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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

On Christmas night, the Night of nights

As we kneel before the Christmas crib we think of how much love
Moved our God to come to us from  that Greatness Up Above

On Christmas night, the night of nights: the heavens and earth were one.
A mother gave birth to a little Child Who in turn would bless everyone.

The lights  upon the Christmas tree remind us of that   first night
When shepherd boys and mighty kings were directed by a star so bright

On Christmas night, the night of nights: the heavens and earth were one.
A mother gave birth to a little Child Who in turn would bless everyone.

The Christmas Carols we sing each year remind us of that Choir
That  heralded people to that place where so much mystery did transpire

On Christmas night, the night of nights: the heavens and earth were one.
A mother gave birth to a little Child Who in turn would bless everyone.

The giving of gifts by everyone to the big ones and to  the small
Reminds of that Precious Gift that the Eternal One gave to us all

On Christmas night, the night of nights: the heavens and earth were one.
A mother gave birth to a little Child Who in turn would bless everyone.

And so we celebrate it every year: the birthday of God's Son
And share that happiness we feel within until the day is done

On Christmas night, the night of nights: the heavens and earth were one.
A mother gave birth to a little Child Who in turn would bless everyone.

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