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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Steps in the right direction

Even Though I'm only taking tiny steps in the right direction;
They are still the steps I'm taking; steps of my own selection.
And though my progress may be small to others from a glance;
It's  still progress that I've made: a cause for song and dance.

I cannot compare myself to others and still be fair to "me"
Because all of us are knit together so very differently
Rather I must strive each day to become more and more true
To the person I see in the mirror in all  I say and do

So when I'm tempted to compare and be a little hard on me
I'll  recall that life's not about becoming what others  see.'
It's  about living the life I've been given each and every day
To the best of my abilities and not on how others  say.

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