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Monday, January 13, 2014


Sometimes the days seem cloudy and then the sun comes out for all
You begin to look for the rainbows but then the rains begin to fall
Not everything can be  sunshine and not everything can be rain
You'll have those moments of laughter and also those moments of pain.

Sometimes you're wanting some sweetness but you end up with all the sour
And at times you're wanting to hurry up but then find you must wait an hour
Life throws out to us the challenges we least likely would ever choose
Things seem to be appearing dreadful but then they becomes the  good news

Life is a mixture of elements and many colors make up  this world of ours
There is a light for the daytime and for the night time there are many stars
Everything about the universe seems to be the pairing up of   the opposites.
What seems for others to be out of place for  others are perfect fits

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