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Friday, July 6, 2018

He drank his life away...

He drank his life away.. yet he had it under control
This is what he said ... when the questions started to roll
A little bit won't hurt you . it helps me to calm down
When they carried him away empty bottles were all around

And he loved to drink his wiskey and he loved his finest wine
Whenever you'd go to visit .. he tempt you all the time
With another type of  liquor:  a margarita or a gin
He had a big variety .. it was killing him deep within

He drank his life away.. yet he had it under control
This is what he said.. when the questions started to roll
A little bit won't hurt you . it helps me to calm down
When they carried him away empty bottles were all around

Soon he'd seemed to struggle with the words he wanted to say
He never could understand it.. what was eating his brain away
But the liquid inside the glasses.. he poured when he got home
Were the demons he'd never acknowledge yet they did freely roam

He drank his life away.. yet he had it under control
This is what he said.. when the questions started to roll
A little bit won't hurt you . it helps me to calm down
When they carried him away empty bottles were all around

It seems to be so acceptable a very cultural thing to do
For all of the major networks are advertising it to me and you:
The bottles of the Ole Jack Daniels the Michelobs and Miller lite
Never get followed up by the medical warnings or some insight...

He drank his life away.. yet he had it under control
This is what he said.. when the questions started to roll
A little bit won't hurt you . it helps me to calm down
When they carried him away empty bottles were all around

Why was it he poured those glasses of liquor so many times
He had everything he'd ever wanted but must we read between the lines
He was trying to cover up some something that he could never tell
So he smiled beneath that whiskey and that bottle that made him swell

He drank his life away.. yet he had it under control
This is what he said.. when the questions started to roll
A little bit won't hurt you . it helps me to calm down
When they carried him away empty bottles were all around

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