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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Waiting for you...

Take My hand, receive My touch
I am your healing, I love you so much
You have only to trust Me, only to believe
I have all of your blessings, all that you need

Those days you were crying and feeling alone
I waited and called to you..for you are My own..
But you were not listening not able to hear
If only, if only, you'd try to draw near..

Take My hand, receive My touch
I am your healing, I love you so much
You have only to trust Me, only to believe
I have all of your blessings, all that you need

When you were all stressful and needing relief
I whispered some wisdom but noise was the thief
That kept you from hearing away from my love
My words were so ready hope from above..

Take My hand, receive My touch
I am your healing, I love you so much
You have only to trust Me, only to believe
I have all of your blessings, all that you need

The crowd you were following and the words you would say
Shocked Me so deeply; you walked right away
From the path of My wisdom the light of My day
You chose what was darkness walked in its way

Take My hand, receive My touch
I am your healing, I love you so much
You have only to trust Me, only to believe
I have all of your blessings, all that you need

But I kept up My persistence and sought you with love
Showered your spirit with grace from above
I prodded,I pleaded: sent My Spirit to you
You couldn't resist it.. you returned back: it's true

Take My hand, receive My touch
I am your healing, I love you so much
You have only to trust Me, only to believe
I have all of your blessings, all that you need

Now we're united.. like the Heavens above
You are my beloved and I am your love
But be careful and watchful:  for he comes like a thief
The one who would rob you ..and steal you from Me

Take My hand, receive My touch
I am your healing, I love you so much
You have only to trust Me, only to believe
I have all of your blessings, all that you need

Monday, January 28, 2019

Do you take time?

What are you doing as you wake up each day
Do you hurry and hustle without time to pray
Are you aware of the sunshine .or. aware of the air
Do you find yourself busy but never in prayer?

When you walk to your vehicle and are ready to run
Are you focusing on doing and what needs to be done
Have you moments of pondering... apart from the fuss
Do you remember, if briefly, Who gave life to us?

The morning, the evening,the night time,  each day
Have goings and comings and things in the way
But nothing's more certain than time that we breathe
Everything is planned out:  each second we receive

So stop for a moment and take time each day
Whisper some thank yous to God on your way
He's present and providing and in all that we do
He awaits our acknowledgments; our praises, it's true

Sunday, January 27, 2019

God's gifts

Chilly air rests quietly and is touching my face
Every one of my senses are enveloped by grace
Something so natural and something so real
Can inspire my heart quickly.. with some praise for this chill

Like psalmists and prophets and like  sages of old
I want to create verses in the warm times and cold
Recognizing the Godness;  the providence; the love..
That comes with each season: sweet gifts from above..

Some times are really good times and some times   are bad
But all of them are proactive in the blessings I've had
From goodness of the Eternal from the wealth of His grace
Comes the measure of loving in each moment and place.

So quiet now your being and quiet now your heart
Listen ever intently to each moment that'll start
For every second; every minute: every hour passing by
Carries pockets of Wisdom: God's gifts for you and I

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Morning's melody

In the morning when I wake
Quietness surrounds me like a lake
Silence speaks so soft and clear
Listen carefully, you will hear.

While I rise and try to see
All God's beauty surrounding me
Whispering angels sing their song
And accompany me, all day long

Noises of life's busy day
Slowly sound and make their way
To my spirit, and to my heart
Trying to fill me with alarm

But God's calmness and His peace
Speaks to me like tranquil seas
Whirlwinds rattle and they blow
I am safe with God, I know.

Every morning when you rise
And you're opening up your eyes
See with God what no one sees
You will know and feel His peace

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Can we not.. put it all aside

Can we not.. put it all aside:
Competition, politics, pride;
And function like equals all around
Letting the true love of God in us be found

Enough of all these quarrelsome debates
In these, our so "un united" states
Democrats republicans and all
Shame on us for letting our standards fall

Can we not.. put it all aside:
Competition, politics, pride;
And function like equals all around
Letting the true love of God in us be found

From the loud mouths..the sign holders and all
What kind of messages will fall
On those  of us who are looking at you
Is it unity you're promoting..speak the truth..

Can we not.. put it all aside:
Competition, politics, pride;
And function like equals all around
Letting the true love of God in us be found

I close my eyes daily and pray
Take all of our divisions away
The backbiting warring and hate
That comes under guise of "debate"

Can we not.. put it all aside:
Competition, politics, pride;
And function like equals all around
Letting the true love of God in us be found

Monday, January 21, 2019

God's healing

From this illness that has   held me
My spirit rises with  more intensity
Though it's been such a trying time
My heart still sings in verse and rhyme

Day after day it was such a struggle
Breathing,  eating..cost me double
And though I tried to keep my spirit up
Painful suffering filled my cup...

Now I'm healing..slowly mending
All God's graces are descending
Through my friends..through my prayer
God is healing me with Care.