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Monday, December 9, 2013

Earth's end..

Before there were structures or politics or rules
Before there were temples or buildings or schools
The creatures they worshiped on pure earthen floors
And found all their happiness outside grocery stores

But as all the advancements and improvements came in
It competed with happiness and the spiritual within
Promising accomplishments and holding out pure gold
The universe was traded for products that were sold.

Settling with the lesser and the sparkling facade
Creatures began worshiping things other than God
They created their structures, their empires galore
They worked endless hours not knowing what for.

Sleepless and lifeless they gained all their fame
Everyone forgetting the most Sacred of Names
Not knowing their emptiness and  vacuums within
The people kept on searching and buying upon whim

If only they realized these patterns they had formed
They'd turn back, at once, to their innocence transformed
But all of these trends and these noises so loud
Kept  them in  patterns brought on by the crowd.

Tis true there were some who did not these  ways
Some who were not fooled by the promise of praise
These are the ones who we're  seeing in the Light
They're entering the Kingdom with robes sparkling bright.

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