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Saturday, December 31, 2016

So be that ambassador....

I know that you have all your challenges and life is not so easy it's true
Sometimes you might feel like your life has become an obstacle course for you
But you with all of your brokenesses and you with all your beauty within
Can become a beacon of light and hope for those who dont know where to begin

So be that ambassador of hope and love and be that beacon that shines the way
The world is so desperately needing  a more caring and considerate day
For we've all been taught to do all we can do.. to get to that number one
But no one is really encouraging us to get there to share it with someone

We have the abilities and the know hows: the graces and insights galore
We mustn't be afraid to shine out what the world is diligently looking for
True it may not even know its seeking for graces or truth inside a mall or store
But we can still be the angels of enlightenment who help it get up off the floor

So be that anbassador of hope and love and be that beacon that shines the way
The world is so desperately needing  a more caring and considerate day
For we've all been taught to do all we can do.. to get to that number one
But no one is really encouraging us to get there to share it with someone

The moments and hours keep on passing; and the days keep on turning to night
Who will become those enlightened beings:  ambassadors of mercy and light?
The time won't ever stop its movement and  hours won't suddenly stand still
So we're needing to gather an army of angels who will be loving and caring: for real

So be that ambassador of hope and love and be that beacon that shines the way
The world is so desperately needing  a more caring and considerate day
For we've all been taught to do all we can do.. to get to that number one
But no one is really encouraging us to get there to share it with someone

Friday, December 30, 2016

If we're willing

In the morning, in the evening, every moment, every day
There are secrets, there are treasures, quiet whispers on the way
We can find them and unite them to the fabric of our lives
If we're willing, if were able: to take some pauses in our strides

All around us and about us in the elements and in the trees
The are soundings of the Spirit: simple echoes, ecstasies
Only ponderers of the moment quiet spirits: you and me..
Can appreciate and can savor all   the Heavenly delicacy..

Won't you want it, won't you seek it: all this manna from the sky
Falling freely, falling surely: in the moments passing by?
Time is passing, time is fleeing, time is sure to disappear.
Tis the moment, tis the second, tis the hour to listen and hear..

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Time to wake up ....

Take some time out now and hear the whispers of the wind
Allow its sacred energy to echo deep within
Close off all your senses and open up all your soul
This will enable everything to feel the Sacred  flow..

It is the hour of waking and the day is about to begin
What will be your agenda as you face your schedule again..?
Will you embrace the moments like a robot or a mime
Who simply acts out motions without noticing the time...

The energies around you are awaiting your response
As you step into the elements, will you  notice all their nods...?
Each one in their own way is speaking out along the way
Will you hear their messages, or simply walk away...

The creatures and the plantlets; the oceans and the sea
All of them are calling out, beckoning you and me
To notice what isn't noticeable; to see what isn't seen...
The time has come to wake up. now: do you know what I mean..?

Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Essence of Christmas

Sparkling lights and trees all bright and songs are sung like: "silent night"
It is the morning and the dawning of that day  so bathed in Light
Gathering people and gathering families celebrate differently than before
For a Baby and the manger are not the only gifts they're looking for.....

God among us God around us God in everyone we see
Not in presents or in buying but in the presence of you and me
So we celebrate and we claim it: Christmas day is here again
But the beauty of this gathering is the Love that's deep within..

People laughing and people talking sharing treats like: food and wine
There's a warmth and there's a presence filtering through this present time
Though there's tearing up of paper; seeing presents bought with care
Something deeper is emerging in hearts of people everywhere

God among us God around us God in everyone we see
Not in presents or in buying but in the presence of you and me
So we celebrate and we claim it: Christmas day is here again
But the beauty of this gathering is the Love that's deep within..

Not the price tags or the sparkling of the shiniest things galore
Can make this Holiday the best Holiday yes we heard this all before
For the  celebrating and the feasting and the laughter and the cheer
Are but nothing and are fleeting if we've forgotten why we're here

God among us God around us God in everyone we see
Not in presents or in buying but in the presence of you and me
So we celebrate and we claim it: Christmas day is here again
But the beauty of this gathering is the Love that's deep within..

Saturday, December 24, 2016

It's Christmas eve...

Oh hear all the sounds of this beautiful night
Echoing around us in this universe tonight
All of the world is embellished by light
Beautiful colors and beautiful sight

Year after year and home after home
We see the Yule setting, the most festive tone
Children and parents and people alike
Remembering a Baby enveloped by light

Unwrapping the presents and waiting to see
What is the secret that's waiting for me
Shaking the package and looking inside:
Blessings and caring: in every bow tied

Looking for meanings and reason to pray
All of us gather and whisper and say
Thanks to the Creator the Giver of all
Who blessed us with Christmas and Jesus so small

This is the moment the day is right here
Everyone is happy and full of good cheer
Singing and caroling with beautiful sound
Let us praise Jesus our  Savior in round...

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Jesus our Savior....

Too long the waiting
Too long the hating
All the earth is wading
In her hurt she's fading

Jesus our Savior 
Baby in a manger
God and Man uniting
Against all evil fighting...

Who will be her Savior
Cleanse and fully bathe her
Lost in all her sadness
Who will bring her gladness

Jesus our Savior 
Baby in a manger
God and Man uniting
Against all evil fighting...

See this world is blinded
By her prejudice guided
No one is for talking'
Over everyone is walking

Jesus our Savior 
Baby in a manger
God and Man uniting
Against all evil fighting...

See the Virgin Mother
Holding God and Brother
With her Humble answer
Curing hatred's cancer

Jesus our Savior 
Baby in a manger
God and Man uniting
Against all evil fighting...

Without any fanfare
God Who gives us air
Rests in so much meekness
Banishes all our bleakness

Jesus our Savior 
Baby in a manger
God and Man uniting
Against all evil fighting...

Wars and rumbling thunder
Trampling people under
Prince of Peace we need you
More than ever it is true

Jesus our Savior 
Baby in a manger
God and Man uniting
Against all evil fighting...

See the children playing
In a world displaying
Peace on earth and goodwill
While we pick up "road kill"

Jesus our Savior 
Baby in a manger
God and Man uniting
Against all evil fighting...

We're longing for a Christmas
When we'll know true goodness
Like that very first birth day
When Jesus was  our way

Jesus our Savior 
Baby in a manger
God and Man uniting
Against all evil fighting...

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Shepherd's Story

In the night sky, there was glowing
The brightest star with all its knowing
Pointing eastward and singing quietly
Of a moment in God's  Dynasty

Below the radiance of all its glow
The simple shepherds were quick to know
That this light while illuminating
Was the Hope for which they're waiting

Above the earth with all God's glory
The angels sang a mystic story
Where God was man and man was God
And all who came would be over awed

So in this place where a Baby lay..
God and Man were touched by hay
And simple shepherds looked to see
The King of Kings in His Infancy

Monday, December 19, 2016

It's Christmas...

Children gather round the tree, for it is Christmas day
Shaking gifts, they're wondering: "are these things for play.."
Looking on with loving hearts, parents: young and old;
Call to mind those memories of when they were so bold.

Tinseled trees and sparkling lights herald this new day
Melodies and carolers contribute in their way
Taking time to stop and pray before the start of all
Believers,  from the world around, recall a Babe so small..

Warming smiles and smells of food are filtering through the air
Laughter and the sound of fun are echoing everywhere
Families from the world around enjoy their traditional way
Of celebrating this time of year: especially Christmas day..

Tinseled trees and sparkling lights herald this new day
Melodies and carolers contribute in their way
Taking time to stop and pray before the start of all
Believers,  from the world around, recall a Babe so small..

It is good to remember now that there are some people who weep
And there are those know no one and are homeless on the street
Should we become the lucky ones, who see them along our way
Let us resolve to help them out with love this Christmas day

Tinseled trees and sparkling lights herald this new day
Melodies and carolers contribute in their way
Taking time to stop and pray before the start of all
Believers,  from the world around, recall a Babe so small..

Friday, December 16, 2016

"All is calm, all is bright"

"All is calm" and "all is bright"
Are some words from Silent Night
But in our world and in our day
Can they describe us and our way?

We deck the halls and light the tree
But do we know how it came to be:
That we would run to store and mall
To buy some gifts for one and all..?

With wrapping paper, bows and tape
We wrap and get ready to celebrate
The memory and moment of One Most Dear:
Jesus our Savior, joining us here

He didn't come with a royal throne
Though He was king, it wasn't known
And so the setting for This Arrival
Was humble and hideous: poor Little Child..

We must remember with all our might
Who gave the gift with greatest light
It isn't the one who was paying the most
But HE who continues to be our Host

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Guardians of this world....

In the hush of the evening, a quiet sound is heard:
A hundred thousand angels hover without a word
Watching over a nation, a city and a home
Guardians of this world will never leave us alone

Heartaches, that are sounding, filter through the air;
While people sharing laughter celebrate unaware
That somewhere in the city. a heartbreak has been known..
Guardians of this world will bring peace to every home

The mornings and the evenings the daylight and the night
Hold us inside this ambient where angels keep their flight
For though we  wander careless or upright in our ways
Guardians of this world will direct our nights and days..

So while this poem is over and the words  no longer flow
There is one  final message that everyone should know
Our souls were made for Heaven and no matter where we go
Guardians of this world will stand up against God's foe

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

We have angels by our side

I woke up from my sleep and dancing into my night
A hundred little sparklets were visible to my sight
I squinted my eyes to focus I shook myself, my head
A hundred little lightlets kept glowing about my bed

A hundred little angels were around my bed last night
At first I didn't know it but now its clear as light
I really don't know how to describe it but words I choose to write
To share with all the world that we have angels by our side

I got up from my bedlet and I washed my hands and face
Returned to take my slumber and the sparklets maintained  their place
I laid down back to ponder it and watched into the night
And realized that I was visited by angels with their light

A hundred little angels were around my bed last night
At first I didn't know it but now its clear as light
I really don't know how to describe it but words I choose to write
To share with all the world that we have angels by our side

The memory of these sparklets was with me as I awoke
I remembered how they were lingering and warmed me like a cloak
The sight of them was such a mystery but I know they were Heaven led
I'll never forget these moments or how angels surrounded my bed

A hundred little angels were around my bed last night
At first I didn't know it but now its clear as light
I really don't know how to describe it but words I choose to write
To share with all the world that we have angels by our side

If There's ever a chance in your lifetime you are able to see
A hundred little angels aglow with   mystery
Don't run or try to fight it just sit there in  quiet awe
And realize  God has graced you with everything you saw..'

A hundred little angels were around my bed last night
At first I didn't know it but now its clear as light
I really don't know how to describe it but words I choose to write
To share with all the world that we have angels by our side

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The days before Christmas

Glowing lights and tinseled halls
Fill the minds of those in malls
For it is the season after fall
Where we spend and buy for all...

While the children look with glee
At the play things that they see
They are hoping and believe
Santa'll bring them.. Christmas Eve

At a distance Church bells ring
Reminding  us of Whom we sing
God among us, once so small
Gave us Christmas one and all..

Then we hurry here and there
Barely stopping for our prayer
Buying, shopping, gifts galore
Have we something for the Lord?

Then we ponder.. one by one
Have we something for everyone
Traffic's heavy, getting late
Time to wrap and decorate...

When its over and all is done
Will we regret the joy and fun
Or will we be happy and  at peace
Knowing Christmas is a time to feast...

Monday, December 12, 2016

The love of money

The love of money can blur our vision
And put our senses  out of commission
The love of money and  of acquiring
Is for the soul a firing squad firing

The soul is searching; the mind is plotting
One is forever  the other's rotting
Life is a mixture of two sides  vying:
One is the eternal and the other is  dying

The love of money can blur our vision
And put our senses out of commission
The love of money and  of  acquiring
Is for the soul a firing soul firing

The soul enlightened can see things clearly
It loves all people and things sincerely
But the stingy someone with love for no one
Hasn't any wisdom or concern for anyone.

The love of money can blur our vision
And put our senses out of commission
The love of money and of  acquiring
Is for the soul a firing soul firing

The broken people, the hungry people
Aren't needing sermons or a steeple
This world is hungry its soul is dying
Its needing kindness there is no denying

The love of money can blur our vision
And put our senses out of commission
The love of money and  of acquiring
Is for the soul a firing soul firing

Saturday, December 10, 2016

What would Christmas be like...?

What would Christmas be like, without our beloved Jesus?:
Would it have any sort of meaning; or even be able to inspire us?
We'd be running around and shopping, and buying our gifts galore..
Just like any other shopping day: we'd be supporting our local store...

What would Christmas be like,,if we were only wanting to receive?
We'd be like the Scrooge from Dickens with no faith or will to believe
That there's blessings inside the givingness and love inside us all
Just waiting to be someone's happiness in the big gifts or the small..

What would Christmas be like, if we weren't really willing to care?
We'd be going through all of the motions but be empty and unaware
That the truest meaning of Christmas, comes from the most loving heart
Who takes the time to insure that each person has a part.....

What would Christmas be like if it never even happened before
What would be have to look forward to, and Who'd open Heaven's door
Would there be any hope for salvation or any hope for anyone at all
It's wonderful to celebrate the Holiday but don't forget the Babe so small

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Oh Christmas tree, all lit up...

Oh Christmas tree all lit up oh Christmas tree  aglow
Did you know  you're a shadow: did you know did you know
For behind all  your sparkling and behind all  your light
Is the One who  gives reason to all of this delight

Indeed without that first Birthday so many years ago
We wouldn't be celebrating..did you know did you know..
That a baby in a manger without the warmth of a bed
Is the One who gives meaning to these songs in our head?

Oh Christmas tree all lit up oh Christmas tree  aglow
Did you know  you're a shadow: did you know did you know
For behind all  your sparkling and behind all  your light
Is the One who  gives reason to all of this delight

While rushing to our parties and unwrapping gifts galore
Let us remember that first Christmas: what all of this is for
It is not so much the getting of gifts from mall or store
But the giving to all around us: a sign of love and more...

Oh Christmas tree all lit up oh Christmas tree  aglow
Did you know  you're a shadow: did you know did you know
For behind all  your sparkling and behind all  your light
Is the One who  gives reason to all of this delight'

When Christmas comes this season when it comes to us once more
Will you make it a little different then any other year before
Will you take some time to ponder to hear that angels voice
Who tells us God is among us and it has always been His Choice

Oh Christmas tree all lit up oh Christmas tree  aglow
Did you know  you're a shadow: did you know did you know
For behind all  your sparkling and behind all  your light
Is the One who  gives reason to all of this delight

Monday, December 5, 2016

Angelic whispers

Breezes resting on my face
Leaving imprints of His grace
Secret messengers carrying love
Heavenly echoes from above..

Like the Spirit bright and fair
Wind streams sailing everywhere
Moving people plants and all
Inviting all to hear God's call

Listen deeply while you're still
To the whispers of God's will
In the plants the birds the trees
God is speaking like the breeze..

Touch him with the touch of grace
Love Him like the angels place
See Him in the all  you see
Know Him as the One you need..

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Stepping stones

Outside my window pane
Tiny droplets of quiet rain
Are dancing, yes dancing

They never speak a word
Yet their every moment is heard
They're dancing, yes dancing

And all the world will finally see
When that final hour comes to be
How each created entity
Was a stepping stone to Divinity...

Hush now see how that sun
Emerges bright for everyone
It's dancing, yes dancing

That early morning star
Appearing close but yet so far
Is dancing, yes dancing

And all the world will finally see
When that final hour comes to be
How each created entity
Was a stepping stone to Divinity..

Look that tiniest little mite
Barely visible to our sight
Is dancing, yes dancing

It has such tiny limbs and feet
Yet they all keep the truest beat
It's dancing, yes dancing

And all the world will finally see
When that final hour comes to be
How each created entity
Was a stepping stone to Divinity

You, there, go join that world outside
Tap into its beauty... do not hide
It's dancing, yes dancing

In everything that there is around
In all the created that are found
God is dancing, yes dancing

And all the world will finally see
When  that final hour comes to be
How each created entity
Was a stepping stone to Divinity

Friday, December 2, 2016

Free at last...

It is okay to forgive all the past
To let go of the upset: to be free at last
It is okay to be loving and kind,
Despite the struggles attacking your mind...

For we are all human with  weaknesses in bold
Sometimes we're considerate at other times mold
Sometimes we are willing; other times we are  not..
It's time to build bridges and untie every knot

It is okay to forgive all the past
To let go of the upset to be free at last
It is okay to loving and kind
Despite all the struggles attacking your mind

There are plenty of things we think were not right
But holding them up: they all pale in God's light
There were, indeed,  heartaches, laughter and tears
These made up our history and circled our years

It is okay to forgive all the past
To let go of the upset to be free at last
It is okay to loving and kind
Despite all the struggles attacking your mind

We all know emotions are sensitive and feelings are too
But when all is said and done:  we know what is true
God is not wanting us to nurture or employ
Feelings that smother or emotions that destroy

It is okay to forgive all the past
To let go of the upset to be free at last
It is okay to loving and kind
Despite all the struggles attacking your mind 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

This tragedy tonight..

(bullying can hurt)

Didn't you know that your words could all sting
That they could bring laughter or some brokenness bring
Didn't you know that those tears in their eyes
Were not so much from pain; but  the element of surprise?

I tried to forewarn you, that you were going too far:
That those words you were saying, would end up as a scar..
I tried to point out, that those things were not right
And now we are seeing it: this tragedy tonight..

You joked in your cruelty about that other one's name
Pointed your finger and showered them with blame
You ridiculed those people who weren't similar to you
And laughed as others struggled to do what they do

I tried to forewarn you, that you were going too far
That those words you were saying, would end up as a scar
I tried to point out, that those things were not right
And now we are seeing it: this tragedy tonight.

You in your grouplets that all gather and gaulk
Seem to find your happiness in your mischievous talk
You will paint out a picture for the one you will judge
And then leave them to struggle:  unable to budge..

I tried to forewarn you, that you were going too far
That those words you were saying, would end up as a scar
I tried to point out, that those things were not right
And now we are seeing it: this tragedy tonight.

If you were that person  you were bullying around
If you were the needy one without help to be found
Wouldn't you be hoping that someone would care
Yes but you keep hurting with your ominous air...

I tried to forewarn you, that you were going too far
That those words you were saying, would end up as a scar
I tried to point out, that those things were not right
And now we are seeing it: this tragedy tonight.