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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

For my Therapist .. updated

I wanted to write a little poem  for my
therapist sweet and kind
Who is taking time to teach me ways
to free my heart and mind
Little by little shes helping me
to get better day by day
Teaching me to understand myself
and why I am this way.

First I must learn to say to self
that I am not so bad at all
Then I should retreat to a safer place
Whenever bad memories call
Next I must keep my boundaries
Not allow hurtful things to come in
Then I must remember my coping skills
when bad feelings should begin

 Patiently, she is helping me
to calm my troubled mind
My therapist is assisting me
with methods , so caring and kind
If you should be needing therapy
I hope that you will find
Someone like my therapist
To heal your fragile mind.

In this spot I thank my “T”
for guidlng me along the way
For taking time and caring enough
To show me a brigher way.
Words cannot ever say everything
but I wanting you to know
You are working miracles in me
even though I am going slow.

With grateful love and gratitude,


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