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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The unspoken speaks to me

Early, before the sunrise, before the world begins to sing
Silence is softly speaking in each element leaves its ring
Whispering to the listeners and enlightening all who see
Before the dawn is broken the unspoken speaks to me..

While the darkness is lingering:  before the break of day
Molecules are combining and each atom rises to say
Secretly there is greatness in the humble and the small
Though you may never see them their presence affects us all..

Somber is the moment when the bright star of our way
Breaks through all the darkness and shares its own array
Warming up every creature and touching us and the world
The sun is so magnificient we bask in its warmth unfurled

Before you venture forward into your work or day
Listen for a few moments and hear what life can say
Write it down in your memory or in your blog compose
Something for us the readers: a simple line or prose

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Night lights

Did you notice, did you see it. .that little sparklet in the sky
Way up there inside the darkness lighting up ..for you and I
Brightly beaming but not speaking; yet having words for us to hear
In the silence of the evening a star is singing: it is clear..

Like a backdrop in the theater the blackened sky supports the theme
As we're gazing up in wonder we can hear the cosmos scream
Not with noises or with voices or wih sounds that touch the ear
But with energies so amazing: we're amazed at how we hear..

Like the silence of the ocean before the waves begin to rise
So the silence of the evening beckons us with inward cries
Look and listen see and ponder touch the secrets of this night
In the darkness of the night time God still whispers .. I am Light..

Saturday, October 28, 2017

The beauty angels see

The quietness, the stillness, the first break of morn
Echoes a certain peacefulness  from Where our goodness is born
The tenderness and tranquility speaks through leaves and wind
And all the plants and creatures rise..singing "it's day again"

Like powder puffs, all floating: the clouds so way up high
Wave at us and invite us: to imagine that we could fly
Without the aid of airplanes or hellicopters or machines
Imagine if you could and know... this is how our spirit leans

We restrict ourselves by busy-ness and load ourselves with worry
If we could stop a moment yes..if we wouldn't have to hurry
We'd see the heights that we could soar and even touch beyond
Everything our eyes could see: we'd dance in Heaven's pond

But we haven't time to ponder it or time to think or soar
We crowd ourselves with activity and look for even more
Not knowing that, indirectly, we are snuffing out our light
Trading it for lesser things, that never bring us sight

Oh if we could understand and feel within that joy
That comes from letting go of all:  no bombshell could destroy..
Wouldn't it be so wonderful then... so inexpressibly pure
To know the beauty angels see and stay there safe and sure?

Friday, October 27, 2017

Autumn breezes

Frosty sprinkles on the ground
Coolness in the air around
Autumn breezes are so chill
They will freeze you: yes they will

Like a burst of arctic air
Morning brings us quite a share:
Chillier temps to start the day..
It is cold in every way

Dress up warmly, Fall is here
Seems like Winter.. it is clear...
But the day will warm up right
Till it does; don't dress too light!!

Colds and sneezes are in line
To make appearance, just in time:
For the season of the flu;
Autumn brings this all: it's true...

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The things we forgot...

You are working so hard you put in the time
But you haven't a moment to jot down some rhyme
You pile up the hours and you're building the green
But when can you enjoy it,  you know what I mean?

You have a great casa, a mansion, a house
It's clean as a whistle..too clean for a mouse
Yet when can you enjoy it with all that you do
Back out of this hustle and enjoy being you

It's true we must plan for.. the time we're not well
But who said our working should give us such "hell"
We're tired out, exhausted, no energy to breathe
Each day we repeat it.. our spirits all grieve

The ratrace.. the jiggle.. the hunger for more
Leaves all empty when leaving the store
But who is determining what happiness is
Out tvs are telling us: money is.. bliss

What if not having is the  secret to fun...
And working was something we did and were done?
If night time would greet us and we could all smile
Share something hilarious and laugh for awhile??

But we have become programmed to run and to run:
Even at night time our work is not done
We can't even focus on those who are around
Because money is calling and soothing is its sound...

Some day we will get it like never before
And find out our happiness doesn't come from a store
That money is needed but not a whole lot
We will finally discover the things we forgot...

Saturday, October 21, 2017

And the world is truly one...

The sun is dancing on my face
As I breathe  amazing grace
Breezes echo something dear
A hundred million songs I hear

And the world is truly one
Though apart we share  one sun
And each breath that we will breathe
Comes from One; from One we receive

Through all the miles and in all time
We're knit together in God Sublime
Colors, sounds, and cultures too:
We are but one, both me and you

And the world is truly one
Though apart we share one sun
And each breath that we will breath
Comes from One; from One we receive

Have you seen it do you know
How each creature starts to grow
In each being and in each plant
God's own Spirit starts to chant

And the world is truly one
Though apart, we share one sun
And each breath that we will breathe
Comes from One, from One we receive

Warring, fighting affects us all
Every heartache, every fall
Yet we act like we aren't one
So we see what this has done

And the world is truly one
Though apart, we share one sun
And each breath that we will breathe
Comes from One, from One we receive

Beneath the skin, the flesh,the hair
God's own Spirit is dwelling there
And the shame that we contrive:
We fail to see Him.. in all alive

And the world is truly one
Though apart, we share one sun
And each breath that we will breathe
Comes from One, from One we receive

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Without fanfare or drums

The skies open up; and the Heavens are before us
Softly the angels let out their sure chorus
Millions of beings from the Heavens above
Sing out most clearly: that God wants our love

But we with our stubbornness pretend we can't see
God must be hiding from all humanity
How can we love Him if He doesn't appear
We know what you're saying but He hasn't come here...

People who are broken and some who are not
Seek for our comfort: for things that we got
But, we with our reasoning, will act without care
We turn to each other and pretend they're not there

But we with our  stubbornness pretend we can't see
God must be hiding from all humanity
How can we love Him; if He doesn't appear
We know what you're saying but He hasn't come here

We have our agendas, our schedules to keep
Don't bother us now; we can't even speak
The best time to reach us is when we're at home
But sometimes we're missing when movies are shown

But we with our stubbornness pretend we can't see
God must be hiding from all humanity
How can we love Him; if He doesn't appear
We know what you're saying but He hasn't come here

The family's the circle for all things to grow
But business and working has broken this flow
Overtime and meetings and things we must do
Has shortened this time with our loved ones it's true

But we with our stubbornness pretend we can't see
God must be hiding from all humanity
How can we love Him; if He doesn't appear
We know what you're saying but He hasn't come here

We're wondering what happened, to things we once knew:
The birds and the flowers and the plantlets that grew...
Somehow we've lost it: the ability to feel
And succumbed to the ratrace, which has imprisoned our will

But we with our stubbornness pretend we can't see
God must be hiding from all humanity
How can we love Him; if He doesn't appear
We know what you're saying but He hasn't come here

In  the silence of  morning and the whispers of night;
Angels keep telling us, to return to what's right...
But we, with our thinking, and our reasoning inside
Have traded  away Heaven for the voices outside

But we with our stubbornness pretend we can't see
God must be hiding from all humanity
How can we love Him; if He doesn't appear
We know what you're saying but He hasn't come here

The stillness of Eternity and the wisdom of God
Keeps calling out softly where ever we trod
We haven't been left out... we still have some time
Pay heed every listener, to the words of this rhyme

But we with our stubbornness pretend we can't see
God must be hiding from all humanity
How can we love Him; if He doesn't appears
We know what you're saying but He hasn't come here

Our God, He is present, yes present right now
But we have become blinded by activities somehow
It's not only on Sundays or Sabbaths He comes
But He's with us forever:  without fanfare or drums..

But we with our stubborn ess pretend we can't see
God must be hiding from all humanity
How can we love Him; if He doesn't appear
We know what you're saying but He hasn't come here

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Autumn air

Cool and frosty, Autumn air
Chills the bones beyond compare
Painting pictures icy bright
Nippy winds create a sight

Sun beams warm but I can't feel
All their warmness in this chill
Beautiful streams creating steam
Emerges from the sunlight's seam

Crispy crinkles beneath my feet
Whisper coolness so discreet
Icy images make a parade
Leaving artwork: short displayed

 In my home or when outside
Autumn whispers deep inside
Painting pictures making rhyme
Every season colors time

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Look and listen

Sunlight dancing on my  sill
Bringing beauty: calm and still
Warming rays so bright and true
How we love you: yes we do...

Winds are whispering: soft and free
Never know where they  might be..
Carrying messages: far and wide
All is  heard, from deep inside

Flowers blooming; plants are too
Giving energy, it is true
All  united in God's grace
With the universe and its space

Dark descends with coming night
Nothing's clear as in the light
But the sounds and sights unseen
Brings us mystery..all agree

Look and listen; hear and see
All around:  serenity
In the creatures in the air
So much God-ness everywhere

Monday, October 9, 2017

I am here...

Through these storms and all your hurt
I will be here: rest assured
Through these turmoils and unrest
I'll be waiting your request

Know I see it, all your pain
Every heartache all the rain
I am waiting; yes it's clear
You can call Me; I am here.

In those moments of surpise
When clouds are blocking all your skies
I am here with Light Divine
Call Me trust Me; you are Mine.

Know I see it: all your pain;
Every heartache, all the rain..
I am waiting; yes it's clear
You can all Me; I am here

Friends are fickle; yes it's true
But I'm always a friend for you
Nothing changes Me:  not at all
You can trust I'll hear your call

Know I see it: all your pain;
Every heartache, all the rain..
I am waiting; yes it's clear
You can all Me; I am here

Now, at morning; or at night
I am present with My Light
When you call me or cannot
I be watching.. for I am God

Know I see it: all your pain;
Every heartache, all the rain..
I am waiting; yes it's clear
You can all Me; I am here

Friday, October 6, 2017

What are those teardrops in your eyes?

What are those diamonds in your eyes
Tiny teardrops small in size
Who has caused them; let me see
I'll release them: set them free

Like a downpour from the sky
Droplets flowing from your eye
Tell me secrets without words
Inspire my hands to type in verse

What are those diamonds in your eyes
Tiny teardrops small in size
Who has caused them; let me see
I'll release them: set them free

In the morning time; it's clear
Sighing sobbing I did hear
Hearts unfolding like a rhyme
Soak the soul and startle time

What are those diamonds in your eyes
Tiny teardrops small in size
Who has caused them; let me see
I'll release them: set them free

Broken moments kept inside
Tear the heart and stifle pride
Something precious something deep
Echoes through the heart that weeps

What are those diamonds in your eyes
Tiny teardrops small in size
Who has caused them; let me see
I'll release them: set them free

Let me spend some time with you
Hear your sorrows help you through
Then you'll know as you are known
Love is best when love is shown

What are those diamonds in your eyes
Tiny teardrops small in size
Who has caused them; let me see
I'll release them: set them free

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

So much tragedy

In those eyes I see
So much tragedy
Memories of that day
All was taken away

Tears are falling down
Splashing all around
Moistening all the air
Raindrops everywhere

In those eyes I see
Horror and tragedy
Memories of that day
All was taken away

Bloodshed in the streets
No more inner peace
From that room so high
Many were made to die

In those eyes I see
So much tragedy
Memories of that day
All was taken away

The day after it occured
Eyes are still so blurred
Head is full of pain
Scars inside remain

In those eyes I see
Horror and tragedy
Memories of that day
All was taken away

We cannot bring them back
From this horrendous act
Only hearts can heal
From this pain so real

In those eyes I see
Horror and tragedy
Memories of that day
All was taken away

With you I will stay
Though, so far away
Hoping time will soothe
Every hurt remove

In those eyes I see
Horror and tragedy
Memories of that day
All was taken away

Monday, October 2, 2017

Oh, Las Vegas...

My heart is breaking and am sighing
As I feel each soul that's dying
Hard to inhale it: labored breathing
Every departing soul:  perceiving

Oh, Las Vegas how much sorrow 
Long the wait until tomorrow
Bodies broken, families crying:
Watching loved ones bruised and dying

Country music riddled with bullets
Changes hope into endurance
From the windows passed a sentence
From a mad man without repentance

Oh  Las Vegas how much sorrow 
Long the wait until tomorrow
Bodies broken families crying
Watching loved ones bruised and dying

Can I cope with this connection
My soul's leaning in that direction..
In the hospitals and their homes too
So much sorrow is coming on through

Oh. Las Vegas, how much sorrow
Long the wait until tomorrow
Bodies broken, families crying
Watching loved ones, bruised dying

In Las Vegas, Early Morn

After midnight cries sound out
"There's a shooter, many shout"
In Las Vegas, early morn
Bullets flew and lives were torn

And we hear it once again
Terror started from within
Heartless things we see
America suffers a tragedy

Who'd imagine, this could be
All this bloodshed that we see
Lovely city soaked in blood
From the rooftops came this flood

And we hear it once again
Terror started from within
Heartless things we see
America suffers a tragedy

People running here and there
Screaming, crying, everywhere
Young ones, old ones, in between
Chaos created: Las Vegas' scene

And we hear it once again
Terror started from within
Heartless things we see
America suffers a tragedy

For the families suffering now
Healing moments I wish somehow
Nothing can undo your  pain
But my prayers with you'll  remain

And we hear it once again
Terror started from within
Heartless things we see
America suffers a tragedy