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Monday, July 2, 2018

Thoughts and more thoughts.

The hours  are ticking away and slowly the new dawn
Slips into the activities, like the squirrels upon the lawn
For beautiful though she be, there are the have to's to be done
and the memories of this morning will be silenced by our run...

So I savor them: every moment, every second of this grace
That puts me into her arms like a child in some safe place
Resting inside her quietness and basking inside of her light
I bid this sacred princess to share with me some inner sight..

These mimosas of the morn are not found inside some book;
But await our inner gaze as we jump inside to look
At the questions of the heart, that beats with rarest joy
Whenever we are included in these sweet seconds that deploy..

Immeasurable in the value, these jewel-lets of sacred ryhme
Put us into a pause that cannot be held by space or time
And  transcending the rules of dimensions and ever measured pace
We breathe inside the Eternal the effects of lasting grace..

Time is our own creation and it ceases to be above
So let us use it for God's glory and learn to live and love
Every creature and every moment; every element far and near
Until we arrive at our completion for, for each other we are here...

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