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Friday, March 9, 2012

Somehow it was ok for mom to beat her up

Her little brother had fallen again, she knew what would happen now
Mom would punish her most severely as if it were her fault somehow
Seems like every time she turned around she was being hit and hit
She never knew what she could do;  mom's anger would never  quit.

She walked around afraid of life worrying when she'd be hurt  again
Everything she did was wrong mom made everything out to be  sin
Yet somehow it was okay for mom to beat her up and make her cry
That was never a wrong or sin; she couldn't help but wonder why

The kids at school would laugh at her because she dressed so poor
They hurt her by the words they said her little heart was broke and tore
She was just a casualty mom  hated to have and she suffered much for this
Mom made her feel how hated she was denying her even a motherly kiss.


  1. Love n hugs sweet Joy ♥ Sending Love ♥

  2. Thanks dear Kim..I need that.. am a little exhausted.. but have everyone in my heart.. Joy


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