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Sunday, December 1, 2013

A star still keeps dancing

Sounds in the stores tell us the season and the time
But not because they're wanting to be part of a rhyme
They're wanting your money and are making good use
Of the holidays and the holy days: oh what an abuse.

See how they were hurrying to deck all of the halls:
Way before you had even got rid of  your beach balls?
Use to be Thanksgiving when they were ready to start;
But now,  it's before Halloween:  they haven't a heart!

Not that there's anything wrong with the spending of money
But when you're herded like cattle that makes my eyes runny
The sign of the dollar and the busy sound of a machine
Is what Mall owners and runners think Christmas must mean

But, where is the baby Jesus and the ole Bethlehem stall?
Its out there being decorated  and being sold in the mall
Not like anything we've read of and  not like anything we've heard
Christmas has become something that's outside of the Word

Yet out in the night sky somewhere way up there high
A star still keeps dancing though many years have passed by
It's the star of the Christ child that keeps calling out to us all
Your Savior was born in a Stable and not in that shopping mall.

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