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Monday, November 7, 2011

Needing an angel

Tonight is one of those nights, when my nerves are very raw.
My insides are   shaken up and  memories return to gnaw.
I'm  trying to free myself from these feelings deep inside;
The closer I come to that  date the more I want to  hide.

I know I must change my focus to turn my thoughts around;
But the fears are so overpowering no quiet place can be found
I'm feeling so very helpless, like an earthquake is underway:
Everything I want to  hold on to is slowly slipping away.

My heart is racing inside me, pain joins the panic inside.
I'm finding it hard to breathe with worries from every side.
I know I will make it through this; but this is surely a night
When the elements will have their way I wont put up a fight

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