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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Like a million diamonds

The sound of the pouring raindrops was echoing from my window sill
It woke me up from my lingering sleep and created such a soothing appeal
The rush of the wind blowing behind this shower moved me  deep within
A peaceful rhythm of a  downpour can always helps my thoughts begin.

The crawling droplets of running raindrops were painting pictures on my window
I could  see so much beauty ,so much artwork from my place upon my pillow
Though it seems like a bunch of splashes of water tossed without a care
I know that rain is like God's messenger and it is carrying love everywhere.

Sparkling like a million diamonds and hoping that we will come to see
The beauty of each droplet and how important each one can come to be
Carrying all of Eternity's lifeline of hope from the portals Above
Raindrops fall to carry us a message from the Eternal Ones Heart of love.

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