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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

She never saw it coming

She trusted in a professional and opened  up her soul
Together they made a roadmap and a realistic goal
Never did she imagine that there would come a day
When the professional would break her up in a most cruel way

But one day it happened as she was starting  therapy
The professional blurted out this will no longer  be
No warning signs before hand for everything "was  fine"
Now she's left to wonder what the therapist had in mind.

Those who claim to give counseling must be truly aware
 how fragile and broken are the people that come  into your care
IF you're not able to go the distance please don't ever begin
Heal yourself physician before  taking others in ..


  1. One of my therapists just dumped me a few weeks ago. He'd had a new job offer.... No warning nothing. Just goodbye and goodluck!!!


    I love your website Joy, you are doing a great work here.

    Your friend


  2. Jan I know how it feels: we are already broken and afraid when we come to therapy..the one place we never expected to be done wrongly is in therapy by the therapist..If they can't continue because of the new job..they should say so and not put the blame on the client for their inablity to keep their word..I sacrificed 400 plus dollars a month almost half my income for therapy..i didnt mind if therapy was working. i had nothing better to do than to be healed..that was first on my list of healing.... I did all I was asked .. went for skype therapy at 10:30 pm as that was the most convenient for her. and i would have done so at midnight.. i didnt care the .time..she could have prepared me.. but no . .she didnt even say good bye. she turned skype off on me when i asked why she wasnt going to continue . .at mention of my court date.. I kept all my boundaries. .and if i wasnt doing well enough she could say you need to work harder on this ... I defended therapy and praised her.. i sure was blind. .didnt see it coming now am more broken than before i started..

    I love your blog too Jan.. your writings are inspiring .. I don't know how it feels as a man to be dumped in therapy..Were you with your therapist long?

    I am sorry you went through this too. I guess we will both survive..:)

    your friend always


  3. I love the tone of this poem. Parable like. The final stanza plays off as a kind of "moral of this story is" moment, like you'd expect at the end of an episode of G.I. Joe. That is a good thing.

    Thanks for coming over to visit my blog. I'd be happy to add you to my list of worthwhile blogs to visit. Pop me in to your blogroll too if the idea is pleasing to you.

    I'm a great believer in the healing power of poetry. I had a hard time when I was young and poetry is the means by which I cope.

  4. Hello Adam. definitely will put you into my blog roll ..that's kinda why I friended you on face-book.. so i can get permission to include you ..then I got much nonsense happening in my life at this point of my journey!!

    Thanks for your critique..I appreciate you words. I agree as well : there is a healing effect with poetry for the writer and the reader most the time..

    Have a super nice day .



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