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Saturday, March 9, 2019

No one would bother to help him..

A man was laying all broken on the street one busy day
Someone had left him beaten and quickly sped away
Many had passed him by; but there was no one to pay him heed
Wasn't  there anybody out there to help him in his need

No one would bother to help him, though many passed him by
A preacher and a lawyer and even a rich man didn't try
A stranger from another illegal immigrant
Reached down to lift him up from his awful predicament.

To the local hospital the samaritan carried him away
Without another thought he gave his credential so he could pay
Not knowing how much it would be or how long that he'd be there
He left with these instructions .. bill my card for all his care

No one would bother to help him, though many passed him by
A preacher and a lawyer and even a rich man didn't try
A stranger from another illegal immigrant
Reached down to lift him up from his awful predicament.

So many more would have left him like the others from that day
Had not this kindly stranger taken a detour along his way
The colorful panorama or the wealthiness of the town..
Couldn't change the bleak reminder: of how much unkindness could be found

No one would bother to help him, though many passed him by
A preacher and a lawyer and even a rich man didn't try
A stranger from another illegal immigrant
Reached down to lift him up from his awful predicament.

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