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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Take time

Have you ever taken time out to relax and  simply be
Free with all your feelings, your thoughts, and  memory?
Have you ever taken   rest from your day to day routine
And allowed yourself to explore that inner world unseen.

Sometimes its good to break away from the things outside
To explore that inner world that is awaiting   deep inside
For while we are so busy running here and running there
We  become neglectful and not  give ourselves some care

So give yourself some silence each and every day
Allow you soul to speak;for  it has so much to say
Balancing your busy life with the  silence from within
Will  touch your soul  with newness and peace will settle in.


  1. Hello Joy,
    How have you been doing? I often take time each day to myself, especially during my morning worship and meditation...How has your heart really been healing? Sometimes in wanting so much for things to be lighter the pain gets lost in the wanting. Don't know if that makes any sense but it's the best I can explain how it is with me sometimes..I think of you often and pray for you all the time. I'm thankful that you're still writing and have others to converse with. My hopes for you are goodness and blessings with healing in between...Love to you. RiRi

  2. Thank you my dear Riri.. I love to write.. I think I took quite a hit, when my T left, I kept hoping somehow she would come back, that it was a bad dream; but, no ..she did not.. I trust in the beauty of people around me. .and I know all things work out for the good of those who love God. so in my brokenness and confusion I keep hoping and trusting there are days filled with rainbows ahead of me. I miss you Riri .. wish we could talk more. .love you <3 JOy


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