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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Signs and Seasons

The trees have dropped their leaves and the colder weather's here
A quieter sounding universe is whispering sounds so dear
The Autumn's nearly ended and the winter winds are singing
No one really knows what this new season might be bringing.

The crows are singing loudly and the squirrels are gathering food
Creatures of every species are all preparing as they should
The earth is lightly covered by the golden leaves now  fallen
Something in the atmosphere is singing the end of pollen.

The skies are looking brighter and the stormy clouds are few
The golden rays of sunshine seem more radiant coming through
Something about the winter wind is bringing the ravens near
And the seasons that are changing are changing what we hear

So listen very carefully and take some  notice of whats around
Every season will have its message and every season its own sound
Every season will have its whisper and every season its own song
We can choose to be partakers and we can choose to sing along.

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