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Saturday, March 30, 2019

All around

Little violets in the ground
Speaking beauty without sound..
Reaching Heavenward shining bright
in their presence we delight

Busy ant-lets one by one
Moving marching ..getting it done
Ever dilgent always there
God's cool cleaners everywhere

Budding plant-lets.. stretching high
Taking nourishment from the sky
Returning sustenance: all  we need
God is providing through plant and seed

Carefree creatures romp and play
They're delightful..I must say
Jumping, poking, prodding around
They share freely what they've found...

Morning sunshine nightly moon
Each will come but not too soon
One starts bringing day its light
The other brightens up the night.

If we ponder it: all  around
So much beauty could be found
Creatures, plant-lets; moon and sun
Mountains ,,oceans.. everyone..

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