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Sunday, July 1, 2018

News Flash...

Our time, here,  is too short for us to fuss or fight
We have all these moments, here, to share our light
Robed in the greatest of God,  we can always give
This warring world, our reasons, to peaceably live...

See, how many there are, who fail to really see...
Our reason for being here, our ultimate destiny..
Caught up in the foolishness of our present day
We stumble and fall, over the things,  that clutter our way..

Just enough to be .. is all we ever really  need
Yet so many gather around the fields of endless greed
Would that we could fully understand ...what true happiness is...
We would all stop trying to acquire such an abundant-ness

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Joy. We should live our lives peacefully, and lots fail to see this could be a source of their serenity! I loved the first quatrain - your faith shines. I liked the rest of the piece too. There seem to be too many distractions for us in life, causing strife to a man and his wife from seeing the light, with Jesus shining bright with all of his God given might. Their is so much greed in the world with plenty not sharing their wealth to the needy and vulnerable. I enjoyed reading, well done. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.


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