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Thursday, January 23, 2014

You never saw inability....

You never saw my inability
Or spoke of my disability
But chose to see the possibility
And led me to the best in me..

Though I stumbled through the day
And fumbled for the words to say
You were there to lead the way
And moved the obstacles away

You never saw my inability
Or spoke of my disability
But chose to see the possibility
And led me to the best in me..

When the others jeered at me
And spoke of how I could not see
You took my hand and walked along
And brought me hope where there was wrong

You never saw my inability
Or spoke of my disability
But chose to see the possibility
And led me to the best in me

Now I can look and  I do not see
The wrong and broken things in me
But rather can see the possibility
Because you took the time with me

You never saw my inability
Or spoke of my disability
But chose to see the possibility
And led me to the best in me

It's not important now to me
What some others seem to  fail to see
Because I carry potentiality
And that will never cease to be.

You never saw my inability
Or spoke of my disability
But chose to see the possibility
And led me to the best in me

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Thank you for your comment.. you are dear to me.. I will reply to this comment