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Monday, December 2, 2013

Commercialized Christians

Here is a dilemma that I found myself in
Someone was claiming I didn't have religion
Yet they with their labels had enabled me to see
That religion without love just could never be

Yes they were out fasting and always in the pew
But when Sunday came around they were criticizing you
They had all of the faith of and were saved as could be
Yet loving and the accepting was something I didn't see

No matter the hours and the days without end
They could never accept me I couldn't be their friend
Their friendship was only for the privileged and the elite
Their worship was restricted and was for the discreet.

They shouted out their slogans and said all their "Amens"
But would never reach out to me:  they had their defense:
There'd  be papers to sign and some agreements to make
If I were to be one of them  there'd be vows I must take

Is this all the same stuff that I was reading about?
In the Gospel of Jesus you were not required to shout
Rather He was so inviting so accepting of the poor
The prostitute and sinner even walked through His door.

He didn't single them out for a congregation to see
The sinners and the saints were all loved so equally
What a long way  from the stable and the Cross
We're commercialized Christians : O what a loss.

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