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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

There is still tomorrow

You're feeling so misunderstood, like you've been  left all alone.
Someone has just abandoned you, you're making it on your own
Well keep on pushing forward; for  it's not so bad you'll see
Right now  your feeling helpless; but that's not your destiny.

You'll find others who understand you; but it may not be today
You  won't always know that sorrow; blessings are on the way
Keep on holding your convictions; fighting for what you believe
There is a brighter tomorrow with treasures for you to  receive.

Let those tears fall for the moment, let your feelings out with care;
For they are preparing you a tomorrow of which you're not aware
It won't always be a struggle , your life will get  better after today
There is so much promise awaiting you; it's just a heartbeat away.


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