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Monday, March 31, 2014

Outside they are singing

Outside they are singing the song of the blest
Great harmonizing and a great measured rest
Hear how the universe is starting to sing
Hymns for the creator from within everything

The choir has started and the assembly joins  in:
The squirrels, the plant-lets and the humans begin
The rhythm ,  the movement. the unspoken sound
Serve as the percussion for all creatures around.

The altar is prepped now across all the terrain
Oblations are served through the falling of rain
The rising of fragrances from flowers and trees
Serve as the incense for the land, sky and seas.

What wonderful worship from great ones and small
No buildings all cluttered no buildings at all
Just a vast open universe that worships outside
Everyone is welcome and nobody is denied.

The spirit is moving across most of our land
All the universe is liberated in freedom we stand
Inhaling the mystery that fills all this earth
The Creator is present and is giving all rebirth..

Sunday, March 30, 2014

In defense of the Divine

I have tasted of the sweetness that is moving within my soul
And I have seen the brightest visions which reveal my truest goal
I have witnessed all of creation with its glow of love divine
I am privileged and so favored and see it from this heart of mine.

There are sufferings and there are sorrows that are surely to occur
There's temptations  all around me and there are false ones who allure.
But I have that One Protector who's been with me since my birth
It is my guardian angel: making clear my path on earth.

Though many may not understand me and might not even be my friend
The Eternal One has been with me with a love that will never end
I have faith in The One Creator though at times I might be  afraid
For so many times I have seen it: The Divine Being's love displayed

Won't you take with me a moment to explore the silence deep within
Won't you listen to all the whispers of the Eternal One one again
He is speaking ever so softly with a voice that is crystal clear
The messages are so  many that   He is wanting you to hear

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The sound of the raindrops...

I soak in the rain drops that pour down outside
I let all of their rhythm calm me deep down inside
Though I haven't them on me I  feel them within
The healing of the raindrops is calling again.

Everything is glistening beneath what they do
Tree leaves and plant-lets and shiny rocks too
Refreshing and soothing these little droplets are
Raindrops are rejuvenating for the near and the far.

See how the creatures are all dancing around
Drenched in the showers that fall to the ground
Happy and excited the squirrels and the birds
Display all of their feelings without need for words.

Have you ever inhaled it the energy of  the rain?
It's freeing and healing and can lessen your pain
Soothing and rhythmic and harmonizing too
Let the sound of the raindrops enter within you

Friday, March 28, 2014

Eternity's gifting us...

I am sitting here watching all of natures movements
My windows wide open and the house full of silence
What a wonderful display of so much unspeakable love
Eternity is gifting us with endless transports above.

Through the touch of the wind and the breezes that blow
The Spirit is whispering secrets we all need to know
Invisible and immeasurable but still within our reach
The Omnipotent Creator has so many lessons to teach..

The beautiful and the created are both separate and one
There's a unity that was initiated since all time had begun
And we are here so privileged to partake in  this scene
The symphony of the universe is moving within everything

Can I help it if I am so  tuned into the rhythm of the earth
Acknowledging every seedling and every creature giving birth
There's a beauty in the plant life and in the animal life too
All waiting to be discovered and appreciated: so very true.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Talking with Eternity

Oh Loving Father and Spirit, I immerse myself into Your loving presence
I breathe You and I need You for without You nothing can ever make any sense
Oh Everlasting One I struggle with the wording of this brand new rhyme
Please help me and guide me as I embrace the vision of this sacred time

Oh omnipotent I feel the sweetness of your presence in the world around
I can hear You speaking through the flowers, the trees and all the creative sound
Though my eyes fail me in my attempt to gaze upon Your most sacredness
I know in seeing the universe I can catch a glimpse of Your Infinite Loveliness.

I stand in awe-ness and in wonderment before the infinity of Your generosity
From the littlest atom to the greatest manifestations of the sky and sea
You are present and caring through the creativity that these things contain
May I adore You in my simplicity and appreciation for the providence you ordain..

I am humbled by the knowledge of how much You do to insure my happiness
There's nothing I have or want that doesn't pass by Your All-knowing-ness
If I am needy You are present in the wishing that my soul would manifest
And if I am  satisfied You are present in the security of soul that I possess

Oh Infinite Eternity, I know  you are awaiting my final days of captive time
I embrace You fully and dedicate to You this humble form of flowing rhyme
I cannot understand it that You have constantly moved within me throughout the day
But I desire to please You and adore You forever in everything I shall do or say..


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I can feel it: all your sorrows

I can feel it deep inside me: all the sorrows that you feel
Your pain has moved me deeply with an empathy:  so real
If I could ever help you and remove from you your pain
I'd do so without waiting and no more hurting would remain...

Let me touch you with my kindness and let me see you as you smile
You don't have to stay so lonely because I'll sit with you awhile
I have heard of all your anguish and have felt it deep inside
Let me help you find some meaning in those teardrops that you hide

It's okay that you are upset now and are feeling like you do
For the feeling of your feelings is part of the healing coming through
Let go of all of that nonsense that is telling you it is wrong
To weep and feel some upset when the suffering has been  long...

We are all but merely human and as a human we're able to weep
Whenever there is a disappointment  that wounds our heart so deep
To say that we are not feeling it when the pain is deep so inside
Would be denying that we are human and can be some form of pride..

So if your heart is aching and your soul is starting to bleed
Don't deny the emotions inside you: through  them your soul is freed
Let go of all of that anguish and let in the tenderest care
The Eternal One's been waiting to remove all the hurts in there.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Every morning...

Every morning has a melody and every creature has a song
If you will open  up your windows you can also sing along
Hear the peaceful sea saw of some winged one singing high
Or see the screeching black bird as she is passing by

A certain sense of peacefulness will come upon your day
If you will join the universe and serenade the way
Lifting up your spirit with the breezes and the air
Will enable you to touch upon the Everlasting Care...

Join the rising flowers and the sailing clouds above
Whisper with the angels as they praise the God of Love
Let your spirit wander with the squirrels in the trees
And you will see the wisdom of the butterfly and the bees

Hear the secret sayings of the insects on the run
And watch the glowing mystery of the early rising sun
Let the gentle dew drops rest sweetly upon your face
And inhale the purest outpouring of sanctifying grace.....

Monday, March 24, 2014

Oh..the power that you seek..............

Power isn't suppose to be some sort of commodity
That people should be scrambling after it so foolishly
Many seek  it like a prize that must  be sought after or won
But it really should be embraced as a service to be done

Oh the power the power the power that you seek
Is not about the conquering but of service to the meek
The power, the power, the power of the proud
Will be falling like the raindrops in the midst of a crowd

The mighty ones, they're making all their noises all around
And the listening to the people isn't anywhere to be found
But claiming to be serving they are appearing everywhere
While the bullets have been flying and filling up the air.

Oh the power the power the power that you seek
Is not about the conquering but of service to the meek
The power, the power, the power of the proud
Will be falling like the raindrops in the midst of a crowd

The voices of the helpless are all rising from the earth
I hear the orphans and the mothers after they have given birth
The ruthless and the mighty are becoming such a sore
The Almighty will remove them and He won't have it any more

Oh the power the power the power that you seek
Is not about the conquering but of service to the meek
The power, the power, the power of the proud
Will be falling like the raindrops in the midst of a crowd

Instead of being loving like we all know we should
Some are grasping for attention like the fire for the wood
Devouring all in sight who would stand in their way
The careless who are stealing will finally see their day.

Oh the power the power the power that you seek
Is not about the conquering but of service to the meek
The power, the power, the power of the proud
Will be falling like the raindrops in the midst of a crowd

So let go of everything that you have been seeking for
Yes, give it all away and start servicing the poor
For it is they who have kept you fed and warm through the night
Their hands have pumped the fuel and their sweat have brought you light...

Oh the power the power the power that you seek
Is not about the conquering but of service to the meek
The power, the power, the power of the proud
Will be falling like the raindrops in the midst of a crowd

Sunday, March 23, 2014

When you wake up ....

Breathe in all the silence of this new day just beginning
Inhale all of its mystery: which, for us, is slowly thinning
Touch upon the wind stream which is carrying so much grace
Open up to the moments which, in an instant, can erase

Hear inside you  the voices of so many generations
Rising from the earth like so many powerful oblations
Spirits from the ages that are no longer in our time
Inviting you into visions like some slowly opening rhyme

Quiet all of your reasoning and your ever critical ways
Let in all the spiritual and the Creator of your days
Back away from the pettiness and the grasping without end
Embrace the One whose with you as your Ever present Friend.

When you come to taste it: this sweet portion so Divine
Everything around you will become sacred like a shrine
Your actions will become mirrors of the Ever Giving Love
And everyone who sees you will see a reflection from Above...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

A talk with The Infinite

Give me a song for the morning most dear
Filled with the words that my heart likes to hear
Give me a melody and give me a way
To join with the angels and the universe at play

Tell me the secrets that dance through the sky
And show me the wisdom in the breezes passing by
Open it up to me and take me  inside
The mysterious moment where all the Heavens abide

Hush in me, my worries, that hold me in great fear
Create for me a shelter  when the sorrows draw near
Take me beyond it:  that outward disgrace
And hold me forever in the Eternal  embrace.

I hear it inside me and it's inviting me to see:
Things that remain hidden from all of humanity
Not with some media or book will I find
The treasures uncreated by the creature or mind.

So I will silence my being and will quiet my will
I will open my senses to the whispers that steal
All of my noisy-ness and all of my fear
Replacing them with wonderment and eternity most dear

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Early morning melodies

The early morning melodies are riding through the  air
And the songs of the many winged ones are tweeted off in prayer
So many different soundings and so many different songs
Are echoing through the silence and through the angel throngs

I can hear the cheerful robins  and the calling cardinal's voice
I can pick up on the blue jays  and the cawing crow's noise
Somewhere in all that mixture a little sparrow is also there
His voice is awful tiny but is raised up through the air.

The spring is finally coming and the chill of winter is going
And a sense of jubilation from each creature is overflowing
Jumping up with great excitement and dancing upon ground
Crawling creatures are ready to join in the rising melodic sound

Can you sense the sounding symphony the universe has composed
Have you opened up your windows or are you keeping them closed
There is a celebratory sounding and a round of the cheerful noise
If you're listening carefully you might even hear the blossom's voice.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Vanished from the sky...Flight 370

Vanished from the sky in the middle of the night
An airliner carrying many disappeared from sight.
Mysterious was the news coming across the screen:
Flight 370 is missing and is nowhere to be seen

Somewhere in the vastness of the universe unexplored
A flight carrying passengers is mysteriously floored
Un-explainable, this happening, in such a time as ours..
A plane has disappeared: vanished beneath the stars.

There are no signs of casualties, floating pieces or parts
The only thing there is: are so many longing hearts
Loved ones and acquaintances: friends of all the  lost
Are waiting to hear something about the paths 370 crossed..

Wherever you might be now: in this world or not
Just know the world is searching as everybody ought
Make known to us if you can now: through some sign or way
The presence of your landing or what causes your delay.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Soon the winter'll be leaving...

Mother earth has been chilling lately and the frost is everywhere
The Spring has been slow in coming and winter breezes nip and tear
Robbins are showing their bravery and are singing their song of Spring
Just a little while longer and the earth will start to sing..

Though the sparkling shine of crystals are forming artwork everywhere
And winter winds have been generous in their willingness to share
The time has come to soften all of those of those blasts of wintry chill
For the spring time is so needed and would be warming heart and will.

The squirrels romp and wrestle about the oak trees starting to bloom
While the birds of many feathers are at the feeder that's lacking room
All the universe is awakening beneath the frozen wisps of air
"Soon the winter'll be leaving":  "it is the rumor that's everywhere."

So do not lose your ambition for the spring time  is drawing near
And the sound of chirping chicklings will be in the wind streams that you hear
The need for extra clothing will no longer cause you such delay
For Spring time  will change you wardrobe and quicken you along the way

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Return to love...

There is outside this great display
Of love and life and endless day
The creatures, there, they live in love
And bear the imprint of God above

They live together there side by side
And are not ruled by greed or pride
For they are unlike our human race
And haven't  fallen from God's grace...

Like them, we can return to love
And please the Almighty One above
By fleeing from hate and clinging to grace
We will  transform both time and place.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Let go of all your reasoning...

Let go of all of your reasoning
Preconditioned seasoning
Let go of all your prejudices
Learned responses, selfishnesses

You see someone in need.. you do
but first must think what should you do
you turn away for lack of time
oh what an action for my rhyme..

Let go of all of your reasoning
Preconditioned seasoning
Let go of all your prejudices
Learned responses, selfishnesses

You go by color and by race
And think the poor are such a disgrace
You wag your tongue and hurt the soul
Are blind and block another's goal

Let go of all of your reasoning
Preconditioned seasoning
Let go of all your prejudices
Learned responses, selfishnesses

The world is vast and the world is wide
Why not embrace the folks outside
Though they may differ from your view
There's so much learning you can do...

Let go of all of your reasoning
Preconditioned seasoning
Let go of all your prejudices
Learned responses, selfishnesses

When you can look and fail to see
The imperfections of humanity
You will, then, begin to  love
Each person as the One above.

Let go of all of your reasoning
Preconditioned seasoning
Let go of all your prejudices
Learned responses, selfishnesses

Friday, March 14, 2014

Whispering in the wind

I hear in the breezes the sound of a call
Beckoning everyone the great and the small
It  whispers and wanders from place to place
Leaving in each person an imprint of grace.

Quietly echoing from outside and within
The Spirit is moving and birthing again
Creating in each being a life that is new
Leaving there secrets mysterious and true.

The touch of the spirit is soft like the dew
It leaves in each person a wisdom so true
It takes away everything that leads us astray
And opens up portals with eternal display..

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Before the blue-ness fills the sky...

Early in the morning before the blue-ness fills the sky
The universe starts her rumbling and mother earth lets out a sigh
Creatures of the atmosphere are flying here and there
And all the earth is waking up and sending out a prayer...

Before the star of morning rises and sparkles brilliantly
Creatures of the evening sky become invisible as can be
Diving deep inside their burrows at the closing of the night
Nocturnal creatures sleep away the hours of purest light.

If you waken before the birds and open up your eyes
You can see the morning star brightening up the skies
And if you venture out a bit and look around outside
You will see the dancing dew and touch the Spirit's ride..


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Alice Marie....

I have a new cat: she's Alice Marie
She sits on the gym right next to the tree
She hasn't been talking and hasn't been fun
She's always been use to being cat number one

So now she's a member of a cat friendly lot
And is creating an image of a festering snot
She's grumping and growling and looking around
Wondering what challenges around her are found.

The others are patient and watch her parade
Kindness and courtesy she hasn't displayed
But it's only a few days she's been around here.
So, I'm sure in a week a new Alice will appear...


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The need for healing...

Before you can be healed and before you can be whole
You must be able to see all the wounds inside your soul
It doesn't do you any  good and won't benefit you a thing
If you are hiding all  of the painful or are hiding anything

So let go of that wounded-ness and let go of  all that fear
Open up all of those places no one has ever come near
Let into that hiding place that professional one you choose
Your hurts and all your memories you're needing to let loose.

Some things are quite wholesome and are worthy of saving
But others are quite destructive and can influence your behaving
So be willing and ever ready to expose everything that's inside
Let nothing be there hidden and expel the hurtful things outside..


Monday, March 10, 2014

You claim to know God......

You claim to know God, to be a follower of his
Yet you embrace the one who you'll betray with a kiss
You shout out your praises: your alleluias too
But close your eyes to those most needful of you ..

How can you be Christian and how can you pray
While treating so many in such a destructive way?
How can you claim victory and salvation in Christ
When you're denying the ones for whom He sacrificed?

You claim to know God, to be a follower of his
Yet you embrace the one who you'll betray with a kiss
You shout out your praises: your alleluias too
But close your eyes to those most needful of you ..

Every Sunday you're present, you're there in the pew
Looking around and hoping someone notices  you
But once it's all over and you've left out the door
You forget all the messages and make fun of the poor.

You claim to know God, to be a follower of his
Yet you embrace the one who you'll betray with a kiss
You shout out your praises: your alleluias too
But close your eyes to those most needful of you ..

Did you not know that this Great Spiritual Being
You worship in church is in each person you're seeing
And when you start the denying, the marginalizing of one
It's to the Great and the  Almighty that this is   being done..?

You claim to know God, to be a follower of his
Yet you embrace the one who you'll betray with a kiss
You shout out your praises: your alleluias too
But close your eyes to those most needful of you ..

Sunday, March 9, 2014

When we can look at every person

When we can look at every person with an unpretentious love
And embrace every human being like the Eternal One above
Then the world will no longer fight and will learn to get along
Gone will be  the clashing and the cults that choose the wrong.

Every being has a purpose and every creature has a right
Though paths may be so different; we're sharing the same Light
So let us lose our judgments; let us look on all  with love
We have but one Creator:  the Eternal One above.

From the tiniest little seedling to the greatest roaring sea
There is a bond uniting everything that's come to be
We are sisters and we're brothers to every created one around
With gentleness and kindness let us always truly abound

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Wake up, all you sleepers....

The geese in the sky are a beautiful thing
And their passing us by is a sign of the Spring
Though temperatures fell  in the middle of night
The Robins are singing of a wintry flight.

The scampering squirrels are saluting the day
While searching for stashes they romp and they play
The viewing of creatures that joyfully run
Is totally inviting but work must get done...

Peaking through slightly the color of green
Announces the seedling who wants to be seen
Slowly emerging the tip of the sprout
Delights all of the creatures, once it is out

Spring has a music particularly her own
She rouses the lazy without any phone
Calling out creatures and mentioning names
"Wake up, all you sleepers..Enough with the games" .

Friday, March 7, 2014

Life is like the seasons

The freezing rains they fell and  were shining upon the trees
Sparkling displays of life were motionless beneath the freeze
Birds who pecked and poked were now waiting for the rays
Of the early morning sun who would make light upon their ways.

The silence of the chill was much deeper than one can see
And Lights inside were flickering: challenging powers that be
The weather outside wasn't one that we would freely choose
But there's  such a beauty in it: just don't listen to the news...

Like the seed that is in the  darkness and is covered up by snow
Our lives, though they are hidden are much more than others know
And though the storms may gather and shake up the trembling earth
The movement will make it easier for the Spring to give us birth

Life is like the  seasons that are changing  the world around
And passes like the moments that disappear without noise or sound
We've become the new innovators and the inventors of our time
We can choose to watch life passing or stop to create the rhyme.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Just hold on ...

You feel like you have nowhere to turn 
and that things couldn't possibly ever get worse
You're needing some form of encouragement 
and a few coins for your ever emptying purse
All of your resources have been drained 
by bills that have come to you without warning or delay
What is the best path for you to take 
and who is it who will come along to save the day ?

Just hold on and don't let any of these worries 

crush you beyond any hope or any signs of repair
Just look up and see the hands stretched out from the Heavens 
and hear the One who really does care
The Almighty who is all knowing and all seeing 
has been watching you from the moment of your  birth
So let go of your doubting and reach up to the One who has in His hands the Heavens and the earth

I see that you have been crying and that the tear stains 

are laying all over your polished floor
Your eyes are now shadowed from the long hours of weeping 
and you cannot see out of them any more
Too heavy your heart from the worries that have haunted you for ever 
and ever this passing week
Let me tell, you dearest weak one:  that there is an answer to all of these problems: just let me speak:  

Just hold on and don't let any of these worries 
crush you beyond any hope or any signs of repair
Just look up and see the hands stretched out from the Heavens 
and hear the One who really does care
The Almighty who is all knowing and all seeing 
has been watching you from the moment of your  birth
So let go of your doubting and reach up to the One who has in His hands the Heavens and the earth

Those people you've confided in and have trusted forever 

are no longer willing to come around your place
You listen for the cell phone to ring from someone you know 
but there is only a deep emptiness in your space
Abandoned by the family  you thought would be there forever 
you visit with your thoughts full of confusion
You're wondering: where are the Heavens,  the Divinity 
and the people of faith : is it all an Illusion?

Just hold on and don't let any of these worries 
crush you beyond any hope or any signs of repair
Just look up and see the hands stretched out from the Heavens 
and hear the One who really does care
The Almighty who is all knowing and all seeing 
has been watching you from the moment of your  birth
So let go of your doubting and reach up to the One who has in His hands the Heavens and the earth

Then comes in that angel in the flesh, that one person 
you never even expected or thought of at all
You see in her eyes a love so very  generous and real 
that she's not needing you to beg or call
In that moment of kindness unexpected or requested 
you experience the healing you've been longing for
A gesture transforms you and reawakens in you a hope 
that you thought you wouldn't be seeing any more: 

Just hold on and don't let any of these worries 
crush you beyond any hope or any signs of repair
Just look up and see the hands stretched out from the Heavens 
and hear the One who really does care
The Almighty who is all knowing and all seeing 
has been watching you from the moment of your  birth
So let go of your doubting and reach up to the One who has in His hands the Heavens and the earth

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Now is the time

Listen, and hear the sounds of everything that is existing all around you
Become truly silent and  let go of everything you are about to say or do
Let in the moments of mystery that are happening now before your very eyes
Look up in wonder and scan the vastness of the bright and most beautiful skies.

Do not make a move now; but let in the absence of the rushing world's  hurried pace
Steep yourself in the musings that will paint in you images your heart cannot erase
Let go of the minutes and moments that are governed by the sound of the ticking clocks
Close up the newspapers the tv and the thoughts that are burdened by empty stocks.

Now is the time for you to let your spirit swim in the immensity of the spirits grace
And now is the experience that you have been searching for all over the place
It's not inside any person, place or tangible item you can hold inside your hands
But rather in the Invisible-ness that lifts you up and away from life's many demands

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The heat-less night...

The temperature in the house was cold
Because of a heating source turned old
I tried to sleep but  really could not
So I rose to work and did what I ought.

My bones they hurt,  my lungs were froze
I could barely feel my feet or my toes
The wiring stopped my attempt to heat
The chill outside was a challenging fete..

The cats they ran and romped around
Warming themselves with playful sound
I followed their suit and joined their way
Warming myself with distractive display

Monday, March 3, 2014

The mystery before us

How gently fall the dew drops from the early morning sky.
Resting upon the branches, they begin waving at passerby
Sparkling like a diadem: every plantlet is all aglow
Morning birds are singing, as the dawn put on her show.

Stretching to the Heavens, little seedlings pushing through
Whisper all  their oblations to the Eternal I Love You
Crawling about the surface of the early morning earth
Creatures of every species welcome day whose giving birth

Seconds are creating minutes and  minutes are becoming hours
While movements are being fashioned by the Invisible Higher powers
All the world is waking up and the people are starting to rise
How marvelous, the mystery that is taking place before our eyes

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I tried to avoid it.....

See me, this being: so broken and bruised
Feeling dejected and feeling quite used
Nobody had seen it and nobody knows
All of this heartbreak: for it never shows

I tried to avoid it: this breaking apart
I carried my secrets inside of my heart
Leaving me victimized: unable to talk
The trauma inside me hindered my walk.

I thought I could handle it:  keep it inside
Spilling out secrets: Too much for my pride
So I walked with a grimace and carried my scar
Such ways  of proceeding didn't carry me far.

So now I'm in counseling and seeking some aide
Too many heartaches have made me afraid
People who've known me haven't known me at all
For These secrets I've carried ever since I was small....

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Soul, so wounded....

Tears were rolling down her face
And scars inside would not erase
Memories like a flowing stream
Would not whisper but would scream

She looked outside but would not go
Perhaps "they'd" see her and would know
That she was broken and torn apart
So many wounds were inside her heart

A shattered childhood left her torn
She lived through night, longed for morn
Her tears were friends that hung around
And in a crowd she would make no sound.

A fragile being tossed by fate
Was never first and was never  late
Wanted friendship but couldn't allow
Anyone near her: no way,  no how.

Shivering soldier:  armed with fright
Lay down those arms and cease to fight
Your wounds can heal and you can be whole
If you would end the warring inside your soul.