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Saturday, July 14, 2018

In my hands, I do hold

In my hands, I do hold,
All of God's healing, I am told..
Yet, I am hesitant and I am afraid
So all of God's work for me is delayed

The brokenhearted are at my door
Seeking a handout, and something more
But they are waiting, and waiting long
For my spirit to become more strong

In my hands, I do hold,
All of God's healing, I am told..
Yet, I am hesitant and I am afraid
So all of God's work for me is delayed

The troubled spirits and the deranged
Are walking alone,  like souls estranged
But people flee them and people try
To avoid their encounter: oh my, oh my...

In my hands, I do hold,
All of God's healing, I am told..
Yet, I am hesitant and I am afraid
So all of God's work for me is delayed

With all of my vision, I  can see
All of the wounded of humanity
The poor, the orphaned...the undefined
Are some of those, who are now in  line..

In my hands, I do hold,
All of God's healing, I am told..
Yet, I am hesitant and I am afraid
So all of God's work for me is delayed

The sounds, the echoes...of my past
Are in my spirit and on full blast
They seek to stifle and to disrupt
But God's grace keeps saying  "I am enough"

In my hands, I do hold,
All of God's healing, I am told..
Yet, I am hesitant and I am afraid
So all of God's work for me is delayed

These words, these lyrics, of this song
They are also sing along
Today's the day ..the new start of you
Doing all that you were meant to do...

In my hands, I do hold,
All of God's healing, I am told..
Yet, I am hesitant and I am afraid
So all of God's work for me is delayed

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