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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Speak to me secrets that hide in the earth...

Speak to me secrets that hide in our earth
Wisdom and knowledge that initiates birth
Wonders of heaven and mysteries divine
Speak to me, speak to me: in my soul shine,..

Enlighten my darkness and shine ever clear
Inside of every fog storms allow me to hear:
Directions and guidance on where I should go
Enlighten my spirit with things I should know

I am a learner and my heart's open wide
Send forth Your spirit Your Presence confide
Into my being and throughout every day
Speak to me messages enlighten my way...

Friday, October 30, 2015

Here today, gone tomorrow

Here today and gone tomorrow
We are here, but to borrow:
Life and love and interaction
Every moment is just a fraction

Of the moments, of the ever
Lent to us from the Forever
We are passing, slowly leaving
From this place where we are breathing

So we are valuing every second
Embracing moments as they beckon
From the portals, where unspoken
They encourage the forward motion.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

You are beautiful, you are..

You are beautiful, you are deserving,
 you are worthy of every good thing
Do not accept it, do not allow it,
 anything toxic or words that sting
For you were created and you were incarnated
 from the mind of a loving God
Take everything about you and everything  in you
 into a world that may not applaud

You have been through great things and through little things
 and through many a place
Do not allow discouragements or disappointments
to have their rule inside your space
For you are capable and  most able
to do almost anything you are wanting to
Anything outside you or around you are but
stepping stones to help you through

Take some moments now and some seconds now
to ponder over everything you have seen
There have been good days and some bad days
and some folks: both kind and mean
What you do now, from this instant,
and from this moment you are about to begin
Will be determined by your most inner beingness
securely knit so deep within...

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Caught up in a heartache

For Anna

This situation, this moment I dread
Challenges my spirit and aches in my head
I can't seem to shake it and can't seem to sleep
Help me dear angels; these waters are deep

All of my efforts and all of my time
Seem to be caught up in some places sublime
I can't get the answers and can't get relief
Heartaches are robbing my peace like a thief

I've tried every remedy and tried every cure
If there is a healing I'm hoping it'll occur
It there is an answer to all of my "Whys"
Tell me dear angels for great are my sighs..

I've walked through the moments and said every prayer
Hoping my anguish would disappear in the air
But luck hasn't blessed me and I'm still so afraid
Please dearest Angels I'm feeling betrayed..

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Vision to see..

I have touched upon the woundedness of all humanity
In my silent moments of dreaming I was give the vision to  see
The peoples and the cities and the nations: one by one
Crying out to all of the Heavens for the outrages in them done

Across the many mile-lets and throughout the oceans wide
I could hear the many peoples that have cried and cried and cried
The bombings and the disasters and the famine and the greed
Have reached the heights of Heavens oh wont you  intercede..?

It could be said that they are foreigners; why is it I should care
But they are also the adopted ones of the One who gave us air
They fell into some misfortunes and into some hands unkind
Their voices and their heartaches are challenging to my mind..

What will we do, as a people, for these broken ones we see
From the people in our ghettos to the ones over there that flee
From the invaders of their countries and the rulers who are unfair
How can we keep on ignoring the brokenness  everywhere..

Monday, October 26, 2015

What if every person...

What if every person thought more about the other
Embraced every person like a sister or a brother?
What if  every country every nation all around
Was welcoming and inviting: no prejudices  found

Oh we would be a people: a creative energy
That displayed unbound kindness and endless charity
And everywhere we'd venture whether here or over there
Would feel like our own homeland and radiate such care

What if every person thought more about the other
Embraced every person like a sister or a brother?
What if  every country every nation all around
Was welcoming and inviting: no prejudices  found

There wouldn't be the boundaries or borders so defined
I would embrace your families and you would welcome mine
Everybody would be more loving and everybody would share
If people started living like God's children everywhere..

What if every person thought more about the other
Embraced every person like a sister or a brother?
What if  every country or every nation all around
Was welcoming and inviting: no prejudices  found

WE would see the miracles that we were longing for
For everybody would be united and strive all the more
To bring to every person every being that is alive
The happiness and well being they're needing to survive

What if every person thought more about the other
Embraced every person like a sister or a brother?
What if  every country every nation all around
Was welcoming and inviting: no prejudices  found

But here's the saddest story that is ever to be told
We with all our knowledge have embraced a way so old
Where tit for tat is practiced and forgiveness is unheard
We kill our sisters and brother while saving trees and bird

What if every person thought more about the other
Embraced every person like a sister or a brother?
What if  every country every nation all around
Was welcoming and inviting: no prejudices  found

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Take care of Your people

I heard, when silent: my neighbor's cry
Their struggle, their worries, their every sigh
And though there's distance from here to there
I sent up to the Heaven's this earnest prayer:

Take care of Your people, their needs, their wants
From Your bright throne, Your Eternal Founts
For You are the Lord of the Heavens and the earth
Take care of every person You have been with since birth

Those people in the war zones so far away
Are speaking to my heart in a most special way
And though I'm so distant and not where they are
I am whispering these words for those who are far:

Take care of Your people, their needs, their wants
From Your bright throne, Your Eternal Founts
For You are the Lord of the Heavens and the earth
Take care of every person You have been with since birth

And for that poor prisoner inside of his or her cell
I beg of You, Lord, to watch over them well
For they may have strayed and have wounded Your heart
But You dearest Lord can give them a new start:

Take care of Your people, their needs, their wants
From Your bright throne, Your Eternal Founts
For You are the Lord of the Heavens and the earth
Take care of every person You have been with since birth

In hospitals and nursing home and anywhere else
Look after the dying, Lord and those by themselves
For You are their Creator, their Life Source and all
Whenever they're lonely Lord send someone to call:

Take care of Your people, their needs, their wants
From Your bright throne, Your Eternal Founts
For You are the Lord of the Heavens and the earth
Take care of every person You have been with since birth

Saturday, October 24, 2015

We have enough

what is it that we are looking for
All around ourselves, in  every door?
What is it that we seek as true
We run and run till day is through

Each day we rise and run and run
Till day is through, till day is done
And at the end when we lie down
We're still uptight and hide our frown

The cash it flows and it never stays
The work is endless and long our days
Because we labor, work and stress
We find that time is less and less

When we step back and pause and plead
With our inner selves bout things we need
WE hardly mention it inside our voice
That freedom from bustling is our best choice

I think ]we are best when we are still
And in touch with our selves and how we feel
But we are so busy and so full of stuff
That we cannot hear that we have enough...

Then finally we see it: our grace is here
And everything we're chasing will disappear
For we've found our answer and our happiness
Inside of our spirits the purest bliss

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hope is rising in the morning...

There's always tomorrow and a new day for the tides to turn around
Don't be disheartened or unraveled by the failures you have found

Hope is rising  in the morning in the sky that's splashed with blue
Keep on waiting and expecting: brighter days will shine on through

The score is hopeless, facts have been figured: all is looking bleak and gray;
Then you remember, in an instant, that tomorrow's still a brand new day:

Hope is rising in the morning, in the sky that's splashed with blue
Keep on waiting and expecting: brighter days will shine on through

Your yearly checkup has left you frightened, with the outcome of the test;
Then you hear the doctor chime in : there is a remedy and its the best

Hope is rising in the morning, in the sky that's splashed with blue
Keep on waiting and expecting: brighter days will shine on through

People failed you and deserted you, left your stranded and all alone
Then you heard them: all the angels, who surround you and God's throne

Hope is rising in the morning, in the sky that's splashed with blue
Keep on waiting and expecting: brighter days will shine on through

You are struggling with finances or some plans have come undone.
You look up wondering and disheartened.So much heartache on the run...

Hope is rising in the morning, in the sky that's splashed with blue
Keep on waiting and expecting: brighter days will shine on through...

When you lie down in your bedding and are pulling up that blanket dear
Listen carefully and intensely. I'm sure this anthem you will hear:

Hope is rising in the morning, in the sky that's splashed with blue
Keep on waiting and expecting: brighter days will shine on through...

Monday, October 19, 2015

Know that our God will help you....

Are you aching bathed inside a pool of pain
Do you search for remedies time and time again
Have you exhausted every pain killer you can find
Rest for a moment inside the Heart of God so kind

Know that our God will help you in all of your suffering
And He will assist you with concerns that are burdening
Just give it all to Him everything that is hurting
He is  Omnipresent and will give more than we're deserving..

Do you feel abandoned,  like no one is understanding you?
Have you spent hours just wondering  what you should do?
Has there been dark moments inside of your fragile path way
Moments of uncertainty when you were longing for a better day?

Know that our God will help you in all of your suffering
And He will assist you with concerns that are burdening
Just give it all to Him everything that is hurting
He is  Omnipresent and will give more than we're deserving..

Take just a few moments out of your very busy day
And whisper some words of praise to One who hears you as you pray
You are never abandoned or left alone inside your daily plight
For you're in the arms of One who gave this world it's only Light..

Know that our God will help you in all of your suffering
And He will assist you with concerns that are burdening
Just give it all to Him everything that is hurting
He is  Omnipresent and will give more than we're deserving..

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sensing the moments and feeling the time

Feel them, the hours; they're starting to wake.
See them,the atoms, as they're starting to create:
The moments, the seconds, the inchlets of time?
Everything is whispering some words for a rhyme..

Breathe in and relish it:  the newness of the day
So soothing and relaxing: this oxygenated way
That greets us, the sleepers, who are ready to rise
Magnificent the awesomeness displayed in the skies...

See it and savor it the beautifulness and more
Painted and stretched out from the sky to the floor
All of the creativeness and the energies so Divine
Are sparkling through the visions that on us do shine..

Oh taste it and savor it the sweetness of the dew
It's shining out and radiating the Heavens, its true
So secretly and so solemnly laid out before morn
Droplets of moisture mend what  weather has torn

Embrace them and hold them: these eternities of love
Descending from and transcending the boundaries above
Something so mysterious so challenging in them we find
Each morning we can ponder them they enlighten our mind..

Friday, October 16, 2015

The big sale...

Slow down the moving and slow down the pace
Everything is spinning all over the place
The people, the running, the feeling afraid
Of losing those offers, those items on  parade

The rushing, the pushing, the mad dash around:
Grabbing and gasping over niceties found..
This one or that one or maybe over there
Sale items are moving and calling with care....

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred or four
We have to keep buying these treasures galore..
We're pulling out plastics, our visas, our cash
Shopping is a workout that will make us all crash...

When finally it's over:  the big shopping spree
We'll look at our buggies and count: one, two three..
The number of items,  the number of bags
Seem hardly realistic:  there' are so many tags.....

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

At the beach front

The rythmic rumble of all the waves
rolling into the shore
Echoes inside my seeking soul
and makes me desire for more
The music of the universe,
the soundings of the elements around
Speaks to me of the Omnipotent One
which inside each of these are found.

The softness of the sugary sand
and the dampness of the breeze
Inspires in me the poetic lines
which exist in all the seas
Gulls in flight and the endless view
of the ocean so bright and blue
Tells me things that angels see
which are relayed to me and you...

The time inside this quiet morn;
the sights,  the senses, the smells
Speak to me of eternity
and  the Diviness  that over swells
Thoughout all of the created ones and
in everywhere and every place:
Oh, the silence that speaks to us:
It's enamored with so much grace.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Savor each moment

The early hours are entering into my sleepiness, now past
Trickles of the morning sun are leaving memories that will last
Sounds of singing birds, afar, are filtering through the air
Something about the early morn is whispering: "I do care.."

Cooler temperatures are arriving with the colorfulness of the fall
Warming colors and quieter tones are immersing us in so much awe
The crispness of the fallen leaves and the scampering of the squirrels
Remind us that there is something more than all of our aimless whirls

Taking the time we need each morning to savor the beauty  around
Is the sign of the purest gratitude that is not always so easily found
For we are, too often, caught up in self and the things that we must do
That we fail to notice the pricelessness of  each moment  we pass  through

Friday, October 9, 2015

Oh, when will we listen..?

The stars in the sky are wanting to fall
Sighs from the sidewalks are starting to call
Violence and bloodshed and selfishness and greed
Somebody must stop this..Will somebody intercede...

The reasoning is wanting for all of this fight
People should be loving and doing what's right
But coldness is conquering and greatness is gone
All that we're viewing is a new kind of dawn...

The rivers of bloodshed are carrying away
Lives that have vanished and tomorrow's new day
For peoples are engaging in ways that are wrong
Chasing away angels and Heaven pure song..

Oh, when will we listen and when will we care
About  kindness and mercy and answers to prayer
The spirit is still whispering and ever so near
We have only to open up and be ready to hear..

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cool are the breezes that kiss me this morning

Cool are the breezes that kiss me this morning
Summer has left us and the wind is informing
That all of the seconds and all of the hours
Will soon become absent of the beautiful flowers.

Suddenly the green grass is starting to lighten;
Leaves are all falling as the fibers untighten.
Insects are scampering and running like crazy;
Seeking a warm place to rest and be lazy..

Autumn is with us and is kissing us  gently
Speaking of wisdom,  we should listen intently
To all of her soundings and of all her breezes
For Fall carries secrets that winter wind freezes.

Reach out and touch them every second and moment
Hold them all closely like gems you have chosen
Cherish them  carefully and carry them inside you
For hours of the Autumn will soon be a memory too

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

El Faro, the cargo ship

Sorrowful soundings, from the ocean are rising.
El Faro, the cargo ship, in winds so surprising:
Was lost in an instant and now there is crying.
From waters that held them, the echoes of the dying..

For a vessel of employees, the hurricane was deadly.
Like a messenger singing:the winds sang their medley:
Who could withstand it,  the overpowering  of Joaquin?
Eyes could not see it,  the destructiveness was unseen

Searching the waters, for remnants of El Faro:
Perhaps it will show up,  today or  tomorrow.?
The stories of struggling  the last minutes of breathing
Are lost in the whirlwind of the hurricane's deceiving..

Now we await  them:  the vessels of these spirits
Who vanished in the battle that pushed all their limits
Without any armory or weapons for the weather
These men went  united  in their last ride together

El Faro, El Faro we grieve for your downing
Each passenger and shipmate was resistant to drowning
But the winds wouldn't have it, and  the hurricane blasted
The blow that would end it, for all  who had lasted..

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The storm keeps on coming..

The winds, they are  blowing with a saturated air
And hurricane Joaquin continues his pattern unfair.
He's battering the islands and the coastlands around
This storm keeps on coming with a merciless pound..

The warnings have sounded and the waters all rise
A grayness has invaded our beautiful blue skies
The torrents and the showers and the endless parade
Of droplets and downpours are being displayed..

The weathermen are guessing and watching the map
Different patterns are proving its a hard one to nab
Because Joaquin keeps roaring and pushing his way
Through coastland and waters and many a day..

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Let Me help you with your brokenness ...

Let Me help you with your brokenness and let Me enable you to smile
Let us take out all that hurtfulness that has paved your every mile
You have been crying and  are weeping and  are needing some good rest
Stay here within My presence and I'll keep you as My guest.

Those memories you are holding to,  that are making you so weak
Let us turn them into victories and into something so unique
That on seeing them inside  you, you'll no longer want to cry
For they'll become your trophies and you'll want to raise them high...

Think of it, My special one: to Me, you are so very dear
There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. You're so precious, it is clear
Though you have known such suffering and have struggled to make it through
 I'll be for you, your Strength right now  and I will help you in all do

Friday, October 2, 2015

The winds of Autumn

The winds of Autumn are carrying some rain
And the breezes are tapping on the old window pane
The storms can be  quiet or they can be loud
This one keeps changing and chasing the crowd

See how the droplets are making their flight
They're falling and falling on everything in sight
They're carrying their secrets of the upcoming storm
Whispering "preparedness is what we all warn"

Let all of the weather and all of the wind
Do what they're  doing and keep yourself in
But if you must venture and take to the road
Remember the forecast and all you've been told.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The path of Joaquin

Pouring showers have been pounding on the doors and window panes
Endless pelting continuous flowing from the Heavens come the rains
Oh the beauty and the soundings of the tones we chance to hear
All the creatures they are scampering too much for them this atmosphere

Up the coast line, slowly forming Hurricane Joaquin turns around
Winds are roaring and combining with  the waters he has found
Keep them safe Lord, all the peoples who will be in this one's path
Numbers tell us, that he's coming, with a punch that's carrying a wrath..

Hurricane season is so uncertain with its rainy weather sure to swell
All the coastlines and the beaches: so many stories they can tell
Of the weather and the waters that approach them day to day
Holy angels we are pleading be near the people who are in Joaquin's way...