other creatures add sounds that resonate

We can hear them all so clearly and despite the distant noise

We're blessed to have this option: our listening is a choice

So before we're off and running and are immersed into our day

We should relish those quiet spaces and moments along the way

They will  refresh into a newness and ready us for the unknown

These times unmeasured are fruitful and through them much grace is sown.