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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Broken Pieces

Broken pieces all around, sprinkled on the floor
I havent strength to pick them up; strength I have no more
Broken by the ones I loved and by the ones I hate
Healing is so badly needed; time is getting late.

Broken pieces in my heart scattered all around
Suffocating all my thoughts, in everything they're  found.
Trying to pick the  pieces up is quite a task for me
Especially when everywhere I look pieces are all I see.

Broken pieces in my mind but not in my safe place
TIme to put them all together and into a better space.
Even if only one by one  I must try with all my heart
To pick up all the broken pieces before I fall apart.


  1. How are you Joy? I pray it's been pleasant. I like the poems you posted for today."Let the tears Out Little Me" is similar to what I did in my journal. I feel like the little girl who died in me never was given any closure, never given the proper respect she deserved. So I took her photo and put them on pages inside my daily journal. I call this section of my journal "Remembering". Under each picture I put what I wanted to know about her and what I felt she was thinking in the picture.There's a elementary class picture of her(her is me) in it and I did remember the class members, so I wrote what I remembered about them. I covered each picture with a clear white sheet, so her face could no longer be seen. I don't go back to the photos because of the broken pieces that are scattered all over the floor of my brain. Scattered memories I can't find because it's so hidden I have not any knowledge of them. But God is putting the broken pieces together and He's doing a good thing for me...I didn't think I could be able to post to you today because of all that is happening with me. I do thank you for your prayers. Whenever I can I'm going to talk with you. Take good care of yourself and I'll talk with you again. Hopefully soon.

  2. I failed to mention that I will start my show and tell series this week. It's my own personal dvd journal I'm recording of the special things and people who have impacted my life. I'm going to create a photo album of myself with photos I will be taking. This is like facing giants for me. I have a very hard time connecting to my body and looking at myself in video or photos is very difficult for me. I am to write ten things that I like about my body. I tried it today and couldn't get myself to write one good thing. I wasn't ready to do it today but I know I will be soon with much prayer and determination...I just wanted to share with you some of the things that I'm doing for myself to help this healing process along. I wish you were here but I know that you're thinking of me and praying for me and that's just as good as you holding my hand. Thank you for all the poems and for being my friend.

    Love you,

  3. Hi Riri,

    Sorry for the late response.. I am here. am always here for you . I have been sorting through emotions today and so have been dancing in the rain and trying to get things done. I find reading your responses helpful to me too. I like your ideal of how you are doing your journal. Especially how you titled one section "Remembering" I am in the process of writing letters to little me. my T thought it might help me through some stuff and whats coming up with these letters are lots of tears rights now. Perhaps because little me is moved that anyone would pay attention to her.
    I found big me crying alot today . Especially when I said I want to hug you . THis made me cry and cry and cry. I said I had to wait all these years for a hug and it's only me hugging me. I never was hugged by my mother. How sad..Little me is reacting to the attention but big me is completley empty of tears..

    I wish I was there too. I would love to see your show and tell series. I bet it will be so very wonderful.. just like you . I don't have but a few photos of little me. Mom told me i was too ugly for photos and so there is not many of the out there. :( Gosh hope my T never asks me to do an assignment about liking my body stuff. . hard enough to say nice things to me. let along start talking about what I like about my body. Hoping . crossing my fingers.. that wont ever come up for me to do:)

    I am so glad you are here RiRi you are teaching me so much too. (( big hug )) if ok. lLove you Riri.
    Have a sweet night....

    Love you xoxo


  4. Thanks for the hug. Back to you.:)

    Good night my friend.


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