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Monday, March 25, 2019

When times are tough

Things will get better; just, you wait and see
God is still God ..even in the midst of tragedy
He will help you and guide you and give you His love
Nothing is too burdensome for the good God above

Remember and consider:  How blessed you really are
He's present, ever present: like a bright shining star..
He's loving and caring and ever ready to give
Our God is your best friend for as long as you live

When schedules seem toggled and you want to fret and cry
Just remember who is the Keeper of all the earth and sky
Nothing, oh nothing, could ever come to be
Without His Divine Presence protecting you and me..

Remember and consider:  How blessed you really are
He's present, ever present: like a bright shining star..
He's loving and caring and ever ready to give
Our God is your best friend for as long as you live

At times you may feel helpless like nothing's going right
Your eyes are all swollen from crying day and night
Just know this within you that God is everywhere
And He's ready, ever ready to take you into His care...

Remember and consider:  How blessed you really are
He's present, ever present: like a bright shining star..
He's loving and caring and ever ready to give
Our God is your best friend for as long as you live

So call Him and talk to Him and give Him everything
He'll listen and love you and help your heart to sing
There's nothing oh nothing you really need to fear
When God is your best friend your Rescuer is ever near

Remember and consider:  How blessed you really are
He's present, ever present: like a bright shining star..
He's loving and caring and ever ready to give
Our God is your best friend for as long as you live

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