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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Christmas story

In a world, so full, of darkness, we were all looking for some light

For someone, Who could turn  the pages and make everything, all alright

Our petitions were raised up daily and our prayers were soaring  High

The ALmighty responded to our petitioning and descended the Heavenly Sky

So we saw Him inside of a manger where animals and wild ones would graze 

God came to us as One of His answers: a Great Miracle for all of our days

He sent to us His Most Precious treasure:  His only Son, as  pathway  to Him

He would save us, from all of our darkness and the clutches of evilness and sin

So hidden beneath all of this  apparel:  of flesh and bone and breath

God came to us,like us so mortal..He was unable to take His first step

He started  off like all of us had started: so cold and helpless and Light

But would grow up  completely rejected and would ultimately give up His  Life

So whie we are, all,  out there celebrating with  laughter and love and   giving 

Let us not wander too far  from the story, of Christmas; and its real beginning

We are all part of the story of Jesus; and the story of all that's  to come

Let us be grateful for moments of celebration and appreciate what's been done

Thursday, November 24, 2022

True treasures

There's beautiful skies and beautiful seas

Land all around to bless you and me

But of all of these beauties  and all of this grace

Which of these treasures will  hold you in place

We have countries of splendor and bars made of gold

Countless or travels on which we've been sold

Malls made for shopping and online stores too

But which of these outlets can satisfy you?

We buy all of the gadgets and have all the new

We have Iphones and Ipads and's true

Our bling is so sparkly..  our houses overflow

With all that we have, here; there's something to know

That  nothing we purchase and nothing we can buy

Can top what's been given from our God by and by

Everything's passing and everything will  end

But what God has given will always extend

Our families our frienships and all  formed out of time

Like verses will be written with great  rhythm and rhyme

Continuing through centuries and not costing us a dime

Let's value these treasures, this Thanksgiving time

Happy Thanksgiving .. thank you Lord for all you have given us.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Be thankful

 Be thankful you're breathing and walking around

That when you are sleeping you're not on the ground

Be thankful for sunshine, for winter, and  rain

For good times, for bad times and even some pain

Be thankful for lodging  for big homes or small

For nourishing nutrients and blessings that fall

Be thankful for dark times,  the moonlights and sun

Be thankful, be thankful for each and everyone

And, finally,  be thankful for whoever you are

You don't need to sparkle or be like some  star

Just be for each moment God's vessel of love

And always be thankful for all of your stuff

Monday, October 31, 2022

It just takes a moment

Golden leaves fill up the trees

While gentle coolness rides the breeze

Softly speaking,  Autumn tries

To bring her beauty before  our eyes

The time is, now, nearing for our earth

To settle down inside of her rebirth

Quietly changing ..transforming too

Each season can do this for me and you

Seasons will come and they will go

But each one is   different as you know

All are so beautiful and all can rhyme

In beautiful verse that fills our mind

How to embrace it:  the  autumn's gold..

So much is inside of those  leaves so old

Secret  solutions, inside of   the breeze

Reflecting an Image that one one sees

We can tottaly miss it: the beauty outside

If we continue to burrow ourselves and hide

Inside of our media and inside of our net..

Let's promise to explore it ..if just, for  a bit

Saturday, October 29, 2022

God has the answer

Times are so challenging, this, we can see

But this shouldn't shake us up: shake you or me

Because we all know this . .and this is our truth: 

God is watching over  us:  watching:  me and you

Wars are arising and some streets are on fire

Some are  being led by some selfish desire

Cost of our living and the things being high

Has made us all question it : why, oh Lord, why?

Take a few  moments  and take a little time

conside each syllable of this  poorly written rhyme

We must, all ,  consider this and turn it  around

All of this disunity is making  unhappy ground

Having our differences and having our way

Is so very human like and it's really okay 

But we shouldn't be pushing it pushing our thing

When it won't be a solution to solve anything

We all have our crazinesses.. our sanities too

Which make us so different beautiful it's true

We shouldn't be upset then or make it our goal

To turn everbody into some prefect mold

Pray for our countries, then and pray for all times

Which see us all struggling with unquestionable lines

Of homelessness and families who can't even unit

God has  the answer if we're willing to try 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Slow your hurried-ness

Through the air that fills our lungs

Through  creation's cryptic tongues

We can experience it.. feel His way

God is loving us... every day

In the elements, in  the breeze

In the grass  and dancing  trees

God is encouraging us to and fro

Directing us  guiding us: where to go

Not with a noisiness or a crowd 

God keeps teaching us:  not out loud

But with quietness  gentle.,,still

The Ominoptent Creator  inside our will

Slow your hurried-ness slow your pace

Allow yourself some time for grace

Nothing much needed, now.. just a space

God will enter it with His embrace

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

So blessed by God

I woke up this morning and gazed on the sky

And thanked the good God    I'm breathing and alive

HE's given me so much -ness much eacn year

I thank Him and bless Him ,..I know that He's is near..

The universe, the cosmos the flowers so small

The atoms and minerals ... HE's given me them.. all

I part of them .. blessed by them: the creation HE's made

I priveleged and missioned to keep singing His praise

I'm  never an orphan though sometimes I'm alone

He  loves me and holds me and calls me His own

From morning to evening;  in winters and in rain

The God of all creatures with me shall remain

Today and tomorrow and when I shall die

I hope I am found worthy to join Him on high

To  sing with the angels the saints and them all

God the Almighty has given me all..

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

What are you running from?

You try to excuse it:  how you're dismissing me

Maybe if you keep pretending, I  will no longer  be

A thorn in your side or some past memory

So hard to believe it  .. we were once  a family ...??

You keep on avoiding me;  won't call me..your  friend

Memories from the past are what make you pretend

That things never happened:  weren't  your reality

So you go on ignoring what you're not wanting to see

You've created, this illusion, for everyone you know

Afraid that the truth would disrupt all that flow

Of praise and admiration like to embrace

If only you knew... that..the opposite's the case..

So go on in your lifestyle and go on in your way

I hope you are happy and will find me some day

In the memories you're avoiding for fear of the truth

God will bring you back to the years of our youth

Monday, September 26, 2022

Can we put our differences aside

Can we not, all, put our differences aside 

Lay down our fighting and our pride

Reach out in true love and  concern

Try to be open and learn?

What happened to the red, white and blue

The home of the free and the true

United and caring for all

Have we forgotten the American call?

We see it in the news every day

The left and the right ... trying to slay

Each  others thoughts and words right away

Without listening to what the other has to say

Others look, to  us,  from afar and  laugh:

Not top difficult to do, all the   math

Our nation will crumble from within

Lack of unity will be our greatest sin

Whatever we claim that we are

Is slipping away a burning out star

We're too focused on bringing another down

To lift up America   from the ground?

If there's a dream  I have  for us all

It would be for us to return to our call

Of embracing each other's  diversity

While living  in America's democracy

Friday, September 16, 2022

Our reward is Eternity.

As I gaze upon a sunrise,the Eternal Heaven comes to mind

And how many more of them I will see in Heaven I will find

Infinite in its beauty more beautiful that what I can see

Heaven will be so much happiness..and it's waiting there, just for me

For eyes can never ever visualize it; what greater things are in store

For those who love each other; and our good God even more 

For He's promised it from the beginning and to the end it ever will be

Relentless happiness for all of His children and for a reward His eternity..

So, I will try to live in His presence like one preparing to die

Forever giving what I can to others and loving each one I will try

Life's too short to live in an upset or in a violence to even provoke

For my heart will always belong to Jesus and to His Father by whom I am spoke

For eyes can never ever visualize it; what greater things are in store

For those who love each other; and our good God even more 

For He's promised it from the beginning and to the end it ever will be

Relentless happiness for all of His children and for a reward His eternity..

You must therefore ponder ever more, carefuly all your actions all you say or do

You don't want life to come back your accuser but your prize when life is through

For we weren't meant to have any selfishness; or any rivalries like we think

But rather we were, each of us, all, created to be a testimoney of a Love unseen

For eyes can never ever visualize it; what greater things are in store

For those who love each other; and our good God even more 

For He's promised it from the beginning and to the end it ever will be

Relentless happiness for all of His children and for a reward His eternity..

Thursday, September 8, 2022

The only way

 Though I've read the bible many times and can say the verses there

I prefer to parce it out in  ways that makes it easy to share

Like how the Lord spent many days insuring we weren't alone

And forgiving us so many times He'd  sacrifice His Own

He led us all through the troubled  times and parted the sea in two

And conquered the nations with mighty hand and was Babe for me and you

His greatness was so very deep that He falterd before us all

And  submitted Himself to  Roman hands and broke down into a  fall

Nothing was too much for Him...For His love for us is great

So it's  time for us to understand before it becomes too late

The sum of all our God has said   in both the Old and New

Is what His  Son had  echo out that all  of  us should do:

Like;  loving our neighbors as ourselves and  loving each and everyone

For in the end's not, what we know ...that'll score  victory with His Son

But rather that times we went beyond, what the world would have us do

Loving the loveless, helping the poor and allowing His Life to shine through

Today is so full of war and crime and a politics that'll make you hate

But we must all reach down into our core and remember before too late

That love is the  only tool we'll find; that weapon that'll conquer it all

It doesn't require we have a PhD or attend any school at all


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

This September morning

Rain drops fall outside my window

Darkness lingers about my pillow

Evening's passing, and morning is  near

A Soothing sweetness, I can hear.

Before the  morning .. I can think of all

With  thoughts of love, and gently call

To Him,  Who gives me,  life and breath

Who wards of harm and conquers death

The day's now coming  and I can see.

That work is waiting:  all ready,  for me

Phones will ring and words'll  be said

Countless hearts, will be  nourished and fed.


Between the phone calls, the angels will fly

With grace and beauty... one  can't deny

Hovering over sweetly and bringing me Light

Theses Heavenly beings will be my sight.


Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Autumn's Reflection


This season is surely ending and a stillness is emerging

We see how the summer  is surrendering to  all of  Fall's   urging

The squirrels are, all,  gathering and summer  leaves are falling

While geese are making ready to respond to  southern states calling

The fall time, it's nearing,  with all of its completeness

Nature seems to be dying but she's readying  for more sweetness

The seeds that have fallen seem to be crushed without  notice

But they will all rise up in Springtime,  like a sweet smelling lotus

Nothing's  really, forever over ..there's always a followup reaction

Sometimes its a new awakening and other times:   a  redaction

Life's  forever and ever recycling, renewing and inviting

We must be ever  more conscious of what each season's deciding

In tune with  all the universe and at one with earth's family

We wont become  victims of this century's  great anomaly

Unphased by all the politicalness and untouched by the media

We will move forward in peacefulness free from this world's anemia


Saturday, September 3, 2022

Tired of all this political mud slinging

I am tired of all of all of this fighting between the "left" and the "right' 

What is it, we hope to accomplish.? Is there a productive end in sight?

People are becoming  so huffy: shouting their thoughts out loud

Sometimes we've become so violent . that our prejudice becomes a crowd.

The rest of the world is. . laughing :  when they speak of  the  USA

We don't need to worry about  invasions because .. we're becoming our own decay

We've wandered away from our constitution and entered into political wars

It's sad to say that I love this country but would have to  grade it with lowest scores.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Changing seasons

Fall is slowly edging in; and, bringing in, all  her sounds

Cicadas are humming and flying about: their melodies are in rounds

Squirrels are scampering and gathering food: see them: how they run

Creatures are making ready for change and are having so much fun.

Trees are slowly dropping leaves;  and the grass it's starting  to fade

Burrowing animals start to digging deep: warmer homes are being made

Whille all the universe is taking its turn;  we humans, will have to try

To ready ourselvs for Autumn storms  some thing we'll have to buy

As we ponder about these changes in time and the things that seasons do

We can't help but think, inside ourselves..and all that we've been through

Another year is so soon to pass and another one will  soon, kiss our mind

What is it that we must strive to learn from the year we've left  behind?

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Is this really real?

Oh, I  have a family .. they claim they know God
They won't even message me or give me a nod
I don't even know why ..they  treat  me this way
Catholicism's the answer, will that make me "saved" 

If I don't make the effort.. and say  "how are you"
They won't even acknowledge me ,  sad but it's true 
So, why is this happening.. that  I can't ever feel
Like my family's my family.. is this really real?

Friday, July 15, 2022

So much goodness

Gentle breezes touch the dawn

Early morn lets out a yawn

Thunder's sounding..lightning too

So much loveliness .. passing through

Birds are chirping: so so sweet

Squirrels are scampering:  ready to eat

Breezy soundlets touch our soul

See the universe ..on its  roll?

Not with loudness; not with noise

Not with yelling or heightened voice

But with whispering unheard sound

God is speaking ...always found

So see the secrets; see each one: 

In the trees and in the sun

Simplest  breezes. soothing sea:

Everything's gift for you and me

Oh will we try it try today

Savoring goodness on our way

So much sweetness so much love

Waits to take us.. high above

Monday, May 23, 2022

Morsels of delight

Touched by the whisper of a softly blowing breeze

I listen and take not of the birdlets in the trees

Hopping around so happily; they welcome early morn

Creatures of every genre bring what I'm looking for

I pause for just a moment as I pass an open door

And gaze upon the wonders that cover an earthen floor

Flowering little plant-lets and weeds that never die

Ah to see such beauty makes my heart let out a sigh

Creatures of my household are also making a sound

Purrig and meowing and scampering all around

Waiting for those morsels that make them so content

Kitties are my pet-lets and they're worth what ever's spent

What is it that makes you happy what makes you jump and leap

Something so very simple or something that isn't   cheap

Share with me your moments your own gems of happiness

I'd love to see what's moving you to your own contented-ness

Saturday, May 14, 2022

In every droplet

Rain is falling..splashing around

Soaking leaves and thirsty ground

Plantlets singing and birds are too

Thank you Father we love You

Like some diamond sparkling bright

Rain will mirror the Heavenly light

Dancing singing doing their thing

Raindrops reflect God's love serene

If you count them they'll go on

Like some messengers from the dawn

Silently giving and giving some more

Fulfilling what they were created for

Take some time whenever they fall

All these raindrops: hear them call

They bring Diviness lifeness too

Every droplet is God's love for  you

Friday, May 6, 2022

Shine your light for all

Each and every person can become a light for  Christ

We don't have to have any papers or need to pay a price

We must simply open our hearts and live what Jesus  said

We will,then, become a temple and also another's bread

Every one of us  can become a preacher for the Lord

We don't have to have any schooling or pass any kind of board

We have, only to live the Scriptures and emulate the way

That inspired our Beloved Savior to give to us each day

Many will call us foolish for stepping outside the line

Of organized religions that restricts and traps the mind

They will want us to become dependent and never to be free

Lest will learn the path of happiness isn't what they want us to be

Monday, May 2, 2022

I watched you walk away

I watched you walk away

I didn't choose to walk out; 

It was you who chose to walk away

I wouldn't run after  and chase you

Though it pained me night and day

I thought that we were so good and

That nothing could ever ever break

The bond of love we had had 

that we were each others fate

But I was so wrong and I watched you 

walk away

Nothing could  ever have stopped it; 

the terrible outcome of that day

You were my one and only one and now 

you are my never more to be

I sit here and think about..

what created this tragedy

Yet it was you who chose to walk out and

was running after who knows what

News of you keep filtering in and was

Deepening the already wide open cut

I tried hard to hide it the awful pain

of breaking up with you

But it only worsened; and I was afraid and 

Knew not what to do

But I was so wrong and I watched you 

walk away

Nothing could  ever have stopped it; 

the terrible outcome of that day

You were my one and only one and now 

you are my never more to be

I sit here and think about..

what created this tragedy

You could've tried harder and I 

Should've tried harder at not being me

But could'ves and should'ves are not what

we're needing; can't you see

Is there just one person to be blaming now

should all the blame be on me

I hear this in so many echoes now

that keep on haunting me mercilessly

But I was so wrong and I watched you 

walk away

Nothing could  ever have stopped it; 

the terrible outcome of that day

You were my one and only one and now 

you are my never more to be

I sit here and think about..

what created this tragedy

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Technology and me

With my mind, I can glide across the atmosphere and across that calming sea

And with the help of connected networks  I can also easily be

Immersed inside some worlds that my lifestyle cannot afford

I can sit inside some forest and  swim across the ocean floor

I can be watching the maturing osprey fledge and take their flight

Or sit inside some brambles and watch  the dawning morning's light

I can sail across some ocean and visit lands so far away

With  help of modern technology I can escape craziness in the day.

The beautifulness of every sunrise and the loveliness of the night

Can be mine without the elements and with a crispness that's so bright

I can touch the spewing lavas pouring out from a volcano afar

And gaze upon the constellations and watch a newborn star

So technology isn't so bad when we are thinking of it this way

It can bring us so much closer and bring calmness to our day

It's a product of our own intelligence and with it we can see

Things,that have been so hidden, but now clear as clear can be

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Moving forward

What's important is moving forward

Chose a goal you're working toward

Trusting angels;  trusting God

Let them show you where to trod

Brokenness is not an ending

But a path where HE's  extending 

Through your moments and your friends

Joys and happiness without an end

Life has changes; keep on waiting

For that time that's resonating

With a peaceful calm sincere

Then embrace it: God is here

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Seasonal mix

The winds of the winter have visited again

Though Spring time is present and ready to begin

The chilliness and coldness have come with their touch

They soon will be leaving; I can promise, this much

Too cold to be planting; so we must all wait

With eager young plantlets as we all navigate

The moments of nature that challenge us all

To rest for awhile for such time is so small

We'll listen and watch for the change in the breeze

That tells us it's safe now and nothing will freeze

The sowing transplanting will soon start again

The wonders of nature have such stories to spin

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Morning splash

I look across the yard and see

So much  beautifulness looking back at me

The trickling sunlight through the trees

And grass that's greening with delicacies..

I hear around me so much  noise

Distant traffic and mother nature's voice

Both are sounding but one rings clear

With the voice of God for all to hear

I feel God's sweetness: so divine

In the wind and  passing time

Whispering moments...seconds too

In the elments: "I love you" 

See the growing plants?..They sing,

Of God's great providence over everything

Giving life and breath to all

God keeps inviting us: hear Him call?

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Not just today, but in every day

Will I write about  our Jesus rising, 

or about His conquering of death and sin

Or should I speak about  Him  already risen 

and of strengthening my bond within

Today is not just about a one time happening 

or  about something we recall just once a year

But hopefully it is  about  a recommittment 

and a deepening of what we hold most dear

For Jesus, our Savior is Risen, not just today but in  every day

He's won for us our salvation and we can choose to live this in every way

Easter  is not just about the past suffering or the cross all baren its true

But about the depth of a Father who loves us and

 how He chose to  show this to me and to you

So  rejoice with all of the Easter bunnies 

and with all of the gatherings too

But remember forever in each moment 

this Easter moment can keep happening in you

It's not just about the select season or holiday 

but about an action that continues to be

If we  are truly the people of Easter Sunday 

every day. after, others will see

For Jesus, our Savior is Risen, not just today but in  every day

He's won for us our salvation and we can choose to live this in every way

Easter  is not just about the past suffering or the cross all baren its true

But about the depth of a Father who loves us and

 how He chose to  show this to me and to you

Happy Easter happy Holidays and happy moments .. 

today we're rising to  celebrate

But let's resolve in our moments of silence 

to give this holiday no expiration date

So that the day after the official recalling..Easter 

doesn't lose   momentum or even die

But we will continue on in all of this excitment 

for we believe in what this holiday signifies

For Jesus, our Savior is Risen, not just today but in  every day

He's won for us our salvation and we can choose to live this in every way

Easter  is not just about the past suffering or the cross all baren its true

But about the depth of a Father who loves us and

 how He chose to  show this to me and to you

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Go with Jesus, to Calvary

The Creator. of the world; all dressed in our earthly frame

Stood before a taunting crowd. and willingly took blame

For all the crimes committed and for all the ugly sin

He bore the spittal the shame and all the anguish deep within

We see this. beloved Savior; so digraced and full of pain

From the crown  of His Sweet Head to His feet, bloodied and stained

With blood, all pouring out;  from wounds too many to count

There wasn't a part of His Body, that didn't silently throb and shout

He was slammed upon the cross; while  forceful hammers fell

And broke open His hands and feet with unforgiving nails.

Uplifted and dropped again,  so  the cross could rightly stand

Jesus the Savior of all...had become a broken, beaten up, man

Ridiculed and mocked by so many; Jesus raised His trembling voice

And begged the Father to forgive  them for  creating such a noise

He didn't seek a vengeful firestorm or floods of wrath to cover  all

But rather a tender understainding of what made these mortals fall

The story of our Saviors suffering and death comes up once a year

But it is relived in every moment that we choose sinfulness over here

It isn't about  taking somes actual nails or whipping our Lord again 

But of mercilessly ripping off the bandage by letting the devil  live within

Monday, April 11, 2022

Jesus' walk to Calvary

Not despising all His Glory Jesus walked to His Own death

Having powers far beyond Him; He could have escaped that final breath

But He embraced it, His own condemantion by the peoples He would save

See Him walking: the Lamb unsullied; Jesus, Savior accepted the grave

Crowds are shouting, who once had praised Him:  "Crucify Him" loud and clear

Spitting, cursing and ridiculing: mobs increased their awful cheer

Ahead, the road,  to His death, most awful; had its callenges we could see

Added suffering and humiliation, accompanied Jesus to Calvary

The terrible moment, that awful moment, when Jesus was laid upon the tree;

Flesh was tearing, blood was pouring; and we heard Him cry out  in  agony

Big, blunt, iron steaks, pierced Him roughly; then they lifted Him from the ground

The tree, now, serving: as executioner; increased its difficulties all around

Those, who loved Him. more than anyone; helplessly, watched Him sigh and heave

Mother Mary and John the Apostle; kept on waiting beneath that treacherous tree

"Father, forgive them"; "Here is your mother"; and "in the Heavens you'll join ME"

Preceeded final moments, of being thirsty; and, that surrender,  to what would be

Soon,  the world was steeped in darkness, that comes from having nothing more

Than, that empty feeling, of having lost Jesus; for choosing evil, over Heaven's door

Lowering slowly His Lifeless Body...all  the remaining disciples reluctantly

Layed Him gently, on the lap of Mary, who once had coddled Him so maternally

The sorrowful Mother and grieving disciples remained inside a pressing crowd

Who seemed to cheer out in celebration with cries of victroy gross and loud

Once they cleared out, all those masses the faithful took Him to the grave

Washed Him wrapped Him layed Him, sadly, into a tomb they procurred that day

So it,ended, as it had started: with piercing pains within their hearts

Jesus, lifeless, inside a sepulcher;  no one wishing to leave Him or depart

All would depart there depsite their loving Him not aware of God's Good Plan

The story was ended but a new one started Of Jesus, Savior, God made man

Friday, April 8, 2022

All around us, we can see

Beautiful beams of morning light

Dance across the trees in sight

And the glowing of dawn  we see

Is like a radiant trapestry

So much loveliness all around

So much beauty to be found

The air of morning coming in

Calls us forward: let's begin

Touch the streams of whispering wind

Hear its symphony deep within

Let the uniqueness of this day

Be incentive to pause and pray

We are all of us truly blessed

God's greatness is manifest

In everything we hear and see

And in all that will come to be

We have only to look and see

We're  surrounded by mystery

The breath and life that's  ours

Comes from the Creator of the stars

Be grateful..

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Before all the noise starts

Before all the noise starts, before morning begins

Open up all the windows: let it all in

The sounds of the universe just coming alive

When the songs of the creatures and plantlets unite

We can hear them the sparrows the songbirds and all

Greeting the daylight as its's starting to crawl

The breezes and the wind streams are carrying a tune

To each individual who will prepare them a room

Do you have, it,  inside of you:  the stamina to see...

What isn't being portrayed on the internet and tv:

The beauty, the loveliness, the uncorrupted view

of everything that's saying how much God's loving you?

If so you will silence it all that noisy noise

It's keeping you from hearing that Universal  Voice

Just for a few moments ..for a few seconds of your day

Let your spirit explore It  the pure Infinite  Way

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Meant to mesh, and not collide

There's a whispering in the breeze 

The sweetest  music inside the treees

THere's a loveliness, all around

Just waiting for us in its sound

All the earth was created, so good

It will bless us as it should

But we must also do our part

And not break each other's heart

See, all the world, that you can see

It's so harmonious as can be

Only we can take this, away

By all that we do and all that we say

Each person is so, so unique

In our visions; and how we speak

No two,of us,  are just alike

We're meant to mesh and not collide

If you will sit and think alone

You wil put away that mighty throne

And start to walk beside

Every person without your pride

We are all a part of the all

Completing each other is our call

Not trying to be the best

By tearing down all the rest

If you have something more to say

Please, do so, in supportive way

It is too much. for us, to navigate 

When we're all harboring inner hate

Love is the only thing we need

All this warring, needs to cease

If we would restore ourselves, again

We must start all over let's re-begin

Monday, April 4, 2022

The time before the day starts

Let the early,  morning silence, permeate your sleepy, waking heart

Listen deeply, within your soul space; hear the dawn for she will start

All the creatures; trees; and elements; will unite in their own way

Welcoming morning, in a symphony: listening hearts, will want to stay

Silence everything, all noise around you, for a momentary pause or two

Hear the secrets, 0f all the universe; they will be speaking out to you

Not with words, of passing mortals; or the noisiness, of measured sound

Will the treasure, of all the world; be manifested, or even found

Set aside the buzzing cell phone; and do not let the tv's, blaring sound

Interrupt, this time allotted; or take away from you, what you have found

It is the time, before all moments, and a mysteriousness that can begin

With the start of every morning, initiating a creativeness deep within

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Nobody is perfect

Oh, nobody is perfect, we all have our flaws

Yet, some stand there pointing without any cause

Because deep down inside us; in everyone it's true

There's rooom for perfecting: so much, yet, to do

So stop all of your boasting like  you've already arrived

At the throne of God's kingdom completely purified

You know who you are...because , you make it your aim

To point out every person who's imperfect, by name

The other day I heard it through the grapevine, it's true

How perfection is measured when it comes down to you

It isn't all glorious the way that you believe

Perfection is measured by some employment or degree?

So stop all of your boasting like  you've already arrived

At the throne of God's kingdom completely purified

You know who you are ..because you make it your aim

To point out every person who's imperfect, by name

Oh look at your heart now and see how you have known

You have been like a judge over every  life but your own

Somehow you are thinking that the church pew will arise

And claime you are all  perfect but this is all lies!

So stop all of your boasting like  you've already arrived

At the throne of God's kingdom completely purified

You know who you are ..because you make it your aim

To point out every person who's imperfect, by name

There is only one way to fix this one way it's  true

Drop down and admit it you're imperfect ..yes you

And stop all of that judgment; thinking you're right

To decide who is worthy and who isn't so bright

So stop all of your boasting like  you've already arrived

At the throne of God's kingdom completely purified

You know who you are ..because you make it your aim

To point out every person who's imperfect, by name

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Songs of the Spring time

The morning sings her song today

The Spring is here with her display

Of flowers budding upon the trees

And fragrant smells inside the breeze

The nests are, all,  filling up again

With signs of new life that will begin

Rabbits are nibbling along they way

And storm clouds are gathering  on many a day

The grass is greener and leaves appear

While colorful plants bloom far and near

Life  is more vibrant  and winter is gone

Songs of the springtime awaken the dawn

Write down some thoughts now just for today

And hum them all out along the way

See what is present on earth's display

There is so much beauty in God's great array..

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Unpaid teachers

Hear all the birds, how they wake the morning

With songs of happiness without a warning

Breaking through sadness with all  their melody

Singing out  their gladness and creating a synchrony

See all the clouds how they  join together

creating figures and some sort of weather

The white and gray ones and all the stormy ones:

Each one contributing to how our day runs

Oh, feel the breezes how they are, all,  blowing

Through trees and branches.. and in rivers flowing

They are all speaking and whispering around us

Joining the universe, they complete the chorus

Will you not venture  now, into the wild

And see how the earth can help us all smile

Through all  the elements and all  of the creatures

Each one of them, becoming  our unpaid teachers

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Real treasures

Birds are singing peacefully

Songs for you and songs for me

If you close your eyes you'll see

What inspires such melody

There's nothing big ,,, nothing small

That can  captivate us all 

Like the  song that morning brings

When birds and creatures rise to sing

Will you venture out today

And hear the elements along the way

Hear the wind ..the plantlets too

Hear the earth say "I love you"

Many things can sparkle bright

But nothing like  Eternal light

Shining out for you and me

IN everyone;  in all we see

Take some time each day each night

To ponder everything aright

What is valuable... what is not

What exists that can't be bought

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Come with me to the Ukraine...

A guided tour through the soul of Ukraine

I am broken, I can feel the pain of every broken, suffering Ukranian soul

Victims of a madman who has spun their world and lives out of control

How can we,just,  look on and be  content with seeing so much tragedy?

So many lives lost because we are "afraid of entering into a world war 3" ?

I am weeping, my heart is oozing with a sadness flowing from my eyes

Without being there, I can see the bombs falling from the darkened skies

People homeless, lifeless and full of so much hopelessness and despair

How can we do content with simply sending weapons over there

I am dying with the breathlessness of every man and woman and innocent child

Dust fills up my airways as I spend some priceless connections with them awhile

I can truly feel it everything that is theirs inside that country of that precious Ukraine

And wonder how much they can endure before giving into the one inflicting pain

Would you not join me....for a few moments out of your very busy and hectic day.?

Close your eyes,now,  and travel over the miles towards that city on display...

Can you not see it.. all the death, the sorrow , the emptiness created by tragedy

Yet there is so much greatness inside of each Ukranian heart that we can see..

What are you thinking as you contemplate the war torn city  that is so far away

Do you continue indifferent after you pass some time with them in some mystic way

How much is it costing you to transport your heart and soul to be with them a while

Would you rather not do it so that you cannot feel what has become their lifestyle?

THank you for reading for considering deeply what has become a very public affair

For taking some moments to pass some time with the Ukrainian people over there

Yes I know that you are still here and can't really know completely all their pain

But inner travels can take you places that you would never go by car or plane..

Thursday, March 10, 2022

No one wins in war

No one wins in a war... there's so much loss on every side;

Yet, time and time, again; we see it:  fueled on by great pride

The powerfully hungry leaders, with so much disregard for peace

Send out their clueless soldiers to be instruments of tragedy

Oh no one wins in war.... how long will it take to  see

That this  awful tool of hatred is a ticket to tragedy

Must we forget it all too quickly  those pains of yesterday

When  soldiers, once sent to battle, came back in a lifeless way

Day after day we  see it:  the news across the screen

Each side is blaming the other: for the outrage that is seen

Innocent peoples and children  being carried away by death

Countless bombs   exploding... it's so hard to catch our breath

Oh no one wins in war.... how long will it take to  see

That this  awful tool of hatred is a ticket to tragedy

Must we forget it all too quickly  those pains of yesterday

When  soldiers, once sent to battle, came back in a lifeless way

The endless lines of homeless,  fleeing across the land

The aged and the barely crawling ...can we fully understand?

That what we're  seeing is heartbreak and helplessness so great

Will they reach their destination or will their fleeing be too late?

Oh no one wins in war.... how long will it take to  see

That this  awful tool of hatred is a ticket to tragedy

Must we forget it all too quickly  those pains of yesterday

When  soldiers, once sent to battle, came back in a lifeless way

It isn't the tiny foot soldier, who's  responsible for  this war

But these are the broken ones returning lifeless in the morgue

Instead of being the noble and heroic and putting their ego aside

Leaders, of  warring countries, keep on fuelling the fight with pride

Oh no one wins in war.... how long will it take to  see

That this  awful tool of hatred is a ticket to tragedy

Must we forget it all too quickly  those pains of yesterday

When  soldiers, once sent to battle, came back in a lifeless way

Let's pray for this world so broken, so full of hate and greed:

That  we cannot set aside our differences and tend to the other's need;

That we cannot slow down enough to hear  the opposite party's plea?

It isn't so hard to crush it: our own egos..Let's try and see...

Oh no one wins in war.... how long will it take to  see

That this  awful tool of hatred is a ticket to tragedy

Must we forget it all too quickly  those pains of yesterday

When  soldiers, once sent to battle, came back in a lifeless way

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Will you be my true friend?

Will you be that one who will always care

Who'll listen and hear and not compare

Will you be there always and at the end

Stand right beside me ... my truest friend?

Will you let me speak and not make fun

When words come out like a job undone?

Will you see me broken and never seek

To embarrass me more with words you preach

Sometimes we're needing that special one

Who'll accept us..imperfect and still undone

Like a friend so special oh will you not be

That person that friend that'll let me be me?

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Sounding through the silence

It's 5:45 in the morning and the start of another  day

A cardinal is singing a melody of the  loveliest array

The darkness still is lingering and sun is out of sight

But songs so pure and eloquent are creating their own exquisite light

As the minutes turn into hours and daylight slowly breaks

An ensemble of other creatures add sounds that resonate

We can hear them all so clearly and despite the distant noise

We're blessed to have this option: our listening is a choice

So before we're off and running and are immersed into our day

We should relish those quiet spaces and moments along the way

They will  refresh into a newness and ready us for the unknown

These times unmeasured are fruitful and through them much grace is sown.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ukrainian tragedy

Brothers, sisters, what are we doing

Watching as   Russians keep  pursuing

A land and  nation that's  not their own

Who will stop this crime ..full blown 

Mothers, fathers, little children

Fleeing from a monstrous villain

Tanks and weapons ...Putinized

Homeless massess terrorized

Why such sanctions so uneffective

Actions taken are too defective

Justice found in  lack of care?

No hand to help those in dispair?

Can we feel it: imagine deeply?

How the Ukranians feel.completely?

Underarmed and so outmanned

Is there hope when feeling damned..

Let us speak up : raise our voices

Stand and condemn the warring noises

Who will help them:  dear Ukraine

We are with you ..  feel your pain

Friday, February 25, 2022

Tears for Ukraine

Smoke is rising  from the land

A body lies with outstretched hand

Motionless in his sealed fate

An unknown soldier saved too late

Flames of fury,..flames of hate

Rise from the missles ..and saturate

Every place they want to take

Russian soldiers desecrate

Unfair warring.. unfair time

Set about by this Russian crime

Invading lands without an end

Who will stop this evil trend

Putin's pondering in his greed

How he'll move and how succeed

No one's stopping him... he will go

Until the mighty stop this show

Will we watch and will we see

An echo from the last century

Where brutal murders and leveled land

See citizens leave with life unplanned

Friday, February 4, 2022

Sounds like rain

Rain is falling: slow and straight

Touching everthing in its space

Pittering..pattering..falling down

Soothing... sharing ...rythmic sound


Leaves are singing with each drop:

"Keep on not .. stop"

Such great feelings .soulfully dear

Hear them they cheer?

Open up carefully ...try to  receive

Every message that is set free

From the universe...from her cares

Rain is whispering; how she shares

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

God created all the colors

God loves every color:  just look out the door

There are beautiful colors across earthen floor

Stretching out nobly across sky and the trees

God has blessed all the universe with nice things to see

Everything is so created for you and for me

Exquisitely created with its own..individuality

Nothing's a copy; though, some may look the same

Our Father's an artist; who doesn't look for fame

We are all of us, related, though some may not believe

God loves us all dearly and each day we will receive

His blessings and graces..quite enough for each day

Let's not disappoint Him, with what we do or say

Look out towards every person; like our Father above

Seeing in each person someone worthy of  our love

Not skipping across colors... but giving to one and all

The same divine lovingness which from the Heavens fall

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Each morning

Gentle breezes touch my window 

and they also call me to get up

I slowly rise up from  my pillow

and go get some coffee for my cup

Cats are running: ever ready,

for something good to drink or eat

I have fed them;  now I can do me

..something simple or all out feast

Like a burgler slowly creeping

beautiful beams of sunlight crawl

Across the furniture and the windows

and rest serenely on my wall

What a masterpiece of untold beauty:

morning sun paints out a way

Golden rays of untapped value

visit us each and every day

I can linger here in writing

and let my soul sing out its song

But I know that I would be stalling

from those who await me all day long

So I move on to my daily duties 

and ready myself for my work so dear

Listening carefully to each caller

helping them see what is most clear 

Every morning and in every evening 

and  in the time slots in between

God is my anchor and my  protector

and will be with me, though unseen

So though I don't say it out most boldly

on social media or some other way

I am a believer in the good God Almighty

and direct my life with Him each day

Monday, January 24, 2022

Rumors of war

The sound, of many forces , is filling up the air

While the rolling out of tanks  show up  everywhere

The Ukranian people await it: their destiny, their fate

As Russians begin invading; their tensions  escalate

A tiny, callous, monster without any regrets

Seeks out a greater title but, soon, he  forgets:

His days are all numbered .and .his lifespan is too

Invading this poor country, won't immortalize you

We  are, all of us, watching it:  with worry and disbelief;

As Putin moves forward like some crazy, old, thief

He keeps on pursuing a nation, that isn't even his: 

Exacting  a surrender while shaking his old fist

The ambient of warring  isnt something we should want

Disturbances can be triggering and they can  also haunt 

The sounding of war cries and  the ordering out  to fight

Will soon be a distraction from goodness and right

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Snowy sister

Laying there so motionless, with such a peaceful glow

Snowy sister is welcoming us like a morning show

Softly she is whispering "come see what you can see;

Whenever you are gazing upon this frosty gift of me".

I see her with such  a purity that's brave  and unafraid

Being what she's meant to be...she's Godness...on display

Silently she's speaking out with words we cannot hear

Listening we shall always hear, her voice so soft so clear

Let's put aside our busyness.. let's venture out to see

What God in all His Godliness has shared with you and me

This beautiful lovely blanketness this snow so pure and white

Let's write of it in sacred song and share it day and night

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Icy storms

Bitter winds are creeping in

Biting as the day begins

Whispering, rushing, circling round

Winter warnings start to sound

See the pictures on the frame

Frosty images ..none the same

Wintery  wonders with a tale:

Gusty breezes will prevail

Venture outside you will see

All the coldness yes, indeed

Frozen branches grass blades too;

Icy power lines that'll worry you

Get all ready for the blast

Will your food and batteries last?

Check your water; blankets ...too

Don't let ice storms frighten you

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Sharing secrets again

Silence is sounding is crying out to me

It beckons me to return:  return and I will see

The softness of each morning the secrets so Divine

I have only to open my Heart to let in this Heavenly shine

Already I can hear them the birds who wake the dawn

They chirp with gentle melody and watch creation yawn

Like a choir in perfect pitch they sooth my heart and soul

It's something I cannot resist it makes my spirit whole

So long I have been waiting to spill out my heart in rhyme

I was waiting for that perfect moment that invitational time

To open up once more to show what's happening within

Now my soul can sing it and share with all again

Friday, January 7, 2022

Through stormy times

 When you're struggling, deep inside you 

And you don't know what you should do

Reach up quickly to the Almighty

And He will help you quickly see: 

All these trials and temptations

Are stepping stones to something new

Trust in Jesus and all His angels

They'll be there if you want them to

You've known sorrows and tribulations

And longed for days without frustration

Sometimes  storms..they  kept on rolling

And hid from you what should be showing

All these trials and temptations

Are stepping stones to something new

Trust in Jesus and all His angels

They'll be there if you want them to

I've seen angels from the Heavens

Carrying answers for every question

Keep them near you and they'll lead you

To a peace profound and true

All these trials and temptations

Are stepping stones to something new

Trust in Jesus and all His angels

They'll be there if you want them to