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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

There's a beauty

There's a beauty; there's a wonder, there are untold views of love
There's a  wisdom; there's a vision; there are echoes from above
There are mountains; there are valleys;  there are crevices deep and wide
There are deserts;  there are meadows;  there's an eternity outside.

There are flowers; there are creatures;  there's a landscape to unfold
There are breezes; there are rainstorms; there's a morning star so gold
There are sunsets; there's a night sky; there's an early morning glow
There's a creation; there's a universe; there is so much love to know.

There's a whisper;  there's a heartbeat; there's a life that's coming to be
There's a mystery, there's a Creator;  there's a moment for you and me
There's a silence;  there's a hushing; there is a spirit that moves us all
There is a binding, there's a unity, there's a Oneness that is our call

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