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Friday, January 24, 2014

I will learn to be still

I will learn to be silent and I will learn to be still
I will  listen to wisdom and I will silence my will
With all of the universe I will try to unite
For all of us are one in the Infinite One's sight.

I will wrestle with musings and taste of the light
I will touch upon secrets kept hidden from  sight
In the absence of wanderings: in the vacuum of love
I will learn of the mysteries that fall from above.

I will keep myself busy in  the gardens within
And run from the noises that keep wearing me thin
I will sing with the sparrows and hum with the wind
For there's always a symphony just waiting to begin

Come listen to this melody and sing with the wind
Come taste of the sweetness;  let freedom begin
Let go of the yesterdays: we'll start with today
So much has been waiting; it's coming your way.

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