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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Stand up for the red, the white, the blue...

In this land, so bold and free
Where we celebrate our liberty
We should stop and consider well
We're not free ..can't you tell...

The media and the press
Hold us captive, and create stress
And though we cannot really see
We're all locked up: both  you and me..

The rights we fought to acquire
Are all destroyed by the global liar
Who, in an instant, can train our mind
To believe whatever it claims to find..

Would that we could walk away
From all of the gossip of the day
Oh .. we'd be quickly criticized
And from all our circles ostracized..

When the evil one is able to deceive
Creating divisions without reprieve..
We know it deep inside our heart
A revolution is soon to start...

Love for the foreigner is all good
When we love our country as we should
But how pitiful is the day
When we let the foreigner destroy our way

Today I am challenging each of  you
To stand up for the red, the white, the blue
And as our freedom was bravely bought
Strive to create unity like you ought..

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