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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Lost childhood

The sound of the belt  as it cut through the air
Still echoes in my mind though I'm no longer there
The humiliation and pain that I inwardly felt
Still sings in my memory when a nightmare is delt

Nothing can erase it and nothing can excuse
The years of abandonment or childhood abuse
Others  may deny it and religiously explain
But nothing can excuse the imposition of pain

Denial is a cover up but this is what's true
As a child I was beaten and appeared black and blue
Smacked around daily and  knelt through the night
I was burnt with a lighter and cursed unto fright

Time is a healer but it wont  ever erase
That period of time that others won't face
Silencing the speaker or avoiding me at cost
Won't ever return the  childhood I lost.

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