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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Today, tomorrow, and ever after.....

From my heart, I will sing it: all the love I have for you
For You have created and made it present. everything it is true
The sky,  the sea, the earth, the air: and all that eye can see
You have fashioned, called it out.. and willed it all to be

So I thank You Lord this morning; I thank You now, for it all:
Every moment, every hour, for every thing I can recall
For You are loving and deserving and are The One most High
Today, tomorrow and ever after: with gratitude I'll cry..

When, in evening, after working: I take some time and pause;
I will recall it, all inside me Your caring-ness..without flaws
Throughout the morning.. until my sleeping and even after I retire
You are present and ever watching: lest without You:  I should expire

So I thank You Lord this morning; I thank You now,for it all:
Every moment, every hour, for every thing I can recall
For You are loving and deserving and are The One most High
Today, tomorrow and ever after: with gratitude I'll cry.

In those moments, trying moments, when all the world seems bleak
I will hurry up and hasten to Your Throne, with love to speak
For all my worries .. all my sorrows .. all my doubts whatever they may be
Are ever present in Your wisdom: You will help and deliver me..

So I thank You Lord this morning; I thank You now,for it all:
Every moment, every hour, for every thing I can recall
For You are loving and deserving and are The One most High
Today, tomorrow and ever after: with gratitude I'll cry..

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