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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Is this really real?

Oh, I  have a family .. they claim they know God
They won't even message me or give me a nod
I don't even know why ..they  treat  me this way
Catholicism's the answer, will that make me "saved" 

If I don't make the effort.. and say  "how are you"
They won't even acknowledge me ,  sad but it's true 
So, why is this happening.. that  I can't ever feel
Like my family's my family.. is this really real?

Friday, July 15, 2022

So much goodness

Gentle breezes touch the dawn

Early morn lets out a yawn

Thunder's sounding..lightning too

So much loveliness .. passing through

Birds are chirping: so so sweet

Squirrels are scampering:  ready to eat

Breezy soundlets touch our soul

See the universe ..on its  roll?

Not with loudness; not with noise

Not with yelling or heightened voice

But with whispering unheard sound

God is speaking ...always found

So see the secrets; see each one: 

In the trees and in the sun

Simplest  breezes. soothing sea:

Everything's gift for you and me

Oh will we try it try today

Savoring goodness on our way

So much sweetness so much love

Waits to take us.. high above