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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Shake off the shackles...

Oh, couldn't we all be a little bit more kinder
And to the faults of others be a little bit  more blinder
Wouldn't it be possible to  reach out to all  with love
And get rid of the class separation we keep speaking of?

What's wrong with spending a little bit more quality time
With the hurting person who isn't costing us a cent or dime
Why is it that we are so slow to be there for the broken one
Are we not able to go beyond what has already been done?

The world is weeping beneath the sound of our hurried pace
We pass through this life as though it were some sort of race
We miss so much of the beauty that's in our atmosphere
Because we're plugged into the nonsense; we simply cannot hear.

How about breaking the routine of run around for just one day
And change up the schedule that seems to keep getting in our way
Shake off the shackles of should dos and it's never been done
Allow yourself the freedom of being the first one to touch the Sun

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