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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The world is broken Lord...

The world is broken Lord;
it is  broken up into so many little pieces
People are hating Lord and this hatred is worse
than any of our worst diseases
Why can't we get along Lord
and why can't we stop fighting with one another
We are a family Lord; yet you never know this
by what we are doing to each other

And my eyes,  they keep  running, Lord, with the tears of all the nations
With every injustice and with the sighs and cries of everyone's frustrations
If only I could speak to them Lord the way You spoke to them so long ago
I would tell them all that  this hatred and   this fighting has to go..

Whether its on TV Lord or inside some dispute
that I am witnessing along the way
Your love has become an intrusion
that so many have pushed aside by what they say
But it isn't right Lord for us Your children
to ignore the world and its many needs
We have become Your followers but not beyond our words
and certainly not in any outward deeds

And my eyes,  they keep  running, Lord, with the tears of all the nations
With every injustice and with the sighs and cries of everyone's frustrations
If only I could speak to them Lord the way You spoke to them so long ago
I would tell them all that  this hatred and   this fighting has to go..

This world has forgotten Lord it has forgotten
those first days in the garden of Eden
Where we were fashioned and provided with everything
we could need or have ever have eaten
All of the beautifulness and all of the awesomeness
with which You formed us so long ago
We have traded away now for something the diabolic has promised
would help our happiness grow

And my eyes,  they keep  running, Lord, with the tears of all the nations
With every injustice and with the sighs and cries of everyone's frustrations
If only I could speak to them Lord the way You spoke to them so long ago
I would tell them all that  this hatred and   this fighting has to go..

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