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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Turning the pages

 The pages, will, now, another calendar year

But what does this all mean for each one of us here..?

Will it mean resolutions or some sighs of relief;

Or simply another celebration that's become a routine

We welcome you 2021 but we fear you..just as well

We've just through passed a year that was as scary as hell

The virus has been running through every place we know

We would like it very much if this old Covid would just go

The headlines were so many and we want to leave them all behind

To embrace this brand new year... we'll have to readjust our mind

Hoping against all hope that everything will become okay

In finances and in healthcare and in our living of every day

We welcome you 2021 but we fear you..just  as well

We've just passed  through a year that was as scary as hell

The virus has been running through every place we know

We would like it very much if this old Covid would just go

To truly move ahead we must learn to embrace the new

Letting go of painful pasts is never an easy thing to do

But trying with all we are to move forward so we can see

That 2021 might be that year that we've  been longing for it to be

We welcome you 2021 but we fear you ..just as well

We've just passed  through a year that was as scary as hell

The virus has been running through every place we know

We would like it very much if this old Covid would just go

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Don't you now who you are?

 The night isn't always going to be dark and the day isn't always going to be  light

Sometimes the opposite will happen..and the wrong will turn into right

So let us trust ourselves to That Someone Who holds the night and day in hand

He'll straighten up our every confusion and lead us to understand

Our God is  a loving God and He's never able to do ....but  right

The darkness that sometimes surrounds us  isn't a forever thing to fight

For our God is a God of all Brightness and of a Wisdom that is ever clear

He will reach  down from His place in Heaven to keep each one of us ever near

So turn away from that negative thinking that tells you. you are not a prize

God sent down His Only Begotten to ransom  you with so great a price

Outstretched on a tree of Calvary to undo the curse of that sin

He will continue to remind us of Eden and forgive  us again and again

Our God is a loving God and He's never able to do ....but  right

The darkness that sometimes surrounds us  isn't a forever thing to fight

For our God is a God of all Brightness and of a Wisdom that is ever clear

He will reach  down from His place in Heaven to keep each one of us ever near

You are each one original copy.. created from all time to be

A child of the Most High Creator.. a participant in the Divine Trinity

Destined to be a light forever... shining a world.. in need

Let the Spirit of God be your counselor and The Light that helps you see..

Our God is  a loving God and He's never able to do ....but  right

The darkness that sometimes surrounds us  isn't a forever thing to fight

For our God is a God of all Brightness and of a Wisdom that is ever clear

He will reach  down from His place in Heaven to keep each one of us ever near

Monday, December 28, 2020

Tiny Sprinkles

 Tiny sprinkles..soft and white

Fall from Heavens ..bless our sight

Like a blanket covering all

Snowflakes gracefully peacefully fall

Oh.. to see them ..all should know

Makes me smile .and inwardly glow

Something about them feels so right

All is beautiful ..they're so bright

Before we walk and press them down

Snow is like the Bridal gown

Crisp and pure and beautifully white

Loveliness is on their side...

How to see them..when they fall

All these snowflakes..over all?

Do they change your deep inside

Make you feel like Heaven's light???

Sunday, December 27, 2020

While we are sleeping

 Let the silence of the evening..lull your heart and soul to sleep

Close your mind and calm your spirit..for the angels watch and keep

All the peoples of all the nations..every one us ..far and near

Are protected by God's spirits: the guardian angels are ready to hear

As the night falls and the day flees take some time for quiet prayer

Do not worry about all the troubles though they shout out everywhere

For the God of all things living.. will take care of you and me

He is loving and He is Almighty and He can calm the raging sea

When we're sleeping and not watching .. there are those who never sleep

They are beings ..quick and careful.. guardian angels for humanity

Let us love them and invoke them;  like we would a trusted friend

For these angels are ever ready and will be with us to the very end.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

It's the day before Christmas

 It's the day before Christmas and you're still on the run

There is just one more present and then, you will be done

With wrapping and fussing and cooking nice treats

Tomorrow is really Christmas and the whole family meets

You're looking it over..all  the work that you've done

You're counting the there enough for everyone

You sitting down slowly to get off of your feet

It's Christmas eve it all really complete?

But what about Jesus and the whole manger scene

Is He part of this picture you know what I mean

With the running and the fussing and the wrapping galore

Have you included a memory of what it's all  for?

Today the Good Almighty has let us all in

He has opened up the Heavens and let us begin

To travel most surely to This Place we all seek

He's  promised us entry through This Baby so meek

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Just a baby and some hay

 Just a baby and some hay 

Some may say on Christmas day

But we know as shepherds knew

God was in This Babe true

Lowly creatures, all  around

Acknowleded God, through humble  sound

Bowing low, they gave Him heat

Manger animals were first to greet

Hospital beds and urgent care

Were not a part of Mary's share

She bore her Babe in bitter cold

She knew no comfort we've been told

And St Joseph who was nearby

Must have felt the urge to cry

A man so capable

Could not change what seemed horrible 

But why would God Who made us all

Choose a manger and a stall

If not to teach us in some way

That He is the Hope of any day

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

What a wonderful day

Happy Birthday Juan

 What a wonderful day wake up and sing

And to embrace all the world and to love everything

Gifted so freely and freely it'll all stay 

God has so blessed you..with this beautiful day..

The morning is breaking like so many of the others

The sunshine is shining on our sisters and brothers

Creatures are romping and the birds..they all sing

What a wonderful day .. the Almighty does bring

The coffee is brewing or maybe it is some tea

It really isn't  important in the broad view of things

But what rises so promptly like the sun in the dawn

Is each breath that you're taking while mother earth yawns

If today you are reading these whispers I  write

Know ..that you're special and are primed for the Light

Who loves you so dearly that He wakes you each day

With wisdom and beauty and love along the  way

So jump up..start dancing... with a quick step or two

You're uniquely created and there's only one you

You're destined for greatness and only you'll know

How privileged you've been by the Divine Overflow....

Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Patient One

 I waited around to see 

If they would remember ME

But time.. it all.. elapsed

And I became their past

I called out once again

To  hearts and souls within

But they wouldn't even hear...

They didn't want is clear

Another time I tried

To have us all unite

But they would not ..not a one..

Have room for Me or My Son

So now, I call  from my throne

For  some friendship  and a new home

But I carry no scepter or  crown

I am helpless...and I keep falling down

Friday, December 18, 2020

He silences all greatness

 The big star was shining and pointing the way

To a Baby in a Manger .. the True Star of the day

The wise men came seeking .. from far and from wide

An Astrological promise that couldn't be denied

So they see Him this Baby in a lodging so low

That..only the animals ....were the first ones to know

That He is their Creator.. and the God of all time

He silences all greatness and crosses each line..

The shepherds were watching as the wise man approached

Carrying their treasures like the costliest gold

Dressed up in their attire of finest new threads

These kings... came there.. looking they were there to impress

So they see Him this Baby in a lodging so low

That ..only the animals... were the first ones to know

That He is their Creator.. and the God of all time

He silences all greatness and crosses each line.

The great ones look puzzled as they took in this poor sight

The promised One they searched for dimly lit light

No colorful emblems that would mark Him the King

This Baby, they were viewing.. didn't look like "anything" 

So they see Him this Baby in a lodging so low

That ..only the animals... were the first ones to know

That He is their Creator.. and the God of all time

He silences all greatness and crosses each line.

Though disillusioned and puzzled these great ones would leave

Knowing interiorly  what they should come  to believe.

That ..this baby.. so gentle meekly displayed

Was the talk of the century and Heaven's true way

So they see Him this Baby in a lodging so low

That...only the animals... were the first ones to know

That He is their Creator.. and the God of all time

He silences all greatness and crosses each line. joypachowicz

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wintry mix

 Freezing whispers trickle in

Wintry breezes start again

Rain is chilly ...making ice:

Piping soup is sound nice

Frosty figures appear

Silhouetting far and near.

Hear the crispness, in your walk:

Winter's speaking..hear her talk?

Slow your pace down ..not so fast..

Icy patches they forecast

Take some time: to look, to see

What is frosting walks and street

Winters coming.... this is true

So I write this verse for you

Take your time, to think, to live

In this icy wintry mix..

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Soon it'll be Christmas

 Soon it'll be Christmas and the celebrations will begin

Family and friends will all  come visit us again

We'll light up our houses and we'll hang up some cheer

We will do like each Christmas that comes every year

But what will we be do to make it more resonate

Beyond all these wrappings and these light bulbs ornate

Will we also be pondering  over.. the message most clear

That a Baby in a manger has started all of this, here...

If it were it not for This Baby .. for this mother and child

We wouldn't be celebrating with so much festivity and style

No, there wouldn't be any presents all glittery and aglow

So we mustn't forget it...this Christmas story we know

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Without a church

 Without a church.or golden steeple

Jesus went and taught the  people

He healed the lame and helped the poor

He never ever "shut the door" 

His family history brought up all:

A king, a hooker.. a manger stall

Unknown to many but for all He came

He never was seeking  some glorious fame

This King and  Messiah, and Lamb of God

Was friend for everyone who ever sought

His love His friendship ..His free advice

He was both:  our Savior and  our Sacrifice. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Christmas Light

 Oh quietest light you illuminate  the night

And point us forever to God's True Light

Without ever a word .you teach us forever

About Ways and Truths That'll keep us together

Year after year you continue to appear

And  remind us all how God will draw near

Not inside a castle or wearing a crown

Will God come to us or bring Heaven down

The elite ..and. great are not  first to see

How God has Chosen  to save  humanity

But simple shepherds and sheep  lead the way

To God's first mansion.. a pile of hay

So today we'll learn like others once did

How God's True Light prefers  to live

Not lavish or luxurious or sporting some glow

But humble and hidden and avoiding all show

The greatest..and  highest are often unseen

They carry a smile and a serenity serene

But riches and treasures that many would grab

They flee from like lighting so little they have

Friday, December 11, 2020

Take some moments before you start

 Before the morning sun breaks through

And you start the things you do 

Listen deeply and listen long

Hear the universe ..hear her song

Sounding crickets, who echoed deep

Slowly soften and no longer  sing

For, with   coming.. light of day

These nocturnal bug-lets hide away

In the dawn as night gives way

Birds are chirping  and seem to say

Sing with us ...oh welcome Him

Who brought us through this night so dim

Squirrels romp and jump and dig

For morning foraging is their gig

Playing also becomes their routine

Work and play makes life serene

Other creatures will come and go

But this will vary; we all should know

For this  depends .on me ..on you 

And where we are when night is  through

But as was stated.... from the start

Take some moments inside your heart

To hear and listen and let all in

For God is speaking as day begins

Thursday, December 10, 2020

One of those days

 I closed my eyes this morning.."for just a minute or two"

And when I woke back up again.. I was wondering what to do

The minutes had turned into hours and I was running late

I didn't know if I was needing breakfast or maybe a dinner plate

The day continued to spiral because strewn across my floor

Was paper toweling all shredded like some casualty of war

I cleaned that up most quickly and then to my surprise

I found a pile of something where my sleeping body lies...

The kitties had made their statements about empty bowls at night

And I saw without  hesitation that they had won a passive fight

It'll be food all day and night now...or I'll see some consequence

Like some  paper toweling  shredded or some surprises in my bed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I am me

 Before I am, even, anything ..I am most authentically me

I'm not a Democrat, or a Republican or some ethnicity

I am a human being and I am living peaceably inside of  God's Almighty care

Before you ever try to label me least  try to make it fair

Monday, December 7, 2020

Winter rain

 Freezing rain is falling down

Landing on the trees and ground

See it sparkle...see it shine?

It is making sweetest rhyme..

Crystal carrier of God's grace

Watering every time .and.. place

Carrying secrets speaking not

God alone knows what it has brought

Shining up the lingering leave

Giving thirsty birds relief

Even in the coldest cold

Rain is precious .,liquid gold

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Oh see in the stable


 Oh see, in the stable, where poor animals stay..

Our Creator and Redeemer on a rough bed of hay..

A child, so helpless; but, what power is His

Our God has been pleased to appear such as this...

We see  His dear mother, Maria, by name

Recalling the moments when Gabriel came..

How gently she lifts Him and whispers with love:

"My dear little child..Your Father's Above"

St Joseph's nearby and nods with consent

For He knows Mary's virginity had never been spent

Together, they lived under a virginal vow

Increasing the mystery before us right now

Poor, simple shepherds  are first to adore

Before the Babe they prostrate: His blessings implore

Unlettered and unskilled in the rhetoric of Law

Their hearts were instructed by all that they saw

Finally, three wise men, from distant lands ..far

Approach the New King foretold by a star

Myrrh, Frankincense, Gold: gits that they bring

Are offerings befitting the presence of One Special King

The story goes on ..for we recall it..each year

But what message does it hold..for each of us here?

Humility ..simplicity..or is it one of love

For each it will vary willed from above...

(C) joy pachowicz

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Little lights

 Never judge another person by the clothes they buy or wear

Or by their color, choice of love ..or how they style their hair

Everyone of us.. is so unique ...and ...our God, does love us all

Pointing out the flaws... of all.. wasn't ever, part of our call..

Do not be the first to fight or the last one  to volunteer

Raise you voice ..but ..not to curse   but rather, to praise and  cheer

We are all so very sensitive in all that we hear or see

So let us become the advocates of letting each other

Sometimes we feel ..we are right and push to make this clear

But we fail to let the  others speak or give them an open ear

We march around with  invisible crowns and act like we know best

But truth be told... the one who boasts often lower than the rest

So take some time today to think about the things you do  or say

Are you  the beautiful beacon of light or the darkness at end of day?

We cannot claim to be so good that we can sit and judge and judge

For, if we do, we'll  find out, soon, we're simply seeing others through our sludge