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Friday, December 6, 2013

Do you have the time

Can you take a moment now; do you have the time
Can you taste the sweetness of a measured rhyme
Do you have to hurry up into your busy day
Can you take a moment now and watch along the way.

Have you ever noticed how each moment is brand new
Have you ever heard the sound of daylight waking you
Have you ever ventured out into the new dawned day
Have you ever listened to what creation has to say?

Can you give an essay on the passing of the sun
Can you touch the golden glow after the day is done
Have you ever reached out for a bright and shining star
Can you explain the reasoning behind the soul you are?

Have you ever sat and thought without really having to
Have you ever looked around and let nature soften you
Have you ever had the time to let your busy schedule go
Have you ever let yourself have the uncaring slow..

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