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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Silent Night Holy Night: what wonders you will know

They hadn't any room for them, for that humble travelling pair
For the census had been taking place and people were everywhere
Mary and Joseph would travel on; they knew the time was near
"There is no room for you with us" was the only thing they'd hear

Silent night holy night what wonders you will know
The Creator of the universe has come to earth below

The night was cold and damp and dark and chilled them deep within
They knew they had to hurry up:  the birth was soon to begin
Despite the coldness of that night and the painful words they heard
Mary and Joseph kept the  faith  and called to mind God's word

Silent night holy night what wonders you will know
The Creator of the universe has come to earth below

Finally finding a willing man who would open  up to them a place
Mary and Joseph settled down and blessed that manger space
Strewn about was straw and hay  and a stench was in the air
Animals greeted them with a grunt and watched the two in prayer

Silent night holy night what wonders you will know
The Creator of the universe has come to earth below

The  moment had come for God's own Son to see the world outside
And Mary gave birth to her baby Boy and with tears of joy she cried
Wrapping Him up in swaddling clothes and laying Him in some hay
Mary and Joesph looked upon their Babe  who created the day.

Silent night holy night what wonders you will know
The Creator of the universe has come to earth below

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