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Saturday, December 7, 2013

If you're ready

Today I heard you as you were crying and I saw you broken down.
I could see your every teardrop falling down upon the ground
What could I ever do to help you, if you wouldn't let me dear
I am feeling all your heartaches and I am feeling all your fear

Won't you come a little bit  closer and not continue in your pain?
I know that you are really frightened and are feeling such disdain
I will take  you into My presence and I will let you feel secure
I am the Maker of your being and I know your needs: for sure.

But I am needing your willing spirit and I am needing your consent
I will never be imposing, though all  my graces are freely sent
I am the healer of your weeping and of those gaping wounds so deep.
If you're ready and you're willing, you can take that healing leap

Yes take that leap into My presence and put away your every fear
For too long  I have been waiting; I have been waiting every year
Knowing that you have been  suffering has given to Me an endless grief
But seeing that you're  finally listening has awakened a hopeful relief

Come then to this fount of Mercy come and find in Me your healing sea
Let Me wash those wounds so gaping let Me dress your soul with Me
I will be that shield around you and I will be answering Your every need
But you  must come to me most freely and you must be willing to let Me lead..

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