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Monday, July 9, 2018

The storms we need

 The rain is creating her own melody
 Of soothing-ness and serenity
 Soaking the earth parched and dry
 And leaving her the sky

 The skies all graying produce their lights
 Of awe inspiring lightning strikes
 They flash, they fizzle, they move so quick
 Heavens own version of the neon stick..

 All glowing and shaking, the skies above
 Thunder with echoes of limitless love
 Ominously rumbling with its frightening sound
 Thunder is helping the earth and the ground

 And after all these storms, so loud and clear
 A sign in the skies is reminding us all here
 That shaking and trembling may take over our land
But we will be okay again: do you understand ?

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