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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Turning the pages

 The pages, will, now, another calendar year

But what does this all mean for each one of us here..?

Will it mean resolutions or some sighs of relief;

Or simply another celebration that's become a routine

We welcome you 2021 but we fear you..just as well

We've just through passed a year that was as scary as hell

The virus has been running through every place we know

We would like it very much if this old Covid would just go

The headlines were so many and we want to leave them all behind

To embrace this brand new year... we'll have to readjust our mind

Hoping against all hope that everything will become okay

In finances and in healthcare and in our living of every day

We welcome you 2021 but we fear you..just  as well

We've just passed  through a year that was as scary as hell

The virus has been running through every place we know

We would like it very much if this old Covid would just go

To truly move ahead we must learn to embrace the new

Letting go of painful pasts is never an easy thing to do

But trying with all we are to move forward so we can see

That 2021 might be that year that we've  been longing for it to be

We welcome you 2021 but we fear you ..just as well

We've just passed  through a year that was as scary as hell

The virus has been running through every place we know

We would like it very much if this old Covid would just go

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Don't you now who you are?

 The night isn't always going to be dark and the day isn't always going to be  light

Sometimes the opposite will happen..and the wrong will turn into right

So let us trust ourselves to That Someone Who holds the night and day in hand

He'll straighten up our every confusion and lead us to understand

Our God is  a loving God and He's never able to do ....but  right

The darkness that sometimes surrounds us  isn't a forever thing to fight

For our God is a God of all Brightness and of a Wisdom that is ever clear

He will reach  down from His place in Heaven to keep each one of us ever near

So turn away from that negative thinking that tells you. you are not a prize

God sent down His Only Begotten to ransom  you with so great a price

Outstretched on a tree of Calvary to undo the curse of that sin

He will continue to remind us of Eden and forgive  us again and again

Our God is a loving God and He's never able to do ....but  right

The darkness that sometimes surrounds us  isn't a forever thing to fight

For our God is a God of all Brightness and of a Wisdom that is ever clear

He will reach  down from His place in Heaven to keep each one of us ever near

You are each one original copy.. created from all time to be

A child of the Most High Creator.. a participant in the Divine Trinity

Destined to be a light forever... shining a world.. in need

Let the Spirit of God be your counselor and The Light that helps you see..

Our God is  a loving God and He's never able to do ....but  right

The darkness that sometimes surrounds us  isn't a forever thing to fight

For our God is a God of all Brightness and of a Wisdom that is ever clear

He will reach  down from His place in Heaven to keep each one of us ever near

Monday, December 28, 2020

Tiny Sprinkles

 Tiny sprinkles..soft and white

Fall from Heavens ..bless our sight

Like a blanket covering all

Snowflakes gracefully peacefully fall

Oh.. to see them ..all should know

Makes me smile .and inwardly glow

Something about them feels so right

All is beautiful ..they're so bright

Before we walk and press them down

Snow is like the Bridal gown

Crisp and pure and beautifully white

Loveliness is on their side...

How to see them..when they fall

All these snowflakes..over all?

Do they change your deep inside

Make you feel like Heaven's light???

Sunday, December 27, 2020

While we are sleeping

 Let the silence of the evening..lull your heart and soul to sleep

Close your mind and calm your spirit..for the angels watch and keep

All the peoples of all the nations..every one us ..far and near

Are protected by God's spirits: the guardian angels are ready to hear

As the night falls and the day flees take some time for quiet prayer

Do not worry about all the troubles though they shout out everywhere

For the God of all things living.. will take care of you and me

He is loving and He is Almighty and He can calm the raging sea

When we're sleeping and not watching .. there are those who never sleep

They are beings ..quick and careful.. guardian angels for humanity

Let us love them and invoke them;  like we would a trusted friend

For these angels are ever ready and will be with us to the very end.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

It's the day before Christmas

 It's the day before Christmas and you're still on the run

There is just one more present and then, you will be done

With wrapping and fussing and cooking nice treats

Tomorrow is really Christmas and the whole family meets

You're looking it over..all  the work that you've done

You're counting the there enough for everyone

You sitting down slowly to get off of your feet

It's Christmas eve it all really complete?

But what about Jesus and the whole manger scene

Is He part of this picture you know what I mean

With the running and the fussing and the wrapping galore

Have you included a memory of what it's all  for?

Today the Good Almighty has let us all in

He has opened up the Heavens and let us begin

To travel most surely to This Place we all seek

He's  promised us entry through This Baby so meek

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Just a baby and some hay

 Just a baby and some hay 

Some may say on Christmas day

But we know as shepherds knew

God was in This Babe true

Lowly creatures, all  around

Acknowleded God, through humble  sound

Bowing low, they gave Him heat

Manger animals were first to greet

Hospital beds and urgent care

Were not a part of Mary's share

She bore her Babe in bitter cold

She knew no comfort we've been told

And St Joseph who was nearby

Must have felt the urge to cry

A man so capable

Could not change what seemed horrible 

But why would God Who made us all

Choose a manger and a stall

If not to teach us in some way

That He is the Hope of any day

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

What a wonderful day

Happy Birthday Juan

 What a wonderful day wake up and sing

And to embrace all the world and to love everything

Gifted so freely and freely it'll all stay 

God has so blessed you..with this beautiful day..

The morning is breaking like so many of the others

The sunshine is shining on our sisters and brothers

Creatures are romping and the birds..they all sing

What a wonderful day .. the Almighty does bring

The coffee is brewing or maybe it is some tea

It really isn't  important in the broad view of things

But what rises so promptly like the sun in the dawn

Is each breath that you're taking while mother earth yawns

If today you are reading these whispers I  write

Know ..that you're special and are primed for the Light

Who loves you so dearly that He wakes you each day

With wisdom and beauty and love along the  way

So jump up..start dancing... with a quick step or two

You're uniquely created and there's only one you

You're destined for greatness and only you'll know

How privileged you've been by the Divine Overflow....

Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Patient One

 I waited around to see 

If they would remember ME

But time.. it all.. elapsed

And I became their past

I called out once again

To  hearts and souls within

But they wouldn't even hear...

They didn't want is clear

Another time I tried

To have us all unite

But they would not ..not a one..

Have room for Me or My Son

So now, I call  from my throne

For  some friendship  and a new home

But I carry no scepter or  crown

I am helpless...and I keep falling down

Friday, December 18, 2020

He silences all greatness

 The big star was shining and pointing the way

To a Baby in a Manger .. the True Star of the day

The wise men came seeking .. from far and from wide

An Astrological promise that couldn't be denied

So they see Him this Baby in a lodging so low

That..only the animals ....were the first ones to know

That He is their Creator.. and the God of all time

He silences all greatness and crosses each line..

The shepherds were watching as the wise man approached

Carrying their treasures like the costliest gold

Dressed up in their attire of finest new threads

These kings... came there.. looking they were there to impress

So they see Him this Baby in a lodging so low

That ..only the animals... were the first ones to know

That He is their Creator.. and the God of all time

He silences all greatness and crosses each line.

The great ones look puzzled as they took in this poor sight

The promised One they searched for dimly lit light

No colorful emblems that would mark Him the King

This Baby, they were viewing.. didn't look like "anything" 

So they see Him this Baby in a lodging so low

That ..only the animals... were the first ones to know

That He is their Creator.. and the God of all time

He silences all greatness and crosses each line.

Though disillusioned and puzzled these great ones would leave

Knowing interiorly  what they should come  to believe.

That ..this baby.. so gentle meekly displayed

Was the talk of the century and Heaven's true way

So they see Him this Baby in a lodging so low

That...only the animals... were the first ones to know

That He is their Creator.. and the God of all time

He silences all greatness and crosses each line. joypachowicz

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wintry mix

 Freezing whispers trickle in

Wintry breezes start again

Rain is chilly ...making ice:

Piping soup is sound nice

Frosty figures appear

Silhouetting far and near.

Hear the crispness, in your walk:

Winter's speaking..hear her talk?

Slow your pace down ..not so fast..

Icy patches they forecast

Take some time: to look, to see

What is frosting walks and street

Winters coming.... this is true

So I write this verse for you

Take your time, to think, to live

In this icy wintry mix..

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Soon it'll be Christmas

 Soon it'll be Christmas and the celebrations will begin

Family and friends will all  come visit us again

We'll light up our houses and we'll hang up some cheer

We will do like each Christmas that comes every year

But what will we be do to make it more resonate

Beyond all these wrappings and these light bulbs ornate

Will we also be pondering  over.. the message most clear

That a Baby in a manger has started all of this, here...

If it were it not for This Baby .. for this mother and child

We wouldn't be celebrating with so much festivity and style

No, there wouldn't be any presents all glittery and aglow

So we mustn't forget it...this Christmas story we know

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Without a church

 Without a church.or golden steeple

Jesus went and taught the  people

He healed the lame and helped the poor

He never ever "shut the door" 

His family history brought up all:

A king, a hooker.. a manger stall

Unknown to many but for all He came

He never was seeking  some glorious fame

This King and  Messiah, and Lamb of God

Was friend for everyone who ever sought

His love His friendship ..His free advice

He was both:  our Savior and  our Sacrifice. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Christmas Light

 Oh quietest light you illuminate  the night

And point us forever to God's True Light

Without ever a word .you teach us forever

About Ways and Truths That'll keep us together

Year after year you continue to appear

And  remind us all how God will draw near

Not inside a castle or wearing a crown

Will God come to us or bring Heaven down

The elite ..and. great are not  first to see

How God has Chosen  to save  humanity

But simple shepherds and sheep  lead the way

To God's first mansion.. a pile of hay

So today we'll learn like others once did

How God's True Light prefers  to live

Not lavish or luxurious or sporting some glow

But humble and hidden and avoiding all show

The greatest..and  highest are often unseen

They carry a smile and a serenity serene

But riches and treasures that many would grab

They flee from like lighting so little they have

Friday, December 11, 2020

Take some moments before you start

 Before the morning sun breaks through

And you start the things you do 

Listen deeply and listen long

Hear the universe ..hear her song

Sounding crickets, who echoed deep

Slowly soften and no longer  sing

For, with   coming.. light of day

These nocturnal bug-lets hide away

In the dawn as night gives way

Birds are chirping  and seem to say

Sing with us ...oh welcome Him

Who brought us through this night so dim

Squirrels romp and jump and dig

For morning foraging is their gig

Playing also becomes their routine

Work and play makes life serene

Other creatures will come and go

But this will vary; we all should know

For this  depends .on me ..on you 

And where we are when night is  through

But as was stated.... from the start

Take some moments inside your heart

To hear and listen and let all in

For God is speaking as day begins

Thursday, December 10, 2020

One of those days

 I closed my eyes this morning.."for just a minute or two"

And when I woke back up again.. I was wondering what to do

The minutes had turned into hours and I was running late

I didn't know if I was needing breakfast or maybe a dinner plate

The day continued to spiral because strewn across my floor

Was paper toweling all shredded like some casualty of war

I cleaned that up most quickly and then to my surprise

I found a pile of something where my sleeping body lies...

The kitties had made their statements about empty bowls at night

And I saw without  hesitation that they had won a passive fight

It'll be food all day and night now...or I'll see some consequence

Like some  paper toweling  shredded or some surprises in my bed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I am me

 Before I am, even, anything ..I am most authentically me

I'm not a Democrat, or a Republican or some ethnicity

I am a human being and I am living peaceably inside of  God's Almighty care

Before you ever try to label me least  try to make it fair

Monday, December 7, 2020

Winter rain

 Freezing rain is falling down

Landing on the trees and ground

See it sparkle...see it shine?

It is making sweetest rhyme..

Crystal carrier of God's grace

Watering every time .and.. place

Carrying secrets speaking not

God alone knows what it has brought

Shining up the lingering leave

Giving thirsty birds relief

Even in the coldest cold

Rain is precious .,liquid gold

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Oh see in the stable


 Oh see, in the stable, where poor animals stay..

Our Creator and Redeemer on a rough bed of hay..

A child, so helpless; but, what power is His

Our God has been pleased to appear such as this...

We see  His dear mother, Maria, by name

Recalling the moments when Gabriel came..

How gently she lifts Him and whispers with love:

"My dear little child..Your Father's Above"

St Joseph's nearby and nods with consent

For He knows Mary's virginity had never been spent

Together, they lived under a virginal vow

Increasing the mystery before us right now

Poor, simple shepherds  are first to adore

Before the Babe they prostrate: His blessings implore

Unlettered and unskilled in the rhetoric of Law

Their hearts were instructed by all that they saw

Finally, three wise men, from distant lands ..far

Approach the New King foretold by a star

Myrrh, Frankincense, Gold: gits that they bring

Are offerings befitting the presence of One Special King

The story goes on ..for we recall it..each year

But what message does it hold..for each of us here?

Humility ..simplicity..or is it one of love

For each it will vary willed from above...

(C) joy pachowicz

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Little lights

 Never judge another person by the clothes they buy or wear

Or by their color, choice of love ..or how they style their hair

Everyone of us.. is so unique ...and ...our God, does love us all

Pointing out the flaws... of all.. wasn't ever, part of our call..

Do not be the first to fight or the last one  to volunteer

Raise you voice ..but ..not to curse   but rather, to praise and  cheer

We are all so very sensitive in all that we hear or see

So let us become the advocates of letting each other

Sometimes we feel ..we are right and push to make this clear

But we fail to let the  others speak or give them an open ear

We march around with  invisible crowns and act like we know best

But truth be told... the one who boasts often lower than the rest

So take some time today to think about the things you do  or say

Are you  the beautiful beacon of light or the darkness at end of day?

We cannot claim to be so good that we can sit and judge and judge

For, if we do, we'll  find out, soon, we're simply seeing others through our sludge

Monday, November 23, 2020

Restoration of souls

It isn't about our color of skin  and it isn't about our race

For love has been falling short in every time and space

People have become more hateful ..and fighting like never before

We're needing a revolution but it's our souls we're needing to restore

For we were are all made into His Image and His Spirit is dwelling within

Beneath our busy agenda.. His wisdom is waiting to begin

His  movement of endless loving and His   fire of radical grace

Can  lead to embrace each other like we were created to, in the first place

It doesn't matter our  party and it doesn't matter our political stance

We can, all,  choose to be more loving if we're willing to give love a chance

For the  Spirit of our dear Maker and His Breath that's sustaining  us here

Is waiting for our reluctant spirits to be His voice both far and near

For we were are all made into His Image and His Spirit is dwelling within

Beneath our busy agenda.. His wisdom is waiting to begin

His  movement of endless loving and His   fire of radical grace

Can  lead to embrace each other like we were created to, in the first place

Next time you're in that grocery line or a  traffic jam so long

Make use of that opportunity to spread out.. God's loving song

And be that light for others that maybe they would never had seen

Had you not happened along their pathway like a part of their destiny

For we were are all made into His Image and His Spirit is dwelling within

Beneath our busy agenda.. His wisdom is waiting to begin

His  movement of endless loving and His   fire of radical grace

Can  lead to embrace each other like we were created to, in the first place

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Virus..

 This illness continues to come and hang every town

In every city, state, and country it is everywhere to be found

Mask yourselves and keep yourselves at a healthy happy space

Keeping a distance can now be seen as a virtue.. for goodness sake

The hospital beds are becoming less available there are less and less

Filling up daily with the victims of this terrible corona virus

We can help each other by helping ourselves and taking greater care

To wash our hands and mask ourselves and keeping healthy distances everywhere

It is a myth to keep on believing the myth that "it won't ever happen to me" 

Since everyone of has known someone who has experienced this within their family

The virus that is attacking lungs and body is no respecter of age or health or race

Nope, it is attacking everywhere in every time and in every place.

So what will you do to take care of you and the people around your everywhere

Will you buckle down and take precautions and wear your mask with greater care?

Will you wash your hands and avoid the crowds like we are all being asked to do

Or will you shrug your shoulders and continue to do just what you're wanting to?

Sunday, November 15, 2020

We're still American

 Put your hand in my hand..and .. we will walk the way 

Of peace and love and unity and certainly a brand new day

For too long have we been warring and sister and all

This land is still a free country ..and we need to hear her call:

"Unite yourselves within me; put away your lingering grief

The laws I hold are freeing but there's still a stalking thief

Who would try to stir and divide you and make your turn away

From all that's truly uniting ..we love the American Way.."

The battle cries are sounding but we can stop them all 

By choosing to listen intently to liberty's lasting call

We don't have to be those people who will war and fight and hate

We can still save this struggling nation she calls us not too late

"Unite yourselves within me; put away your lingering grief

The laws I hold are freeing but there's still a stalking thief

Who would try to stir and divide you and make your turn away

From all that's truly uniting ..we love the American Way.."

Who is this in the sheep's clothing: that mole inside your camp

Trying to stir and divide you.. and.covering your shining lamp

Take a look at it and see it so clearly's around you night and day

It is more powerful than any canon and can manipulate you in every way

"Unite yourselves within me; put away your lingering grief

The laws I hold are freeing but there's still a stalking thief

Who would try to stir and divide you and make your turn away

From all that's truly uniting ..we love the American Way.."

CNN, Fox News and  the Media.. Yahoo ..Google ..  so many others

Are tainting you with all their fables...dividing both sister and brother

The news teams,  all them..  are out to wow you ...creating chaos..fogging minds

The truth is till out there somewhere .it's to you and me to seek and find

"Unite yourselves within me; put away your lingering grief

The laws I hold are freeing but there's still a stalking thief

Who would try to stir and divide you and make your turn away

From all that's truly uniting ..we love the American Way.."

Sunday, November 8, 2020

We salute you ..the red, white and blue.

 It's time to celebrate. .to reunite..

We have survived it..the painful, long  night

Put behind you the differences that can sting

Come together and as Americans ...let us all sing: 

We salute you...the red white and blue

And a history that is so rich and so true

We came here so very very long ago

Through families who loved freedom .we all know

Not one of us can claim  any  right

To turn against each other and terribly fight

We are all brothers and sisters ..this is so clear

One country one constitution can keep us all here

We salute you...the red white and blue

And a history that is so rich and so true

We came here so very very long ago

Through families who loved freedom .we all know

Don't talk to me of your own political way

Or speak to me of the others you may hate

Let's share it the things that will unite

And bring us back to one country one side

We salute you...the red white and blue

And a history that is so rich and so true

We came here so very very long ago

Through families who loved freedom .we all know

Friday, November 6, 2020

After the voting

 Whatever the outcome... when all's said and done

We should try as a  nation to unite and become one

Away with the titles... the parties ...the hate

Let's unite as a country and stop trying to debate

We're approaching a horizon, a new coming year;

Put away all of the discord,  the anger, the fear

Accept what is evident and put away what is not

We're one people united and let's act like we ought

The  old years are passing ...the new ones arrive

With hands interlocked, now..we can  learn to survive

The grudges the hangups the bitterness galore

Let's resolve, as a country, to make these ....the best four

Be it President Biden ...or another  ..we should respect

What history has taught us .. and welcome the elect

The voters have spoken ..   the count has made it clear

It's time for us, Americans,  to begin a new year..

Monday, November 2, 2020

Please vote....

 I make this plea..this  special note

Take some time to think and then go vote

I won't try to push you  ..or even sway

You choice.. your vote... in any way

It is our right and  clear

To choose our President  every 4th year

Don't  complain and bicker: "things aren't  right"

If you don't cast a vote and shine your light

The clock is ticking . and the day is near

Send in your vote or in person appear

If ever we needed to ..we need to right now

Cast your vote tomorrow...make this a vow

Sunday, November 1, 2020

What have we become?

 What have we become: who are you and who am I ?

We have wandered away from our one can deny...

Fighting over  political parties..we ignore those who disagree

Hardly able to remember we're all family..wouldn't you say that you agree?

What have we become: who are you and who am I?

We have wandered away from our calling... no one can deny....

I am black and you are white...but...why does color have to play a part

Why can't everyone learn to love each other like the One who gave us all a heart?

What have we become: who are you and who am I?

We have wandered away from our calling... no one can deny....

So much violence so much hatred...places engulfed with burning flames

Upset with all of the utter injustice people call each other ugly names

What have we become: who are you and who am I?

We have wandered away from our calling... no one can deny....

I can see them..all the angels..faces buried inside their sacred hands

Sighs and sorrows expressed in  weeping over all our very troubled lands

What have we become: who are you and who am I?

We have wandered away from our calling... no one can deny....

Can we stop it... all our self destruction ...evident in everything that we can see

Will it be too late too little too tardy to save us..this grumbling mass of humanity?

What have we become: who are you and who am I?

We have wandered away from our calling... no one can deny....

Monday, October 12, 2020

Take some moments..

 Skies shine out with endless love

From the God of Grace above

Dancing atoms form the air

As they cry out.. "God does care"

Changing seasons bring us near

All the beauty bright and clear

Rains and thunders storms and ice

Transforming landscapes... bless our eyes

Morning... noon ..the eve and night

Challenge us to use our sight

See the wonders.. see the love

We're all so special and well thought of

Take some moments try today

To ponder and savor this precious day

Gifted freely ... given away

To every person along life's way

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sounds of morning

 Rain and crickets sing away

Soothing droplets fall and stay

Sounding melodies greet the dawn

I can hear them as I yawn...

Like a shower falling slow

Rain is starting ready to go

Soon the cardinals.. crisp and clear

Join their voices ..  day is near

Cloudy figures in the sky

Darken day as they pass by

Dropping sweetness in the  rain

Hear them speaking.. healing pain?

More and more the birds all sing

Cardinals, robins, sparrows bring

A certain lightness to the drear

That graying skies  will leave us here.

Rise up quickly...rise up now

Hear the whispering ambient bow

Beneath the wisdom serene

From the Eternal One Unseen

Push your pencil..move your pen

Speak some things for now and then

Heaven's glory Eden's too

Comes alive for me and you

Monday, October 5, 2020

I once was blind....

It's easier to help those we don't know.. 

Why is it ..that..we, so readily, cry out.. in great protest

About the homeless, the displaced and the pitiful rejects

While we won't ever  blink an eye at the closer by

Our own family members that we continue to deny?

We claim we're not a follower or some blind sheep

That..we have our own minds and own souls to keep 

But let someone us tell us that we should stay away

We will do so blindly and without delay

So, who is the real beggar, lingering, there.on our road:

The homeless... the wino ....the addict growing old...?

Or is it a sister a brother or a friend we've let go

Because someone with wrong intentions has told us to do so?

Friday, September 25, 2020

Calms the heart and lessens pain

 Oh the soothingness of the rain

It calms the heart and lessens pain

Falling gently, it'll lift us up

Like a herbal in a cup...

Softly whispering... that God is here

Drop by drop the atmosphere

Holds the greatness of the Great

Sending showers..but not too late..

Like the rythm of God's heart

Pitter pattering gives a start

To our healing of our hurt

How He loves us  ...proves our worth

Listen briefly or at length

God is whispering showing strength

Rain is falling rain is grace

For every person ..every place

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Stop it..

 Stop hitting my brother..just because he is black

It's never okay, to be acting like that

Choking and squeezing and denying him air

Where in this world are such actions found fair?

Stop mocking my sister... she isn't your toy

You curse her and use her and ruthlessly employ

Your cunning-ness, and evilness and ruthless white power

To strain from her willingness your empire and dollar

Stop labeling them, everyone .. who is differing from you:

Like are so perfect and can discern what is true???

You mount up your riches and  climb up your throne

If only, you could see them..the miseries you've sown

Stop seeking out followers, to spread out your hate

This rampage of prejudice  is way out of date

The time glass is emptying and the angels await

I see them, they're coming, with judgment and fate

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Return again...

 Oh, writing soul, take up your pen

Write songs of love from deep within

Open up your soul stream and share it all

Return again to your inner call

Oh, singing heart, let's hear you sing

Open up your voice and let it ring

The world is waiting and you are too

Return again to what's part of you

Oh teaching soul speak out again 

To yearning hearts eager within

Share out your wisdom and your all

Return to teach them great and small

Oh spiritual giant shine out your light

Our hungry world has lost it sight

We need your words we need your care

Return to share it everywhere..

Oh ailing world wounded deep

Seek out your God who longs to keep

Our hearts our minds our very souls

Return to Him ..He'll hold you close

Saturday, August 1, 2020

My untold story

Because I couldn't agree with them and say that they were right
They abandoned me all together and wouldn't even write
They gossiped amongst each other and created  an empty fable
That they would pass  around each other whenever my name came up at the table

You see, my life was so much different than the one they passed around
A saintly and earthly mother is not someone I knew or found
So because I could not claim it or agree with the  things they said
They treated me like I was the enemy or someone diseased or dead

Must I pretend to never have suffered it: the abuses I knew and felt
From the person they raise to sainthood while all I knew was hell
Must I keep my mouth shut forever and never speak this pain out loud?
Tragedies and untold stories they cover up with their pretentious shroud..

Unless you've  walked the road I've walked on and felt the strap of pain
Don't tell me I've no reason to shout out about memories that still remain
While you paint up ..your pretty pictures to soothe your guilty minds
I still sort through the broken pieces of my childhood's stored up finds

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Can you hear..can you see?

The skies are all crying,they drop down their tears
Buckets of sorrows and triumphs and fears
Weeping and sighing as mother earth cries
Laughter and heartaches and heartfelt goodbyes

Clouds are all forming the thunders they roar
Earth starts to quiver and shake in its floor
Statements are made through breezes and wind
Listen and hear want they speak to us  within

Waves are all crashing and seas overflow
Mountain once standing are leveled so low
Someone is trying to speak out to us here
Can we not hear it ...this loud atmosphere?

Voices from peoples who have  long passed away
Come through the moments that make up each day
See how the stories from our yesterdays return
Lesson stills linger... we still need to learn

How long will it take for us to see and to know
That love is the reason we were sent here below
We have all wandered away from our callings within
And settled for things that allow  divisions to begin

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


I stand with you, the black, the white, the person with voiceless cry
The immigrant, the Asian, the Native American ...whom we  all deny;
And I cry and I weep and I sing my song of  coming evolutions
Knowing that knowledge is the only way we'll come up with stayig solutions

I run with you, my friend, my foe, my neighbor I have never met
And try to seek for reasons that we all try to forget
The atrocities..the shames ..the things we ought to remember
So that we don't let them rise up again like some flame from an ember

I die with you the abandoned, the wronged the shamefully alone
And wonder and wonder...why you could never feel at  home
With this world of great plenty and with more than enough
You deserved so much better and didn't deserve any of this stuff

Monday, July 13, 2020

Weather warning

Cicadas are singing their most soulful song
Wind storms are coming..and it wont be too long
We see them at a distance but right now, we'll  sing
Wake up and get ready for these wind storms will sting..

The elements are all charged up and the air fills up quick
Moisture and humidity are all a good fit
For storm clouds,  now forming, and creating a song:
Hurricanes and tornadoes are part of this throng

The Atlantic is warming and a haze starts to form
Like weatherman, all certain, these conditions.. will warn
Of tempests and turbulence and waters that flood
This year will rise up like a most memorable one....

Take heed and be preparing for these storms, they will rage
Like warriors they will head out and headline each page
Battering the coast lands and slaughtering the earth
We won't be able to believe it but it'll happen for sure...

Saturday, July 11, 2020

And the rain falls down

I am watching right now ..the flowing.. falling rain
How she soothes and she heals every semblance of pain
Gently dropping from the Heavens and soaking all within
Mother earth is all refreshed and is feeling good again

And the rain falls down
On the thirsty, cracking ground
And she soothes every heart
Who will allow her to start
The river of her healing..the river of her love
She comes like a messenger from the good God above

The days have been heated and the nights feel like a desert
They're motionless and lifeless and drained us, of every effort
Creatures want to  rest now when they should want to jump
Scorching days of summer cause the a/c to run and run

And the rain falls down
On the thirsty, cracking ground
And she soothes every heart
Who will allow her to start
The river of her healing..the river of her love
She comes like a messenger from the good God above

The heart has to struggle.. the lungs stick together
At the heights of this hotness and this inclement weather
How I hurt for the hurting and sigh for myself
As I long for a change in the story weathermen tell

And the rain falls down
On the thirsty, cracking ground
And she soothes every heart
Who will allow her to start
The river of her healing..the river of her love
She comes like a messenger from the good God above

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Stop acting like you will never catch it....

Let's all start, to be more reasonable: recognizing, how this all can end
If we don't see this virus for what it's surely isn't our friend
Working together. we can conquer it; but, running around crazy we cannot
Let's start taking, the necessary precautions; and start acting like we ought

Corona virus is not a something to be joking about or to  be protesting for
It's a deadly disease that has no discrimination and will enter through any door
Taking lives from every sector.. this infectious giant is coming after you and me
We can take our necessary precautions or succumb to destiny

Each day on the news we   hear it... as the number of cases and deaths climb
There are those who are acting so foolish, that they baffle our intelligent mind
People paying no heed to any warnings: running here and running over there
Continuing to  cough and sneeze and party on there isn't any virus in the air

Corona virus is not a something to be joking about or to be protesting for
It's a deadly disease that has no discrimination and will enter through any door
Taking lives from every sector.. this infectious giant is coming after you and me
We can take our necessary precautions or succumb to destiny

Deadly vapors are spreading around, through each molecule, that circles about
Though we cannot see them at's true . from each atom, they seem to shout:
"If you breathe me will become me and I invite you all to take me in"
Corona virus is like a devil  lying:  it will trick you time and time again

Corona virus is not a something to be joking about or to be protesting for
It's a deadly disease that has no discrimination and will enter through any door
Taking lives from every sector.. this infectious giant is coming after you and me
We can take our necessary precautions or succumb to destiny

Stop acting like you can... just..conquer it like you have the right to disagree
This virus doesn't care if you will riot it will suffocate us.. you and me
So if you're  not being careful or even listening to the warnings that are around
Do not be surprised, if, in another moment  traces of Covid-19 are in you found...

Corona virus is not a something to be joking about or to be protesting for
It's a deadly disease that has no discrimination and will enter through any door
Taking lives from every sector.. this infectious giant is coming after you and me
We can take our necessary precautions or succumb to destiny

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Summer's settling in

Summer's, finally, settling in
We hear it speaking in the wind
Warming rays are pushing through
Blistering sun is felt, it's true

And the morning lights up quick
As the heaviness seem to stick..
Storms are brewing off and on
From the start of early dawn

Crackling ground and thirsty soil
Embrace each storm like healing oil
See the hotness ...feel the air?
Lots of mugginess everywhere.

Shall we jump out, in a pool
Cool our bodies ...try to fool
Piercing temperatures that allure
Every swimmer..not so sure?.

Vaporous visions start to rise
From the earth to lofty skies
See the rolling-ness in the air
Every asthmatic should beware..

A/C's running overtime
Pinch your pennies save each dime
For the bills will rise up high
Summer's costly..can't deny..

Even with the cost and heat
Summer's beauty can't be beat
Vacationers run off to a lake
And some will simply vegetate

Have a safe summer... :)

Monday, June 15, 2020

Through it all

All God's beauty calls to me
In the winds and in the breeze
Through the sunlight and the moon
in the morning and at noon..

I am with you forever more
Through your upsets and your war
Through your dangers and your streets
I am God and bring My peace

Though the world would  bring bad news
We can pick and we can choose
To hear the nonsense: day by day;
Or turn it off and hear God say

I am with you forever more
Through your upsets and your war
Through your dangers ..through your streets
I am God and bring My peace

Though the struggles seem to mount
Way beyond we care to count
Troubles rising.. illness too??
There is One who can pull us through:

I am with you forever more
Through your upsets and your war
Through your dangers and your streets
I am God and bring My peace

Violent protests unfair laws
Cause us all to think and pause
Can we rise up ..and be Light
Be one family .. all unite?

I am with you forever more
Through your upsets and your war
Through your dangers and your streets
I am God and bring My peace

Jesus told us " I am here"
In the gatherings where I hear
Voices rise up in My Name
Many  people ....pleading the same..

I am with you forever more
Through your upsets and your war
Through your dangers and your streets
I am God and bring My peace

Now it's time to stop and pray
Before you start another day
Where you're going and what you'll do
Will determine if God's with you

I am with you forever more
Through your upsets and your war
Through your dangers and your streets
I am God and bring My peace

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Facebook family

Are you,watching me?...You have sat there for quite awhile...
But you haven't hit any likes or emojis with a smile
You claim to be my friend and I like that you are there
But are you really my friend  or someone who doesn't care?

I have opened up this site: every day and every night
Sometimes the things are calm ...other times:  people fight
There are people who are praising and others who are boasting
And times there are I see things, like: a hateful political roasting

I wonder why I stay here.. when so much is going on
Do I really want to see this,  at the start of early dawn
If I try to back away and start curbing my curiosity
I find I want to peek; and am jumping back in to see..

This Facebook fad has lasted, for many a year, I say
And I cannot seem to shake it .. it calls out to me each day
My friends, who I know and cherish; and those I never see
Seem to keep me coming back to this Facebook family..

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

When God looks at us

When God looks at us ..or what does He see
Does He see color or race or some genealogy?
When our God looks at us: at you and at me
Does He see us as culture or class or some society?

No when He's looking at us He sees us as soul
From the beginning to end ..with one common goal
To return back to Him with His Garments of love
To be found worthy of Heaven in those portals above

So lets turn away from hating and turn away from race
And look at each other as God does with grace
United and equal and totally one
We're family all striving to live like His Son

Thursday, June 4, 2020

I apologize for them


You are my sister and you are my brother
Though we have had a totally different mother
And though the colors that are emitted from our skin
May betray the  difference of our DNA deep within

Yet still, will I  claim you are my very own
And blush at the unkindnesses you have been shown
The most ugly unkind  forms  of all of our humankind
You have known because of officers stepping out of line

So I apologize for all these  and those awful times
You have suffered so many terrible  terrible crimes
At the hands of those wielding unmerited power
I stand with you and protest every prejudiced hour

It is not what America's about not the America I know
So I plead with those who can right this terrible woe
This cancerous outrage plaguing our nation everywhere
And instill in all. an attitude that is right and always fair

There is no color or class in God's Kingdom .. all our one
So, let us , all, go back to following  God's only Son
And treat one another with dignity  love and respect
It is the only way we will die in peace without any regret

Sunday, May 31, 2020

When we stand in that Brightest Light

Whenever, that big day does come and we stand in that Brightest Light
We will see, everything, as God can see..what is wrong and what is right
We will  know as we are known by that All Knowing, Everlasting One
And be challenged and congratulated for everything we have or we have done

Yes, then, we won't have to boast or brag; or even toot "our own horns" at all
For, then,  we will see as God can see: all of our actions ..great or small
The pool of the public opinion or praise won't carry any weight up there
For everything others have ever said of us will disappear like dissipating air

We won't have to be proving ourselves at all for all of that will have been done
And it won't matter if the world is hating us... for they hated God's Only Son
We will be found in the brightness of His grace and return to Him Who is our All
So let us be alert and ready dear friends for we don't know the hour He'll call..

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hear us singing

Early morning songs arise
Birds are sounding..beautiful cries
Welcoming dawn and break of day
Creatures run and creatures play

Rain is falling soft and sweet:
Oh the beautifulness of this ..treat...
Like the soothing sound of water falls
Pitter pattering raindrops call

Darkness lingers in subtler gray
Cloudiness has so much to say
See the waters from  high above
Descending down, like drops of love

Hear those droplets: how they sing
Of God's life and everything
Calling out to all who'll hear
"Hear us your ear?"

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Yet you ignore me

Have you, really, truly forgotten me
Tossed me aside like some casualty
Looking away so that you might not see
That something in you is part of me???

Have you truly decided to abandon me
Joined the ranks of those who will not see
That the story I'm living is your story too
Yet you go on ignoring me .. the way you do...

So I've learned to live like one alone
Having a family but not my own
Blushing because I cannot boast
Of reunions and birthdays and new year's toast

Monday, May 11, 2020


The  sounds, of the birds awakening, are permeating the air
Plants, in all their beauty, can be seen, almost everywhere
The atmosphere is, so vibrant and the day light shares its glow
Golden beams of sunlight are shining out with   overflow

Oh to touch this mystery, of another breaking day
To take in all its beauty and to hear all it has to say
It's a gift so freely given and yet so many refuse to take
The essence of  this message is a simple attempt to awake

I have heard it in the morning ...the whispers of the fertile ground
Speaking to everyone around it, the secrets it has freely found
But, so few there are to hear it..and so few to appreciate
Come now listen to it  awhile..and allow your heart to meditate..

Oh to touch this mystery, of another breaking day
To take in all its beauty and to hear all it has to say
It's a gift so freely given and yet so many refuse to take
The essence of  this message is a simple attempt to awake

The birds,the bees, and the flowers...the squirrels who romp around
Have found it, this secret happiness, its free and easily found
Why can we not try to find it .and have it: that inner joy
We can see it in all of creation... its an eternity life can't destroy

Oh to touch this mystery, of another breaking day
To take in all its beauty and to hear all it has to say
It's a gift so freely given and yet so many refuse to take
The essence of  this message is a simple attempt to awake

I wish you could understand it...this message I am trying to share
Life is so full of everything and you are needing to be more aware
That, happiness, is not in "the having" but in living of life day by day
It's not in the  taking  to yourself selfishly but in giving your life away

Oh to touch this mystery, of another breaking day
To take in all its beauty and to hear all it has to say
It's a gift so freely given and yet so many refuse to take
The essence of  this message is a simple attempt to awake

Friday, May 8, 2020

I Love You

The morning opens up with song..
Birds are singing, all day long
Moments pass and hours too
One big evolving: "I Love You"

In the skies: so blue and kind,
Clouds emerge:  all kinds we find
Grey ones; white ones; fluffy too:
Again, another, "I Love You"..

Grass is greening and flowers show
A beautifulness, is  in overflow
Sweetness; brightness; colors too:
Can't you hear them:  "I Love You"

And when the nights are peaking through
A bright big moon, appears: it's true
Yellow, white or reddish too
God keeps saying "I Love You"

Every day and in every hour
Through the heat or cooling shower:
God, Almighty, is heard, it's true
Constantly says it:  "I Love You"

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Perhaps, our good God is allowing this  to bring everyone closer...this pandemic...Are we  getting closer to each other.. or becoming more and more self centered?


Time has been passing.. but, I am still here
So much has been happening since the start of this year.
The virus has been spreading and we continue to strive:
Struggling but is good to be alive

The sparrows keep singing though, tear drops will fall
Time has seen endings and brought  the hard call
The pandemic, of the century, has caught us off guard
And now we are saying this trial is too hard..

Despite all the heartache and the isolations too
Beautiful things keep happening; we see them: its true
Selflessnes and heroics and  some people who care
Come out like great warriors. who carry love everywhere

Perhaps we are all learning and are given this time
To ponder and grasp them:  these lessons assigned
In this plethora of moments that seem  to overwhelm
We find ourselves more connected to the spiritual realm

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Should I write or continue still
Like the leaf at breeze's will
Should I sing or should I talk
Stay inside.. or take a walk

Like the oceans or the trees
I feel the movement of the breeze
And in it's echo  and in it's air
God is speaking...everywhere..

Early morning ..or late at night
So much beauty, is in our sight:
Creatures romping...birds in flight
Tell me, tell me; aren't I right?

Like a symphony or a band
Feather creatures ...without demand
Draw our hearing; listening too:
Songs of morning, ring; it's true

Soaking stillness sudden winds
Move around and day begins
Like the dawning so long ago
God's creating creative flow...

Monday, April 13, 2020

But, now, He is truly risen

The tomb has long been empty for many many years
And many moments have passed since Mary, first, shed her tears
But today, we can all remember, It,  this happening once again
That Jesus Christ is risen and has freed us from our sin

But, now, He is truly risen ..He is risen up; it is true
He has stretched His arms out wide to rescue, to rescue me and you
The grips of death, once broken, can never bind again
Let's thank our Blessed Savior for freeing us from our sin...

The days before His rising and those hours before that day
Remind us of how much our sinning could darken our every way
How much our hate and fighting and our angriness galore
Could create so much suffering that our Savior meekly bore

But, now, He is truly risen ..He is risen up; it is true
He has stretched His arms out wide to rescue, to rescue me and you
The grips of death, once broken, can never bind again
Let's thank our Blessed Savior for freeing us from our sin.

We are no longer living that moment but our sins can truly hurt
And distance us from our Savior who has reminded us of our worth
If only we could truly grasp it that price that He chose to pay
We would turn from all our sinning and our foolishness displayed

But, now, He is truly risen ..He is risen up; it is true
He has stretched His arms out wide to rescue, to rescue me and you
The grips of death, once broken, can never bind again
Let's thank our Blessed Savior for freeing us from our sin.

It's so wonderful to celebrate it the Resurrection day
To visit and sing some anthems before we say our grace
But we musn't separate it from the lives we daily share
And live like Resurrection people who bring Jesus everywhere

But, now, He is truly risen ..He is risen up; it is true
He has stretched His arms out wide to rescue, to rescue me and you
The grips of death, once broken, can never bind again
Let's thank our Blessed Savior for freeing us from our sin

Friday, April 10, 2020

Turn back..

Be still and think of everything that is happening and going on
Our heart and souls are desiring for a new morning and a better dawn
We're exhausted with all of the waiting and with the constant news
That tells us more are falling to this virus that doesn't pick and choose

After thinking of all of this ..what conclusions are you able to reach
Is there something we're suppose to be learning.. some lessons that quietly leak
Why is it it... that this plague has run and why is it that it is  everywhere
Has anyone come to understand the messages filtering through our air

We had become so very violent so very hateful and  "I don't care"
That God had to shake us up  and make us all become more aware
That there is something more than our egos our grasping and  our reach
Perhaps He's allowing this pandemic to soften us and also to teach.

So what is the lesson from all of this from all   this dying and despair
If not to challenge us to be more loving and more willing share
We have to go back to those times where the rule of love and God
Were considered to be  most desirable and the road upon which we trod....

Friday, April 3, 2020

In all of this ..we can hope

It's going to be alright ..and this storm will pass away
We'll have to wait awhile..but we know it'll, all,  be okay
We might have to know  some inconvenience and suffer a little bit
But everything will turn around and be okay.. in spite of it

It isn't a time for gathering and it isn't a time to steal
It isn't a time for unkindness or for producing theories unreal
But it is a time for  healing and it is a time for the greatest grace
It is a time for everybody to get their life and priorities straight

For the writers of the greatest prophecies and the authors of the book
Are looking down upon our world and are casting a hopeful look
For they know what is in our being and what is in our very core
It is what causes an Infinite One.. to reach out to us once more...

So let's turn around our thinking and let's turn around our ways
Lets turn around to everybody and make an effort to give some praise
For we have so many more moving moments  and so many more years to go
This isn't an ominous ending but an incentive to change and grow

Friday, March 27, 2020

So, be you, the medic, without any tool

Let us all be careful and let us all be kind
So that the goodness we share can heal humankind
Our thoughts and our actions and all that we do
Can promote an aura of  health..for is true

So turn away from the greediness and from all of the hate
Let your love, that's within start to escalate
The molecular battle from all places  around
That will overthrow this virus with a peaceful sound

The borders we create cannot help us as much
As the caring heart or the gentlest touch
So be you the medic without any tool
Let your love be the potion for this virus so cruel

Our energies rise up like a  vaporous cloud
They spread through the countries like a  boisterous crowd
So ...what are we sending and what are we not?
Could this virus be something our warring has bought?

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Would you be the one?

Right now our world needs good Samaritans 

If I was really needing you; would you be there:
In my dark moments, and in my despair?
Would you be   so ready..that you could carry me
If I was  needing your presence:  where would you be?

Because now I am needing you .. I need you now
To help me through this.. through all this... somehow
I'm not feeling so  confident and  need some grace
Would you stay here with me . with .your warm embrace

If I was feeling anxious could you be my calm
That sweet consolation that works like balm
Could you be that person ...who would never  judge
Would you lift me gently... when my heart can't budge

Because now I am needing you .. I need you now
To help me through this.. through all this... somehow
I'm not feeling so  confident and  need some grace
Would you stay here with me . with .your warm embrace

If I wasn't acting rightly; and was a little unkind
Would you stay here with me and be my peace of mind?
Would you be that person who would always care;
Even in those dark moments when darkness is everywhere?

Because now I am needing you .. I need you now
To help me through this.. through all this... somehow
I'm not feeling so  confident and  need some grace
Would you stay here with me . with .your warm embrace

IF I wasn't even your friend and was just a passerby
Would you still be kind to me and help me get on by
Would you be that beacon ...that single ray of light
That helps me see clearly ...even with damaged sight

Because now I am needing you .. I need you now
To help me through this.. through all this... somehow
I'm not feeling so  confident and  need some grace
Would you stay here with me . with .your warm embrace

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Time for loving.. not for fight
Time for everyone to unite
Time for kindness ..time for love
Time to give like God above

Time for hoping time for fun
Time to help out  everyone
Time for healing time for pain
Time for singing the peace refrain

Time for praying ..time for care
Time for distancing... everywhere
Time to reach out time to call
Time to be mindful.. towards all

Time for patience time to wait
Time to trust that God's not late
Time to pray now time to talk
Time to ponder and humbly walk

Sunday, March 15, 2020

God is still God

There is so much panic everywhere
Where there should be trust and humble prayer
God is still our God and we should  know
That He hasn't forgotten us .. He's everywhere we go

Before our time we shall never pass away
Through an illness or  some tragedy along the way
This virus spreading far and spreading near
Will have no power over us .. remember... God is here..

Take precautions as you know you must
But do not lose your faith or ability to trust
In the wisdom of the One who sees us all
He will rescue us and keep us safe ..great or small...

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Angels ready

Silent whispers in the night
Angel beings take their flight
Taking charge and taking care
Showing Godness everywhere

Hear them echo...hear them sing
Of a Heavenly Happening
God above and God below
Grace is everywhere..we will go.

Morning's waking ...we do too
Angels are ready to help us through
Guiding; protecting; giving love
From the Great One: God above

Do you believe and can you see
Angel beings silently
With their presence... with their light
Helping all to live life right

Monday, March 2, 2020

Pause and appreciate

It's okay to take a break and simply sit down
while you are doing nothing much at all
See the sights and smell the smells of
flowers, trees and plantlets great and small
Feel the feel of  the warming rays of
Sunshine dancing on your face and on everything  around
Oh the wonderfulness of having time to sit motionless
and soundless in world  so full of sound

Can't you see it,  all the springness in the plantlets, trees
and seedlings everywhere
Buds are opening; seeds are breaking;
trees are flowering... with fragrance, they release into the air
Gardeners, garden, inside the house; with pots and pods;
that hey'll put out once the last frost has gone
Even early morning seems to echo
the sounds of spring, that burst forth with the first signs of dawn

Temperatures are rising and the warmer winds
are circulating throughout the entire atmosphere
Time to get out those lighter garments from out the storage
and put the heavier ones back in there
Oh, the awesomeness, of this season changing
into the beautifulness that only the Spring can bring
It moves everyone within and everything without
into the happiest dance and song that touches everything

Sunday, March 1, 2020

I once was blind....

You cannot ever convince me that those four walls can make you whole
That sitting inside those pews, there,  will transform your immortal soul
I have seen it and I have also felt it: the gaze of the judging eye
Who will sing out every Sunday but then ignore the orphan's cry....

Oh yes you will be joining the choirs and you will join the noble quest
Of holding up those signs of unity and  shout out with great protest
But what of the ones right near you .. the ones you continue to deny
The brother.. the sister.. the cousin; you refuse to love or look in the eye

It saddens me to even think this..and  even more so to sadly write
That, I,  was once, one of those people... who thought that: I always right....
That I could have stood in  judgment or that I could have  cast a slur
Embarrasses me to this moment and makes me more humble I am sure

So now I'm pleading for mercy; for forgiveness and for the Light
So that, I can become more loving and not be so blinded by my pride
That I can give of my love more freely to every person... every time
I beg of the Giver of everything:  the ability to bless all with my rhyme

Friday, February 28, 2020

Soul stuff

The silence speaks when all is still
It touches hearts and moves the will
It carries strength and also light
The silence speaks from dusk to night

The aura speaks it soothes and sings
It shines on all and gently stings
It moves our senses and every bone
The aura speaks ..put down that phone

The thunder also speaks
It chooses hearts; it nobly seeks..
A mind uncluttered and unafraid
The thunder speaks of love displayed

The seasons taunt; they challenge us
To let alone all fraud and fuss
To cling most truly to what is real
The seasons ask see feel

The universe sings.she sings out loud
To passersby and noisy crowd
But no one listens.we're in a rush
The universe speaks..we're out of touch

The world's in need... she needs us all
To turn around,  to hear the call:
The call of love... the call of care
The world is asking us more aware..

Thursday, February 20, 2020

First snow

Expecting now today.. a little bit of white
Will it be, that it comes in the morning or will it come at night?
Something about the snow that can make one really feel
Close to the One Whose love is Everlasting and for real

So I'll wait and gaze and watch the graying sky
For that first sprinklet of snow 
that'll drop on down from up high
And when that first crystal blanket starts 
to form before my eyes
I'll feel so much excitement 
that I won't be able to suppress my sighs

The temperatures have fluctuated up and down all week
Can't believe the weatherman have spoke of such "a treat"
A chance of snow and schools will shutting down: it's true
February is bringing a delight...just for me and you ..

So I'll wait and gaze and watch  the graying sky
For that first sprinklet of snow 
that'll drop on down from up high
And when that first crystal blanket starts 
to form before my eyes
I'll feel so much excitement 
that I won't be able to suppress my sighs

Since little my heart has held,here, a very special place
For that miracle of nature that sprinkles down with grace
Like puffs of love and flakes of the purest down
I love to see it falling and covering up the ground

So I'll wait and gaze and watch at the graying sky
For that first sprinklet of snow 
that'll drop on down from up high
And when that first crystal blanket starts 
to form before my eyes
I'll feel so much excitement 
that I won't be able to suppress my sighs

Just a short little note this morning... From my poem.. you can tell that snow is in the forecast.. Since I was small, I have had love for the sight of snow falling and blanketing the earth..

Something about it's softness when it falls.. and the pureness of it lying there so quietly looking pretty.. makes my heart leap..

Do you like snow...?   I know driving in it and shoveling it may not be so great; but, take all that way.. Isn't it beautiful.. .? Is there some type of weather you really love?

Does it make you want to dance.. to sing.. to write .. or paint? Isn't it wonderful, how God gives us so much to delight us?

Love you .. Joy

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The right thing's right for everyone

Just because we think.. it's so
Doesn't mean it's right, I hope you know
We huff, we puff we; we shout .. we scream
But all in all it's just our dream

We mustn't hold and cling so tight
To things we push with all our might
When all is said and when all is done
The right thing's right for everyone..

We hold our signs and we hold our meets
An ugly violence is in our streets
But, if what we're  good and well
Why do our gatherings look like hell?

We mustn't hold and cling so tight
To things we push with all our might
When all is said and when all is done
The right thing's right for everyone.

"If you oppose us.... then you're blocked",
This is our lingo and it is our talk
It is our reasoning and it is our way
If you vote against us..then go away?

We mustn't hold and cling so tight
To things we push with all our might
When all is said and when all is done
The right thing's right for everyone.

It is so sad this political divide
Within our country: so true and tried
Our fights and battles should not exist
To promote, our self seeking and divisionists

We mustn't hold and cling so tight
To things we push with all our might
When all is said and when all is done
The right thing's right for everyone.

It seems, to me, we are becoming so divided..that we forgot that we are suppose to be united.. I can say ..even ..from watching my own family's posts.. friend's post..that the election has become something very divisive and toxic...

The intensity of what's appearing on social media, in the newspapers, on the TV shows me .. that we are not the United States of America but a very divide States of America..

The way people treat those who embrace another political side is so UGLY!!!   I am ashamed to see people close to me .. lash out.. curse.. ridicule what and who they don't's saddening..

If your way is right.. why is it making you talk so ugly?? Whatever is going to be the way the country chooses: republican or democrat or something else.. It's obvious that the biggest issue isn't healthcare, economy.. or even   student loans ..

The biggest issue is: is upholding the freedom to have an opinion.. It's pushing for the right to be different and respected ..even when .. perhaps.. someone sees things differently ..votes differently ..worships differently..

It's amazing that the very ones pushing for the rights of illegal aliens are the ones shouting down the rights of US citizens who cast a ballot different then theirs.. They want some part of the Constitution..but not all parts..

We are not suppose to be cafeteria Americans.. choosing what part of being American fits our agenda...

Please wake up People.. we are the USA and in our very core..we are one with each other by the very articles we created in protest against Britain's control.. We all have rights to vote.. to be .. to love .. to worship.. to bear arms. .etc..  Just because you don't like one of those rights doesn't mean you can bash those who respect them all..

If you don't want to vote for someone great.. but stop beating up someone who doesn't agree with your view.. You only show how small minded you are.. shouting out like your way's the only way!

Love you ..Joy

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

You can see

Nature's speaking through the leaves
Hearts are listening and receive
All the secrets and all the love
Descending from the heights above.

Like some ointment soft and sweet
Flowers whisper ...energies meet
Through the seedlings; through the sod
We are touching the heart of God..

Every morning..and every night
All before us; in plain sight
Auras, loveliness: art divine
Singing  songs out: line by line

If you're wanting to;  you can see:
Everything and sea
All the melodies; all the song
Not so perfect but..nothing's wrong

Good morning.. look out your window..What do you see.. .  really..what do you see...? Can you tell me.? What do you hear? Are you able to hear the birds... the leaves..the whispering wind..? Maybe at a distance, beyond the immediate sound of chirping birds.. you hear a hum of cars heading off to work?

Just for a moment..focus on the beauty outside...Are there trees? How many.. What kind? Do you hear birds? What kind? ... Can  you see any plants..are they budding?

Imagine you are there side by side with one of them.. what would they be saying...Do you feel they are at peace.. ? Do they look one with the rest of the world?

Spend a little time..just listening and looking.. isn't it amazing..what we have before us every day.. We can start each day ..gazing on so much beauty..?

Love you .. Joy

Monday, February 17, 2020

Silent pauses

Silent pauses in the day
Calms our souls and makes a way
For the angels with their light
To guard and protect us ..unto night

Silent pauses along the way
Give us chances to carefully sway
From the wrong and to the right
Careful thinking gives us insight

Silent pauses when we speak
Keeps us  humble ..keeps us meek
Makes us notice.. what we can miss
If our anger starts to hiss

Silent pauses on the road
Reminds us things: as good as gold
Patient driving... keeps us safe
Speeding can bring us  to our grave

Silent pauses here or there
In our home or anywhere
Will alert us and help us see
God is present in you and me

Good morning.. how many of us are in a hurry each morning..? We just have to do this..or that.. and have to get out the

I know, sometimes, I get into that nasty habit..called routine..Routine seems to make us go quickly through things, without thinking.. There are things we do every morning the same..

When we are doing our daily morning routine.. what are the thoughts we have going through our head.? Are they thoughts of hurry, hurry ..hurry.. We have overslept.. or today we need to go in early..? Run, run, run?

What if.. just..what if...we slowed down a little? Each morning.. before we looked at a zillion emails and texts and tv and computer.. we just stopped and listened and prayed ( if we do that) and allowed the untouched silence of God to enter our souls.. We don't have to say anything..or even think...just be still..

What would happen if we did that? Do you think we should try? Wonder, would we find that our days become more blessed..more meaningful..?

And then at night .. before we jump in bed.. can we, then, go into that pause moment..Just a moment of two..complete silence, wonder, awe of how wonderfully blessed we were during the day.. and just acknowledge that blessing and say thank you to the Giver of all good things..What if we just took a moment or two to do that in the evening. .Nothing formal..just a slow down.. a quieting . .a silencing.. just a few moments or two.. God isn't impressed by numbers..or minutes or hours.. Let's slow down.  Love you: Joy

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Something new...

In between my poems, I will start to write a little bit so you can get to know me... .Presently, I live in North Carolina...I work from home..I rent an in-law suite....

I love all of God's creation and believe in angels.. Jesus and in Mary and the saints..

I respect everyone's right to worship or not..It's not for us to evaluate souls.. but it is ours to love and spread love to others.. there's already too much hatred in our world..

Today ..our weather was nippy.. Squirrels and birds were ready for the tiny morsels.. I set out..

My four kitties were less rowdy .. I love them all. .their names are  Orion, Gracie, Lucca and Crystal..

Till  tomorrow.. I wish you a blessed night ;)

Signs of Spring

Soothing sounds and melodies
Come from creatures in the trees
Spring is coming  and we hear
All that's caught up in the atmosphere

Budding blooms and grasses peek
Through hardened ground that tries to tweak
Attempts of seedlings pushing through
Doing things they're meant to do.

So we embrace it all the change
Coming from the sunny exchange
While rounds and rounds of molecules
Break the rank and despise all rules.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Oh, the sun shines..

Smiling through the sky so blue
The beautiful sunlight's peeking through
Whispering wisdom through its rays
Singing songs that wake our days

Glowing through the molecular blend
Protons, neutrons, atoms send
Rays of sunlight, golden glow
See the cosmic, seasonal .. show

Every morning and nearing night
Awesomeness shines out from this light
Softer showings emerging from this sun
And warming the hearts of everyone

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Before the light of day

Hours slip away before the break of  dawn
Before you know it..all this silence will be gone
Beautifulness and endless sounds of peace
Speak to me as the predawn hours start to  decrease

Everything around me seems to hold a supernatural sound
And everything echoes within  me..that..God is truly around
Though nothing animate seems visible to my mortal eye
I feel the Infinite One breathing life and hope ....I can't deny

So I sit in wonder and awe before the light of day
I soak in the awesomeness of the Almighty One passing by
In the elements and molecules and everything that is
God is speaking to my heart .."My love is so much more than this.."

Friday, January 31, 2020

It's so simple...

We only really need
To put aside our greed
And strive with all our might
To turn darkness into light

It really isn't hard
To pick up broken chard
But it is quite a plight
Changing wrong into the right

We all must really let it go:
The awful pride ..and our ego
And embrace without a  dread
A selfless life of love..instead

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Good night to all

Night is here it's here it's here
Stars are shining with  light sincere
Glowing  dancing and doing their thing
Sparkling through the silence they sing..

Crickets start to stretch their wings
And a beautiful music from them rings
Soothing and softening all the air
Creating a calmness like a prayer

Angel beings all hover around
Quietly watching ..there isn't sound
Standing and staring and watching us all
Waiting and listening for every call

So I say it and extend to all
A blessed good night a kiss so small
Through the elements and through the breeze
Angel beings do carry it please

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Frigid temperatures are all here
And it's good .. to be sincere
Rather have coldness and the chill
Than some heat which is unreal..

Birds are chirping all the same
Frosty figures bless my pane
Smoky vapors slowly rise
From the earth and in the skies

Crispy coolness kisses us all..
Plants and creatures slowly crawl
Through the elements in the wind
Welcome wintry weather  again

So I'll sing it sing my song
When I get up; and all day long
Winter's here and here it'll stay
Still spring time flowers come our way

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Wintry weather

Chilly breezes usher in
Wintry whispers start again
Finally winter's here it is
Making all our air so crisp

See the icies in the wind
Spreading out with veil so thin
On the plantlets..on the trees
Silhouettes that ride the breeze

Graying skies, are .talking low
Cooling temperatures bringing snow
Something's awesome something's sweet
In their sprinkles on our feet

So we bid a huge goodbye
To those temperatures..once so high
And we embrace it as we should
Wintry weather cold and good

Monday, January 13, 2020

From the uninvited..

You walk around in riches..and are as happy as can be
So is it any wonder that you cannot notice me
I wear my same day clothing and I say my same day stuff
Have you ever known the struggle or the endless nights so rough

Why condemn me for my sharing for my opening up to all
Would you rather me be silent pretend I have it all
I've listened to your stories of how  you give and  give
Yet you never even noticed that I haven't a  place to live

You walk around in riches..and are as happy as can be
So is it any wonder that you cannot notice me
I wear my same day clothing and I say my same day stuff
Have you ever known the struggle or the endless nights so rough

Oh you sing  your hallelujahs; and you're present in the pew
But how often do you do it: what the good book counsels you
It's all for fame and glory and for the recognition too
Would you even know the value... of hiding what you do??

You walk around in riches..and are as happy as can be
So is it any wonder that you cannot notice me
I wear my same day clothing and I say my same day stuff
Have you ever known the struggle or the endless nights so rough

We are the humble army.. the population of the poor
We see you walk, right by us;  though, you pride yourself on more
It's all for gaining numbers for that army of "the elite"
But do you think that Jesus wouldn't love us on the street

You walk around in riches..and are as happy as can be
So is it any wonder that you cannot notice me
I wear my same day clothing and I say my same day stuff
Have you ever known the struggle or the endless nights so rough

If church was something more than ...the four walls you embrace
Do you think that you would know it... would you think it a disgrace
If I told you have it wrong now...that it isn't in those walls
That you'd find your Beloved Savior..He's not  selective with  His calls

You walk around in riches..and are as happy as can be
So is it any wonder that you cannot notice me
I wear my same day clothing and I say my same day stuff
Have you ever known the struggle or the endless nights so rough

It's true..that.. I haven't bathed in: that pool you call the way
But, I carry Him,  in my spirit: the One who made the day
And though, I cannot quote it.. that great Book you shout out from
I know that God is loving and has sent us His Only Son

You walk around in riches..and are as happy as can be
So is it any wonder that you cannot notice me
I wear my same day clothing and I say my same day stuff
Have you ever known the struggle or the endless nights so rough

I cannot keep it,  flowery...or sugar coat it for you
There's an enormous crowd of Christians, who have it wrong: so true
There's nothing in the Bible that says crowding into a church
Will bring you more salvation than those left outside... for sure..

You walk around in riches..and are as happy as can be
So is it any wonder that you cannot notice me
I wear my same day clothing and I say my same day stuff
Have you ever known the struggle or the endless nights so rough

If I could give you anything from this poverty that I know
I would give you all.. my vision ...that can see beyond your show
I would speak to you the secrets that were spoken long ago
And show you that the Gospel wasn't meant to give  control

You walk around in riches..and are as happy as can be
So is it any wonder that you cannot notice me
I wear my same day clothing and I say my same day stuff
Have you ever known the struggle or the endless nights so rough