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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

In the company of angels...

The day, it slipped right by me and I had no time to write
But the spirit spoke inside me saying "things will be all right"
So I took to my little safe place and I slowly began my rhyme
And before I could speak or whisper the poem was keeping time

I saw the stars and the angels and I saw the sky above
And my soul was moved within me as I rode  the wings of love
How could I be so privileged so privileged to see and  live:
The portals of the Great Eternal the place where I desire to live

It wasn't  like any of those pictures or those paintings trimmed with gold
and there wasn't a bearded creature with an appearance grim and old
But the Heavens I chanced to gaze on were like the radiance of a light
And hundreds and thousands of spirits were all calling  me with delight.

I didn't  know what to make of it and wondered if I was here or there
I could see so many glowing auras: they were speaking to me like prayer
My spirit it seemed to be flying but my feet they never left the ground
I was hearing a symphony of music but it was unlike any earthly sound

So as quickly as I had entered into there so quickly was I to return
But the memories of that  visit is making me want and yearn
For a time when there isn't a time piece and a place where now is  forever
As nothing on this earth can match this for nothing on earth is forever..

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