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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

God's love displayed

The cicadas are singing ..the sparrows are too
A whole ensemble of melodies is now coming through..
For the morning has awakened, with vibrancy and joy
Can you hear all the lyrics of the songs she deploys..

Before all of the mugginess, or the heat of the day;
The sweet wind is whispering, a coolness my way..
She's singing out her symphonies, through all come her voice:
Our dear Mother Earth is offering to all of us a choice..

To sit down and to savor it: the loveliness sublime
We  are all being invited if we just make some time..
It isn't at all burdensome or a taxing thing to do..
Will you take time this morning or this evening .. will you?

A few minutes in  the daylight or a few moments each night
Can serve to refresh us; if we figure things right
For the plant-lets and the creatures and the trees with their shade
Are empowered with a mission:  to be God's love displayed

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