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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Remember to love..

In each of the moments of every single day
God has sent you His angels to brighten your  way
You were never abandoned, and your were never alone.
You are in God's family .and this you should own

In all of the good times and in all of the bad
God's angels will remind you ..of all that you have had
Everything you're needing and all that is good:
Our God has given freely: like a good Father should

So count now your blessing and remember them all
Let nothing escape you matter how small
In all of that you're doing and all that you say
Remember God's angels are with you each day

Do nothing that is hateful and remember to love
God wants us to be always...His gifts from above
Like angels on missions with everything to give
We are His ambassadors for as long as we live....

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